Aadi Pooram on Aug. 7, 2024 : Invoke Andal's Blessings for the Family & a Better Life Order Now
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Free Tools

The Universe and the richness of Hindu sacred texts have presented us with a diversity of tools to study and understand our lives. Though the happenings in our lives are predetermined, we can predict them with Vedic predictive techniques.

AstroVed presents you with the necessary free tools right from writing your birth chart to predictions for any Dosha (affliction) such as Naga (snake), Manglik (Mars), and Pitru (ancestral) in it. You can also take a free quiz to learn about your personality from your birth star. The tool Sade Sati lets you know if you are undergoing the 71/2 period of Saturn in your birth chart and appropriate predictions for your Moon sign.

Hora Watch is a tool that displays the present Hora, the ruling planet, and deity to be worshipped during the Hora. Horoscope matching is a free tool that helps you understand the compatibility between the prospective bride and groom by comparing their birth charts. Name Calculator is a tool that enables you to find if your name is favorable for you.

With our free tool – Daily Horoscope, we offer daily predictions for your Moon sign and help plan your day ahead. The tool Dasa/Bhukti can furnish you the details of the major and minor planet influencing your life. You can take corrective actions based on what the ruling planet indicates for that particular period. Numerology, Gemstones, and Lucky Colors & Lucky Numbers are other free tools, which help you to know about yourself based on your birthday and your lucky stones, colors, and numbers that can make you successful every day.

Browse through our Free Mobile Apps for Virtual Pooja, Mantra Chanting, Priest Services, and more.

Take advantage of these free tools that help you receive the divine blessings and enrich your life.

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