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Ketu Virtual Pooja

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About Ketu:

Ketu Virtual Pooja

Ketu is the South Lunar node where Moon intersects Earth’s elliptical path around the Sun. Ketu is represented in mythology as the immortal body of a demon without a head. Ketu turns reckless when uncontrolled or badly placed in the chart. It can cause emotional disturbances creating problems in marital or professional relationships. According to Vedic Astrology, Ketu can reduce self-confidence and bring destruction. The nodal planet is capable of bringing dissatisfaction, detachment, and confusion in relationships. Archetype Lord Ganesha is the planetary overlord of Ketu.

Who Should Perform Ketu Pooja

According to Vedic astrology texts, if

  • Under Ketu Dasa (Major Period of Ketu)
  • Under Ketu Bhukti (Minor Period of Ketu)
  • Ketu is not well-placed in your birth chart
  • A birth chart has Kala Sarpa Dosha (All planets hemmed between Rahu and Ketu)
  • Enjoy material comforts, prosperity and cultivate a good vision of life
  • Acquire a good level of concentration power
  • Acquire confidence to overcome negative emotions like fear and worries for the future
  • Ability to overcome negative influences or enemies
  • Recovery from illnesses and develop good health
  • Recovery from infectious diseases like leprosy
  • Being pushed to be motivated for spiritual growth and self-realization
  • Overcoming threats of imprisonment and accidents
  • Finding relief from drug addiction and other illnesses

Time To Perform Ketu Virtual Pooja

Sunday 12: 00 Noon to 1:30 PM
Monday 10: 30 AM to 12: 00 Noon
Tuesday 9: 00 AM to 10: 30 AM
Wednesday 7: 30 AM to 9: 30 AM
Thursday 6:00 AM to 7:30 AM
Friday 3:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Saturday 1: 30 PM to 3:00 PM
Ketu Fire Lab or Ketu Pooja:

You can also participate in real time Ketu homa or pooja performed with elaborate rituals amidst Vedic chants by priests in India.

Connect With The Divine

The sacred scriptures prescribe fire ceremony, Abishekam (hydration ceremony), Pooja/Archana (Light and Sound ceremony), Yantra and Mantra (special sounds) as the ways to offer your prayer to the divine. Out of these, fire ceremony is the most evolved spiritual technology on earth to connect with the divine beings. Participate in the remedial services to clear your karma and receive the blessings.

Ketu Pooja

Participate in Ketu Pooja to increase your motivation for liberation and win over enemies.

Ketu Fire Lab

Participate in Ketu Fire Lab to get rid of the fear of not achieving and progressing in life.

Ketu Yantra

Keep Ketu yantra with you to increase motivation for liberation.

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