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Shravana Nakshatra

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July 21, 2024, Sunday


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Shravana ("Hearing") (280°00′ to 293°20′ Capricorn)

Looking up into the night sky, Shravana nakshatra consists of the stars Altair, Alshain and Tarazed. These three stars form the head of Aquila, the Eagle. The word Shravana translates as "hearing" and the symbol of this star is the ear. This is a nakshatra of listening and learning. Just as ancient cultures passed on knowledge through oral traditions, so also people born under Shravana nakshatra have a great ability to obtain knowledge through listening. The media and communication field are also associated with this nakshatra. Those born under Shravana constantly seek wisdom and often travel to foreign countries to further their education. These people have great focus for obtaining goals and complete all the projects they begin.


"Hearing", "The one who limps" (refers to Vishnu’s three steps)


“The Star of Learning Ear”


A Female Monkey

Ruling Deity of Moon










Tree: Common Name

Swallow Wort, Milk Weed, Erukku

Seed Sounds

Ju, Je, Jo, Gha (see Padas of Shravana)

Related Planets

Saturn rules of Capricorn and gives perseverance


An ear; three footprints in
an uneven row; a trident


Samhanana Shakti

Controlling Planet



Deva (god-like)


3, (related to new







Tree: Botanical Name

Calotropis gigantean 


Light Blue

Presiding Deity

Lord Vishnu, the preserver
of the universe

Sacred Energy Vortex

Thiruppaarkadal Sri Alarmel Mangai Samedha Sri Prasanna Venkatesa Perumal Temple

The sacred vortex associated with the energy of Shravana nakshatra is located in the village of Thiruppaarkadal in Tamil Nadu, India. The name Thiruppaarkadal represents the ambrosia and nectar that comes from the milky ocean. This name exudes the energy of Lord Vishnu, who is the ruler of Shravana. Lord Vishnu manifested as Sri Prasanna Venkatesa Perumal at this temple, where he is accompanied by his consort, Sri Alarmel Mangai.

This deity is rare as it embodies aspects of both Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. A pooja for a pot-like vessel containing nectar is conducted everyday at Thiruppaarkadal. The face of the vessel represents Lord Vishnu while the neck of the vessel is Lord Shiva. This offering assists those people who have lost their faith in the divine.

Those born under Shravana nakshatra, as well as those who are born under other stars, should worship here frequently. One should perform archana and abhishekham with milk, honey, ghee and sugar. This will bring blessings to manifest one’s desires. Those receiving the darshan of Sri Prasanna Venkatessa Perumal at Thiruppaarkadal will receive the bountiful energy from all of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu. It is also favorable to receive darshan on the third moon phase in order to assist the education of one’s children.

People who suffer from deafness or hearing problems should play instruments on Shravana day at Thiruppaarkadal Temple. Worshipping the energy of the sacred sounds enhances a person’s hearing capacity through Divine Grace. This temple is also an auspicious place for doctors who specialize in Otolaryngology (ears, nose and throat) to worship.

Shravana nakshatra natives, your incense is made with the herb Swallow Wort as prescribed by the Vedas.

Burning one of these pillars is like performing a mini fire ritual for that particular star formation. For your specific Birthstar, you will be able to connect inwardly to your planet of energetic origin and gain support with the positive aspects that are you.

Burning the other Nakshatra pillars on that specific Nakshatra day will tune you in with the favorable activities with that star’s energy for the day. It is recommended to at least burn your own personal Nakshatra pillar daily to stay connected to your essence. It is advantageous to burn the days Nakshatra pillar as well.

  • Great capacity for learning
  • success in foreign lands
  • lives a prosperous, balanced and modest life
  • ethical
  • studies scriptures and ancient knowledge
  • contemplative
  • drawn to working for social and humanitarian causes, vigilant to highest good
  • helps others transform their lives
  • has a good marriage and a helpful partner
  • articulate speaker, well-liked; cordial in business
  • creative
  • quick learner
  • knowledge to transcend the material world.

General Characteristics

 Prosperous, learned, wealthy, famous, and has a liberal-minded spouse.

Padas (quarters)

Each Nakshatra is divided into four quarters called padas that contain more specific characteristics of a person born in that pada (quarter):

First Pada Second Pada Third Pada Fourth Pada
280°00′ – 283°20′ in Capricorn
Navamsa sign: Aries
Soul Sound: Ju
Keyword: Ambition
283°20′ – 286°40′ in Capricorn
Navamsa sign: Taurs
Soul Sound: Je (Jay)
Keyword: Diplomacy
286°40′ – 290°00′ in Capricorn
Navamsa sign: Gemini
Soul Sound: Jo
Keyword: Communication
290°00′ – 293°20′ in Capricorn
Navamsa sign: Cancer
Soul Sound: Gha
Keyword: Receptive
Navagraha Homa and Nakshatra Shanti Homa)

Navagraha Homa and Nakshatra Shanti Homa

The Navagraha and Nakshatra Homa is a powerful ritual performed to alter the effects of karma accorded to you by the nine planets, thus changing the course of your destiny. Appeasing the nine planets and acquiring their blessings play a crucial role in resolving difficulties in day-to-day life and charting a course toward peace and happiness.

Learn More Details

Your birth star is the blueprint of your nature and traits. Read on to know the characteristics,
strengths and weaknesses and a lot more about yourself based on your birth star.