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Rohini Nakshatra

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Rohini nakshatra ("The Reddish One") (40°00′ to 53°20′ Taurus)

Rohini nakshatrais located entirely within the constellation of Taurus. In the night sky, it is comprised of the bright star known as Aldebaran (Alpha-Tauri). The name Rohini translates as the "The Reddish One" which signifies the passionate and abundant warmth of this star. The symbol of an ox cart reflects commerce, fertility, and the ability to carry goods or ideas. Brahma, the God of Creation, is the ruling deity who provides Rohini with a creative and materialistic nature.

People born under Rohini nakshatrahave great charisma and use their charm to get the attention of others. The fertile nature of this star helps those born under Rohini to achieve their goals as they have the capacity to express thoughts and materialize creations. The planetary influence of the Moon and Venus give this nakshatra the feminine qualities of receptivity and nourishment. Those born under Rohini have strong family values and an affinity for beauty, art and luxury.


"Reddish One" or "Growing One"


“The Star Of Ascent”


A Male Serpent

Ruling Deity of Moon

Goddess Parvati








Dhurva(Fixed, Permanent)

Tree: Common Name


Seed Sounds

O, Va, Vi, Vu (see Padas of Rohini)

Related Planets

Venus, as ruler of the Taurus.


An Ox Cart; Chariot

Star Energy

Rohana Shakti

Controlling Planet



Manusha (Human)









Tree: Botanical Name

Syzigium cumin



Presiding Deity

Brahma, the Creator of
the Universe

Sacred Energy Vortex

Kanchipuram Sri PandavaDhootha Sri Krishna Perumal

The temple that holds the greatest significance for Rohini nakshatra is located in the town of Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu, India. This temple is also in close proximity to the Kumarakkottam Sri Murugan temple as well as the Sri Kamakshi Amman temple.

Rohini Devi attained enlightenment by offering prayers to Lord Krishna with complete devotion. Each of the 27 nakshatras is a wife of the Moon, but Rohini Devi was the very first to marry the Moon. She received this marriage blessing after standing on one toe of her right foot for eons at the Thaanthreeswarar Temple. Rohini also made offerings and prayers to Lord Krishna at the Sri PandavaDhootha Sri Krishna temple in Kanchipuram. After this Rohini, received true insight and divine realization with the darshan of Lord Krishna, who embodied the entire universe.

The Mahabharatha tells the story of Duriyodhana, who was trying to cunningly overpower Lord Krishna. Duriyodhana attempted to trick Lord Krishna so that he could easily kill him. Lord Krishna, a master of illusion, played along, but before Duriyodhana could trick him, Lord Krishna revealed his true cosmic nature in the form of Sri PandavaDhootha Perumal. Lord Krishna sits 30 feet tall at this auspicious temple and bestows his grace while embodying the whole universe.

Those born under Rohini nakshatra should visit this temple at least once in their lifetime to make offerings to Lord Krishna. It is recommended to offer food to the poor people at the temple as a remedy for karma with friends and family. Krishna’s favorite foods include Adai (rice cakes), Murukku (rice donut) and Seedai (rice, coconut and sesame sweet). It is also suggested to walk around the temple, from the left to the right, and carry a ghee lamp as a remedy to relieve sorrow. This is a temple of abundance and visiting on Rohini Day or Ashtami tithi will bring great benefits of prosperity.

Rohini nakshatranatives, your incense is made with the herb Jamun as prescribed by the Vedas.

Burning one of these pillars is like performing a mini fire ritual for that particular star formation. For your specific Birthstar, you will be able to connect inwardly to your planet of energetic origin and gain support with the positive aspects that are you.

Burning the other Nakshatra pillars on that specific Nakshatra day will tune you in with the favorable activities with that star’s energy for the day. It is recommended to at least burn your own personal Nakshatra pillar daily to stay connected to your essence. It is advantageous to burn the days Nakshatra pillar as well.

  • Lovely appearance
  • respectable leader
  • charming
  • responsible
  • helpful
  • friendly
  • truthful
  • healthy
  • socialite
  • goal oriented
  • gentle
  • soothing voice
  • morally oriented
  • inner strength
  • affects others
  • balanced mind
  • fixed in purpose
  • well-educated
  • financially strong
  • dutiful to the family
  • gifted at arts

General Characteristics

Truthful; generous; handsome; polite in conversation; unwavering views and thoughts; focused on spiritual liberation

Padas (quarters)

Each Nakshatra is divided into four quarters called padas that contain more specific characteristics of a person born in that pada (quarter):

First Pada Second Pada Third Pada Fourth Pada
40° 00′ to 43° 20′ in Taurus 
Navamsa sign: Aries
Soul Sound: O
Keyword: Passion
43° 20′ to 46° 40′ in Taurus
Navamsa sign: Taurs
Soul Sound: Va
Keyword: Abundance
46° 40′ to 50° 00′ in Taurus
Navamsa sign: Gemini
Soul Sound: Vi
Keyword: Resilience 
50° 00′ to 53° 20′ in Taurus
Navamsa sign: Cancer
Soul Sound: Vu
Keyword: Comfort
Navagraha Homa and Nakshatra Shanti Homa)

Navagraha Homa and Nakshatra Shanti Homa

The Navagraha and Nakshatra Homa is a powerful ritual performed to alter the effects of karma accorded to you by the nine planets, thus changing the course of your destiny. Appeasing the nine planets and acquiring their blessings play a crucial role in resolving difficulties in day-to-day life and charting a course toward peace and happiness.

Learn More Details

Your birth star is the blueprint of your nature and traits. Read on to know the characteristics,
strengths and weaknesses and a lot more about yourself based on your birth star.