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Career Astrology

Career Astrology is probably one of the most difficult predictions to make regarding an individual’s professional direction. Great care must be taken while judging the profession of an individual. By reading one’s natal chart, predictions about the career, type of industry and the periods of career advancement can be made.

In Vedic Astrology, one can assess the career prospects by combining the influences of the key houses and planets. The 12 houses in a horoscope denote various facets of life of a person. Each house has its own importance when it comes to an individual’s career.

Career Astrology

Talk To Career Astrologer

Career makes life purposeful, and hence, Career Astrology remains a much-valued astrological study. Well-experienced experts in career astrology can read your career horoscope in detail and give career predictions. With these career horoscope studies and career predictions, they can lead you towards a fulfilling career.

Career astrology specialists, the career astrologers, are here for your career horoscope analysis and career predictions. This study of career horoscope and career predictions can guide you on career choice and path, warn you about pitfalls, and help you perform to potential and achieve success.

Talk to Career Astrologers today, and benefit from career astrology, career horoscope study, and career predictions.

Astrologer Profile Picture
Alka Malik

English, Hindi

16 Years   4

2 /Min

Astrologer Profile Picture
Astro Guru

English, Hindi

10 Years   2

2 /Min

16 Years  

2 /Min

Astrologer Profile Picture
Geetu Chatterjee

English, Hindi

6 Years  

2 /Min

Career Predictions

Career means much to life. So, people seek out Career Predictions through career horoscope readings with unending interest. Experts with long experience in Career Astrology can read career horoscopes in-depth and provide you with precise career predictions.

Career horoscope reading, as part of the much-valued career astrology, involves analysis of horoscopic Houses for purposeful career predictions. Career astrology, through career horoscope study, can thus indicate suitable career options, promising periods for advancement, difficult times, and possible missteps. Career astrology and career horoscope reading can thus remain blessings for your career.

So, go for Career Predictions today for a promising career and fulfilling life.

Career Horoscope

Career Horoscope is the astrological chart read for career predictions. Career holds immense significance in any successful life; so, career astrology itself has developed into a much-valued system. It operates through career horoscope study to make fruitful career predictions for career guidance and support.

Career horoscope thus remains a potent tool for Career astrology to make career predictions. These career predictions can provide valuable insights into your career, best options therein, tips for success, caution against slipups, and solutions to problems. Career astrology and career predictions can thus ensure a promising career.

Get your Career Horoscope read today; let career astrology guide you to a glorious career.

Influence of Houses and Planets on Career

The first house or Lagna (ascendant) is the most important of all the houses in the birth chart to be studied in order to predict one’s career prospects. The first house epitomizes the persona of an individual and hence, the planet in this house of a natal chart can shape the career path. It is also important to consider the Lagnesh or the 1st house ruler in the horoscope. The positions of the luminaries — the Sun and the Moon — are also vital in deciding the core personalities, and finding the nature of job one wishes to pursue.

Relationship between the twelve houses and one’s career

First House

Success in self-employment

Second House

Career in banking, investments, finance, consultants, teaching, writing and publishing

Third House

Being the house of communication, this house offers a suitable career in marketing, advertising, web designing, travelling, writing and import/export.

Fourth House

Belongs to land and vehicles. Profitable career areas include agriculture, sale/purchase of vehicles, building materials, builders, mining etc.

Fifth House

Signifies speculation. Likely areas of career include finance, education, share market and brokerage etc.

Sixth House

House of litigation. A strong planet placed in this house drives one towards a career as a police, in areas such as loan recovery, court, service-oriented sectors and clinics.

Seventh House

House for business partnership and relations. Career related to this house includes partnership in business and trading. A strong planet in this house results in successful business prospects when started in the name of one’s wife.

Eighth House

Denotes careers related to insurance. A strong planet in this house is related to astrology and magical powers. It also belongs to career related to research.

Ninth House

House of luck and religion. Favorable career areas include law, priest and head of religious bodies.

Tenth House

This house is known for its relation with politics and government. Government jobs, politics and other public life-related jobs are considered to be highly promising.

Eleventh House

House of income. Generally, any planet in this house gives positive results. When this house is occupied by many planets, then it denotes income from multiple sources.

Twelfth House

Favorable careers include foreign jobs, import/export, travel agency, charities, activism, prisons and hospitals.

Career promotions and planetary positions

The 10th house and the 10th house ruling God in one’s birth chart play an important role in career prospects and job promotions. It determines the height or advancement in one’s career, success or failure, job shifts, monetary hike and expansion in business. Generally, all planets in the 10th house gain maximum influence provided they are strong.

Planets in the Tenth House

  • Sun and Mars get Digbala (directional strength in the 10th house)
  • Jupiter and Mercury deliver favorable results in the 10th house
  • Saturn if free from affliction, can take a person to soaring heights
  • Though devoid of Digbala, Venus and Moon in 10th house confer a suitable and worthy career path

All planets when passing through the 10th house meridian offer beneficial results related to career prospects.

Drawbacks in career are often attributed to:

  • Weakness of the 10th house God
  • Weakness of the 10th house
  • Weak Sun (Karaka)

In order to strengthen the desired house, remedies and suggestions from experienced astrologers are advised.

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