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Moon Sign Calculator

Moon Sign Calculator

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What is a Moon Sign Calculator?

The Moon Sign Calculator helps you identify your Moon sign and helps you understand it’s effect on you and your personality. You must give inputs on your date, time, and place of birth and one can deduct your Moon sign and the effects. The Moon Sign Calculator determines which zodiac sign the Moon was placed in at the time of a person’s birth.


The Moon sign is very important in Vedic Astrology and the Moon is the most important planet in a birth chart as it determines the Janma Nakshatra (birth star). According to Vedic Astrology, the Moon is a reflection of a person’s mind. A person’s attitude and actions are determined by the planet Moon and it’s placement in the Kundli (horoscope).

Normally, a birth star is analyzed through the Moon sign as it is indicative of the person’s mental stability. The Moon God is a representative of the mind and is the second most important planet in astrology. The Moon reflects the emotions and feelings and can give emotional stability and balance if one reveres the Moon God.

While the Sun is a representative of the soul, the Moon is a representative of the mind. The Sun expresses your external personality while the Moon reflects your instinctive and unconscious reactions.

Characteristics of the Moon

The Moon plays a vital role in our lives and is feminine in nature. The Moon signifies the mental and emotional power to handle a situation and rules over the sign Cancer and gets exalted in Taurus.


The strength of the Moon can be analyzed when combined with Jupiter as the combination is indicative of wisdom, wealth, and prosperity. Both these planets combine well together and can give immense joy. Although the Moon may not be the largest planet, it is close to the earth and affects us, especially women, as it is feminine in nature. The Moon has been given more importance, although it does not have its own light and derives its light from the Sun.

The Moon represents water and the fluid in our body. If the planet Moon is placed in a favorable position in the birth chart, then it signifies mental peace and happiness for the individual. Conversely, if the Moon is affected by any malefic or adverse effects, it can impact us negatively with mental stress and depression. There is an indication that if the Moon is afflicted in one’s horoscope, there are chances of losing one’s mother at an early age.

The Moon is representative of an individual’s mind and psychology and is reflective of one’s emotions and thought processes. The Moon also represents the Mother. The Moon plays the role of a Mother, that of a giver, giving nourishment and nourishing all things and taking care of the environment.

Significance of Moon in Astrology

The Moon plays an important role in a person’s natal chart. Special importance is given to the Moon in the birth chart at the time of marriage.

The Moon is an indicator of a person’s mind in many ways. It reveals information about a person’s characteristics, personality traits, nature, behavior, likes and dislikes and other inborn features. The Moon helps a person determine his/her fate by guiding them towards the right path.

The Moon plays a vital role in astrology in that it helps you find compatibility with anyone in your life. It could be a family member too –parents, siblings, or spouse. It helps you find compatibility with the right partner. The Moon has a calming effect and can help an individual have a harmonic and peaceful relationship with others. In marriage it helps determine mental compatibility, luck, and life path with the second person born under a particular Moon sign. It is mandatory to know your Moon sign especially in Indian Vedic Astrology as the day to day life predicted by Indian astrologers depends on the Moon sign.

While looking at a horoscope, the Indian astrologer will place the Moon in the first House and then predict, based on the transit of the Moon in other Houses.

The Moon Signs

There are twelve types of Moon signs and the placement in the zodiac signs signify the emotional tendencies.


Impulsive, impatient, and academically bent of mind


Mental stability – the favorite position of the Moon


Dual nature


Motherly and caring in nature


Leadership qualities and reflects royal nature


Practical attitude


Balanced mind


Fluctuations and changes depending on planetary alignment in horoscope


Religious and spiritually inclined


Stable mind and rigid approach


Social and communicative


Spiritually inclined and drawn to the unknown

The planet Moon plays a very important role in everyone’s life. Keep the mind happy and spread the feeling of happiness all around.