Homa for Planets in 5th and 7th Houses in Birth Chart

Unfavorable Planetary Placement Affecting Relationships

Vedic Remedies to Mitigate Delayed and Troubled Marriages

What is Kalathra Dosha?

Kalathra Dosha is an affliction that affects marriage and brings troubles to marriage. In Vedic astrology, the 7th house represents relationships; in Sanskrit, it is called Kalathra Sthana, the house of Spouse. The 7th house signifies spouse, harmony, partnership, happiness, marital harmony, and good bonding. This Kalathra Dosha is also called Vivah Dosha- the affliction affecting marriages.

How Cosmic Alignment Creates Kalathra Dosha

In Vedic astrology, the term Kalathra means spouse. The planet representing spouse is different in male and female horoscopes. Venus represents spouse in a male’s horoscope, and Mars represents the same in a female’s horoscope.

The placement of malefic planets Mars, Saturn, Sun, Rahu, and Ketu in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house from the Ascendant (Lagna) signifies Kalathra Dosha.

The combination of Venus and the malefic planet Ketu in the 7th house can also cause this Dosha, or if Ketu alone is present in the 7th house from the Ascendant or the Moon can also result in Kalathra Dosha.

The 2nd, 7th, and 11th houses are vital as they help determine the Kalathra Dosha. If a malefic planet is in the 7th house or if there is an association of a malefic planet with the 7th house ruler, it could lead to marital discord. Marriages might be delayed if there is no connection between the 2nd, 7th, and 11th houses.

How Kalathra Dosha Can Impact You

Kalathra Dosha can create troubled marriages and disturb peace and harmony. Having this Dosha (Affliction) in the birth chart can bring hurdles and the following issues.

  • Delayed marriage
  • Unhappiness in married life
  • Health issues in the spouse
  • Separation or divorce
  • Premature death of the spouse

How to Reduce the Impact of Kalathra Dosha

Home Remedies for Kalathra Dosha

  • The traditional practice of performing marriage rituals of the native with Kalathra Dosha and a banana tree or Kumbh (Sacred Pot/Kalash). The second option is called Kumbh Vivah
  • Sponsoring the wedding of a poor couple who wants to get married but doesn’t have money for the wedding.
  • Visiting and offering prayers at Kalahasti Powerspot in Andhra Pradesh, if possible.
  • Taking the blessings of an elderly couple other than your parents and donating fruits, grains, clothes, money, and gold, if possible.
  • Praying to Vishnu and Shiva to remove the adverse effects of this affliction in your chart.
  • Performing Anna Dhaanam (Food Feeding) at any Powerspot on a Friday.
  • Offering white lotus flower to Shiva for seven consecutive Fridays.
  • Distributing sweets at a Powerspot for seven consecutive Fridays.

Homa Recommended to Remedy Kalathra Dosha

Planetary Blessings Fire Labs

Shukra Homa (Venus Blessings Fire Lab)

Shukra Homa (Venus Blessings Fire Lab)

This Venus homa (Fire Lab) invokes the blessings of Venus. The planet Venus is ruled by Goddess Lakshmi and governs the female gender. He can empower you to harness your creativity and give expression to your abilities. Perform Venus homa to receive blessings for longevity, wealth, progeny, happiness, property and good education.

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US $ 154.00
Guru Homa (Jupiter Blessings Fire Lab)

Guru Homa (Jupiter Blessings Fire Lab)

This Jupiter homa (Fire Lab) invokes the blessings of Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of success and teacher of the humankind. He represents the higher mind, the vision of truth, optimism, indulgence, wisdom, and desire. This homa is targeted receive his blessings for success in endeavors, increase imagination, gain knowledge and serve as an inspiration to others.

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US $ 154.00
Mangal Homa (Mars Blessings Fire Lab)

Mangal Homa (Mars Blessings Fire Lab)

Mars is fiery and passionate planet. If in your chart, Mars is weak or badly placed he will create debts (credit card, medical, mortgage), diseases and relationship problems. A positive Mars gives courage, healing and financial discrimination. Performing Mars Fire Lab helps control its malefic effects for your well-being.

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US $ 154.00

Deity Blessings Fire Labs

Shiva Shakti Homa (Divine Couple Shiva-Shakti Blessings Fire Lab)

Shiva Shakti Homa (Divine Couple Shiva-Shakti Blessings Fire Lab)

Shiva Shakti Homa is a powerful ritual dedicated to the divine union of the universal powers Shiva and Shakti. Shiva is auspiciousness, and Shakti is positive energy in its ultimate form. This homa can be one of the holiest of worships to earn the abundant blessings of these supreme divinities, for much welfare and benefits.

US $ 175.00
Kamadeva Homa (Kamadeva, the God of Love Blessings Fire Lab)

Kamadeva Homa (Kamadeva, the God of Love Blessings Fire Lab)

Kamadeva is the God of love. The term ‘Kama’ means desire, and ‘Deva’ is God. Also known as Manmatha, Kamadeva is referred to in Rig Veda, the most ancient of the Vedas. He is said to be extremely handsome and has the equally beautiful Rathi as his lady love. Kamadeva remains an embodiment of desire and is believed to rule over love that is essentially physical and sensual. He is depicted as holding a sugarcane bow tied to a string of honeybees and uses arrows made of flowers.

US $ 154.00

AstroVed’s Dosha Remedial Programs

Life is never a straight line and has its fair share of ups and downs. Vedic Astrology will tell us that our lives are intertwined with the celestial bodies that have charted our life course. At the time of our birth, the planetary positions in the twelve zodiac houses are considered to draft a birth chart (horoscope). A Dosha occurs when malefic planets are positioned in specific houses in the horoscope. The combination of these malefic planets in the birth chart will not allow the positive Yogas to come to fruition. Thus, a native will experience in their life the adverse impact of Doshas.