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Shiva Virtual Pooja

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About Shiva

Lord Shiva is the archetype of Universal Consciousness, the primordial energy responsible for all possibilities. He is the embodiment of five elements of Nature such as Water, Earth, Air, Fire and Space from which everything is born and to which everything returns. He is the archetype who removes our karma.

Shiva Virtual Pooja

Who Can Perform Shiva Pooja?

Apart from his devotees who feel naturally connected to him with special reverence, others who can pray to him for specific blessings to:

  • Dissolve karma and clear all hindrances created due to mental blockages by returning to the source of creation.
  • Succeed in your endeavors.
  • If you are undergoing a difficult period due to the malefic of any of the 9 planets.
  • Develop courage and intelligence required for gaining success.
  • Blessed with good health and happiness.

Blessings of Shiva Pooja

Praying to Lord Shiva online can bring the following benefits:

  • Protect you from the affliction of planets like the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Rahu are not placed well in your horoscope
  • Instill positive energy, courage, and intelligence to gain success
  • Remove negative energies that cause diseases, unproductive thoughts, negative emotions and enmity
  • Impart strength of character and help grow spiritual intelligence
  • Bless you with health, happiness, and stability in profession and relationships
When Should You Shiva Virtual Pooja

Lord Shiva can be worshipped on 13th Moon and on Mondays.

Fire Lab or Shiva Pooja:

You can also participate in real time Shiva homa or pooja performed with elaborate rituals amidst Vedic chants by priests in India.

Mythology behind Archetype Shiva

Lord Shiva is the archetype that represents the pure Cosmic energy and the pure consciousness it holds. Therefore, he is formless, omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. He is considered as the one who destroys patterns of energy to recreate a new one. Archetype Shiva is the representation of primordial energy from which everything was born and to which everything in the universe will disintegrate into. He is depicted in Puranas to live on Mount Kailash with his wife Parvati and two sons Ganesha and Kartikeya.

Shiva is one among the Hindu Trinity apart from Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma. Once Brahma and Vishnu argued over who is the most powerful of them. When they were engaged in this altercation, Shiva appeared between them as a huge column of fire. They tried to find out the beginning and the end of the column but could not. Brahma flew upwards by transforming himself into a swan while Vishnu traveled downwards by transforming himself into a boar. They remained unsuccessful even after days of traveling to find the beginning and end points of the column or the huge linga. Brahma found a Ketaki flower and requested it to tell a lie, that he has seen the end of the column. The flowers verdict would bring him victory over Vishnu because he could not find the beginning of the fire column. Upon doing so, Shiva appeared from the central part of the pillar and cursed Brahma that no temples will be built for him and people will not worship him too. He passes the curse to the flower as well, by making it unsuitable and ineligible for worship. Both, Vishnu and Brahma recognized Shiva’s supremacy.

Connect With The Divine

The sacred scriptures prescribe fire ceremony, Abishekam (hydration ceremony), Pooja/Archana (Light and Sound ceremony), Yantra and Mantra (special sounds) as the ways to offer your prayer to the divine. Out of these, fire ceremony is the most evolved spiritual technology on earth to connect with the divine beings. Participate in the remedial services to clear your karma and receive the blessings.

Shiva Fire Lab

Lord Shiva represents the cosmic energy of life. He governs death and dissolution. When you appease him, he blesses you with longevity, peace, good health and strength to fight against negative forces.

Shiva Yantra

Lord Shiva represents the cosmic energy of life. He governs death and dissolution. When you appease him, he blesses you with longevity, peace, good health and strength to fight against negative forces.

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