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Number 2 In Numerology

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Number 2

Number 2 represents the Moon. Moon looks resplendent when it is full and bright, but can simply turn dark and invisible on another day. Due to the processes of waxing and waning, it keeps on changing constantly and consistently. People born under the dates that sum up to Number 2 are governed by the Moon, and can be as capricious as their ruling planet. They can be both good and bad. Mahatma Gandhi, the apostle of peace and Adolf Hitler, the ruthless dictator look poles apart and seem to have nothing in common, but, there is one thing that they have in common — the birth dates of both of them sum up to Number 2.

Note: (For this study, the dates of birth 2, 11, 20 and 29 will fall under Number 2).

General Qualities

The Moon represents the mind. Hence, the Moon-ruled Number 2 people will be the children of imagination. Many of them will be dreamers, and when they are able to channelize their thoughts and ideas into creative actions, they can rise to great heights in any field. These people can also be contemplative, intuitive, idealistic, emotional, fickle-minded and doubtful. But, the spiritual leanings can strengthen them internally and can lead them towards a purposeful life.

Physique and Personality for Number 2

Number 2 people, who have a positive influence from the Moon will be tall, while others will generally be of normal height and stocky. However, they may not be physically strong.

These people can be generally honest, but lack confidence and hence, remain suspicious. They do not trust themselves or others easily. They may also be emotional and lack stability. They think fast and act slow. If they cultivate qualities like faith, courage and determination, there will be an improvement in their imaginative powers and it can be converted into concrete achievements.

Also, within the four dates falling under Number 2, those born on 2nd will be idealistic and peace-loving. People whose birth date is 11th will have great faith in God, and will be confident and successful. Those born on 20th may have an aura of divinity around them and shine as role models. Those born on 29th may be selfish, quarrelsome and argumentative.

Lucky and Unlucky Dates, Colors and Gemstones for Number 2

For the Number 2, all the numbers that add up to 7 remain lucky — that is, their lucky dates will be 7, 16 and 25. Their power will increase on those days, so that they can perform at their best, achieve good results and be joyful. Even among these dates, 25th may prove to be extraordinarily fortunate and perhaps be their luckiest day. Followed by these, the dates 1, 10, 19 and 28 can also be good for them. Their own number 2 will hold significance too and dates 2, 11, 20 and 29 may remain important. However, these days can be both good or otherwise, and hence, it is better for people that fall under Number 2 to play safe and not to earmark these days for any important activity. Numbers 8 and 9 can be termed not-so-lucky for people that fall under Number 2 and it is better for them to be careful on dates like 8, 9, 17, 18, 26 and 27, as they may have to encounter bitterness and failures on these unlucky days.

Light Green color is considered very lucky for Number 2. This can provide them with mental peace and also the motivation to succeed. Therefore, wearing green or light green clothes will increase their effectiveness, while painting their homes and offices with these colors will do overall good. Followed by these, white and bright yellow may also be good for them. However, black, dark blue and red may prove to be unlucky, and shall better be avoided.

Pearl, the natural one, will be their best gemstone. White pearl with a pink shade, that is round, smooth and deprived of any spots or dots will ensure their physical and mental well-being. Jade, Cat’s eye and Moonstone may also prove to be beneficial. Silver will be the most suitable metal for them and can be worn individually or combined with gold.

Profession, Business and Married Life for Number 2
Profession, Business and Married Life

People born under Number 2 will normally be sincere and honest and these qualities may help them succeed and rise to high positions in any profession. They have analytical minds, can develop good communication skills and can thus become lawyers and orators. They possess an artistic mind and can excel in all fields related to fine arts like music, dance, drama and also writing. If they are able to overcome their lack of willpower with perseverance, they can become good business people too. Trading in dairy products, medicines, beverages, textiles, sports materials, etc. will suit them well. Those born on 11th will do well in sports. For their businesses to prosper, they can also choose people born in numbers 1, 3, 4 and 7 as their business partners.

Many of the Number 2 people are not very self-confident, and they can also be suspicious and fault-finding. These may give rise to compatibility issues between the couple, which may sometimes lead to serious marital discords and even to separations. In their own interest, they should develop empathy for their partners and an understanding for their needs, so that they can have cordial relationship. These people may get attracted towards people born under Number 7, and this union may be fruitful. They can also make it good with people born under Number 4. However, their marriage with people born under Number 9 may not be successful.