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Father's Day 2024

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June 16, 2024, Sunday

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Introduction to Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a celebration honoring fatherhood, the paternal bond and the importance of fathers. The day falls on the third Sunday of June, every year. In certain countries, Father’s Day celebration is considered highly important as it strengthens the father-child relationship and renders an opportunity for the children to express their love and gratitude for their fathers.

History of Father’s Day

The history of Father’s Day celebration dates back to 1909, when Ms. Sonora Dodd of West Virginia, USA suggested celebrating her father’s incomparable love and devotion towards raising her and five of her siblings after their mother’s death. She put forth her idea of celebrating the contribution of fathers to family and society in her mother’s sermon in 1909. Though the concept was not initially accepted, slowly people started embracing the idea and decided to celebrate Father’s Day on the third Sunday of June, every year.

In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson officially declared the celebration of Father’s Day on the third Sunday of June and as a national holiday. The holiday was not formally considered until 1972, when it was acknowledged officially by a Congressional Act fixing it permanently on the third Sunday of June, all over the nation.

Significance of Father’s Day


Celebrating Father’s Day gives all of us an opportunity to thank our beloved fathers for their unconditional love and affection towards their families, and their unparalleled contribution to the upbringing of children.

For any child, their father is the first hero and the one who inspires them to be who they want to become in the future. A father is just as important as a mother in nurturing a child. In earlier days, when women were predominantly housewives, the mother used to play a major role in bringing up her child.

However, in today’s world, the number of working women is almost equal to the number of men who are working. This has brought a significant cultural change, as a father is also involved in bringing up a child. It further helps in building a healthy father-child relationship and strong emotional attachment and family bonds.

Celebrations on Father’s Day

Although Father’s Day is celebrated on different days in various countries, it all finally comes down to expressing our love, gratitude, and affection to our fathers. Gifting them with their favorite items such as a pen, shirt, perfume or gadgets is common. Cooking him his favorite meal is a heart-warming option as well. Let us all cherish our fathers, the heroes, without whom our lives would not be worthy and content.

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