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South India Temples

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A temple is the dwelling of the Gods and a place of worship. This also remains a solemn structure dedicated for religious activities.

Our country can very well be called ‘the land of the temples’, where innumerable Hindu temples dot the landscape. Many of these are very ancient and some are also massive in size and grand in appearance. These were designed, constructed and are being maintained, based on sound spiritual principles enunciated in the ancient texts including the Vedas and Upanishads. The Hindu temples stand as the very symbol of the values and beliefs steeped in the Indian culture and ethos for the past thousands of years. Patronized generously by the rulers in the olden times, these temples also stood as a sign of their regal power and might, apart from being the embodiments of arts and architecture.

Though held equally sacred, temples in different regions have their own distinct structural styles. With towering spires, breathtaking workmanship and intricate carvings, South Indian temples stand tall among the structures of their kind and remain a class of their own. Raised in the Dravidian style of architecture, their Shikaras are generally in the shape of pyramids that converge in a Kalasa, the pot at the top.

Whatever be the region or the structure, a visit to any of these magnificent institutions is sure to appeal deeply to anyone’s spiritual, religious and aesthetic senses and take one to sublime heights.

Read more about South Indian Temples