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Rahu Virtual Pooja

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About Rahu:

Rahu Virtual Pooja

Rahu is the North Lunar node where Moon intersects Earth’s elliptical path around the Sun. Rahu is represented in mythology as the immortal head of a demon without a body. Rahu is manipulative and influences people in a way that make them less emotional and more materialistic in nature. Rahu is capable of destroying or causing someone’s fall from position and can behave like Saturn to a certain extent. Archetype Durga is the overlord of Rahu.

Who Should Perform Rahu Pooja

According to Vedic astrology texts, if

  • Under Rahu Dasa (Major Period of Rahu)
  • Under Rahu Bhukti (Minor Period of Rahu)
  • Rahu is not well-placed in your birth chart
  • A birth chart has Kala Sarpa Dosha (All planets hemmed between Rahu and Ketu)

Blessings And Benefits On Performing Rahu Virtual Pooja

According to Vedic Astrology, connecting with Rahu can bestow you with the following benefits:

  • To be an innovator and generator of new ideas
  • Acquire wealth, power and fame
  • Attain good physical beauty
  • Gain positivity to fulfill your desires and ambitions
  • Getting rid of consequences from paternal karma
  • Getting over anxiety, frustration, suffering, and poverty
  • Recovering from infectious diseases like leprosy
  • Overcoming mental conditions of fear or suicidal tendencies
  • Overcoming delay in marriage and problems in childbirth
  • Finding victory over enmity and ignorance
  • Possessing determination to get what you want out of your life
When Should You Perform Rahu Virtual Pooja?

Virtual Rahu Pooja can be performed every day at Rahu times:

Sunday 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Monday 07:30 AM to 09:00 AM
Tuesday 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Wednesday 12:00 Noon to 1:30 PM
Thursday 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Friday 10:30 AM to 12:00 Noon
Saturday 09:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Rahu Fire Lab or Rahu Pooja:

You can also participate in real time Rahu homa or pooja performed with elaborate rituals amidst Vedic chants by priests in India.

Connect With The Divine

The sacred scriptures prescribe fire ceremony, Abishekam (hydration ceremony), Pooja/Archana (Light and Sound ceremony), Yantra and Mantra (special sounds) as the ways to offer your prayer to the divine. Out of these, fire ceremony is the most evolved spiritual technology on earth to connect with the divine beings. Participate in the remedial services to clear your karma and receive the blessings.

Rahu Pooja

Participate in Rahu Pooja to make your life stronger and convert your enemies into friends.

Rahu Fire Lab

Participate in Rahu Fire lab to control impulsive nature and over indulgence in material pleasure.

Rahu Yantra

Keep Rahu yantra with you to prevent from danger and protect from hidden enemies.

More Virtual Poojas