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Weekly Fasting

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Weekly Fasting

‘Fasting’ refers to refraining from food or at least from some types of food items. Known also as Vrat or Upavas, this has its bodily advantages, as the digestive system can rest and start functioning better. It is, however, the spiritual benefits that are really overwhelming. It is the role that fasting plays in the cleansing of one’s consciousness that bestows it with profound significance.

Fasting on a particular weekday is one of the important forms of Vrat that people resort to. Each of the weekdays is actually ruled by a planet and is also dedicated to a deity. Fasting on a particular day is believed to propitiate the planet and the deity concerned and earn their blessings for the devotees.

We at AstroVed, have studied all aspects with respect to Weekly Fasting, detailed all the important features like the significance of each weekday, legend associated, fasting procedure and the benefits accrued, and have presented them in our website lucidly for your easy reference. We request you to study them with care, identify the one most that is relevant for your requirement, observe austerities as specified therein, offer sincere prayers to the Gods and get divine blessings for your welfare.

Read more about weekly fasting