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Coronavirus – why it happened and what will happen now? An Astrological insight

July 22, 2020 | Total Views : 1,291
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What has happened to the world due to coronavirus?

Until December 2019, everyone was leading their respective lives, hoping for a better and brighter future in 2020. Many had hope of going on holidays with their family in 2020, many had hope of taking up new projects and promotions at work, many singles had hope of finding love, many lovers had hope of tying the knot, many newlyweds had hope of buying a house and bringing a child into this world, many parents had hope of seeing their children excel in their studies as well as in dance, music and sports, many had hope of sending their children abroad for higher studies and some even had dreams of sending their mother and father on pilgrimage. All these dreams and hopes were shattered in the spring of 2020, barely two months after the world began a fresh new year. Nobody had a clue that 2020 would become a year of the Novel Coronavirus pandemic, a year so unprecedented, a year so unforgettable, and a year so unfathomable. It is a year, which will be black listed in the entire human history. Almost every person on Earth is forced to wear a mask, hand gloves, and to sit in the four walls of their house, away from family, friends and neighbors. 

Now, the only thing that everyone can resort to is to turn on the TV, the radio, the social media channels on their mobile, and wait for a positive news about the end of the corona era. Everyone is keeping their fingers crossed that soon the virus can be defeated with the help of a suitable medicine. Ever since the worldwide outbreak of the Covid-19 crisis, people all over the world have had to cancel, postpone or re-plan important events in their life. Everyone is scared not just about their own life but the life of their family members, children, neighbors, friends and society. The coronavirus has put everything on hold – our life, growth and economy. Many people are curious to know why did coronavirus happen? and how did it begin? There seems to have been many reasons for this pandemic but the most important one spiritually and astrologically speaking is the collective karma of all the beings on earth. All the sins that we have done, have accumulated on earth and has erupted like a volcano in the form of a contagious outbreak. This is Mother Nature’s way of making us repay for our karmic debts not just as individuals but as human race and humanity as a whole. Times like these is when Vedic astrology can guide us and give us a glimpse of the past and future based on the positions of the 9 planets and 27 constellations or Nakshatras. 

How did coronavirus start and why did it happen?

The coronavirus isn’t just a coincidence, many astrologers have been talking about the year 2020, and how it involves some rare astrological transits and retrogression of planets. Coronavirus was already predicted by our sages several thousands of years ago in some of the sacred Hindu scriptures such as the Bhavishya Purana and the Narada Samhita. Sages described the current day in the era of Kaliyuga and how a contagious disease outbreak will cast a shadow over the world. Both Rahu and Saturn, who are the significators of destruction in Kaliyug, also happen to rule over masses and respiratory illnesses. Even famous philosophers like Nostradamus and seers from the ancient Mayan civilization seemed to have depicted the pandemic situation albeit in their own subtle ways. While scientists have tried to decipher the scientific cause of the disease and a medical remedy, astrologers across the world have tried to understand the celestial origins of this massive calamity and how to find a divine remedy. 

Many of us would recall the powerful stellium of planets in the same sign that occurred in Sagittarius on 26-27 December 2019. Six planets (Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and Ketu) were conjunct in one zodiac sign, Sagittarius. The negative impact of such powerful stellium of planets happened in history as well during the first and second World War, the Great Depression, the AIDS occurrence and even the SARS epidemic. Meanwhile Rahu, the ruler of illusion, viruses and poison, was powerfully placed in its own star, Arudra Nakshatra in Gemini, this Nakshatra also symbolizes destruction. Venus was in Capricorn and Mars was in Scorpio. Scientists believe that the virus probably came from bats. Mrigashira Nakshatra is all about birds and animals. Symbolically, animals such as bats depict death and are believed to be an ancient symbol of death and rebirth, in other words a powerful spiritual transformation. From March-April, the luminaries (Sun and Moon) have passed the Mrigashira Nakshatra, getting covered by Rahu’s illusion.

Then, by the time the World Health Organization formally acknowledged and announced this disease to be a pandemic on 30 March, 2020, Saturn, the slow-moving planet of restrictions, boundaries, death and destruction, had already long moved into Capricorn, its own Earth sign. Jupiter, the significator of life, healing and grace, shortly joined Saturn in Capricorn and got debilitated. Saturn and Jupiter’s conjunction always creates an impact on a large scale, since Saturn rules over the masses and Jupiter, being the largest planet in our solar system, is about expansion and amplification. So, a major shadow of lifelessness was inevitably cast on the face of earth due to the conjunction of these two giants. This led to millions of people getting affected and quarantined. Meanwhile, Mars, the planet of anger, bloodshed and action, also joined these two giants from the end of March 2020 till the beginning of May 2020, getting exalted in Capricorn. The friction among these planets translated into the world as death, despair and collapsing of economies. Mars in Capricorn, led to some changes in law and order of nations. Solar eclipse and retrograded Mercury in Gemini until April also did not help. The social isolation intensified with the help of martial law and fear and anger prevailed among people across the world. But after the Sun, the king of the planets, entered Aries, we started noticing that many people on earth gained some strength and immunity. By May, people across the world started to heal, gained control over the virus to some extent and it reduced the death toll as well. 

When will coronavirus end?

As per Vedic astrology, the negative impact of coronavirus will start to decline across the globe between September - November 2020. Jupiter will be in Sagittarius, its own sign until 20 November, 2020. Its retrogression in Sagittarius ends on 13 September, 2020. This will be a time for improvement. On 21 November 2020, Jupiter will leave Ketu’s company and enter Capricorn to cohabit the sign with Saturn. We can already find positive improvements by then. Jupiter will enter Aquarius from Capricorn on 6 April, 2021. It will become retrograde, and then once again enter Capricorn on 15 September, 2021. Jupiter will become direct and enter Aquarius on 20 November, 2021. As Jupiter enters Aquarius, we may find ourselves in a better place, since it is the natural 11th house of the horoscope, the house of gains. Jupiter does well in 11th house. Jupiter here will give us healing energy and promote peace and harmony. The earth will see a new order, and the earthlings will see a new chapter in their life. We will rise from the ashes, just as Phoenix, the mystical bird. Saturn will be retrograded from May-September. When a planet is retrograde it does things slowly and even its malefic effects mellow down. When Jupiter will join Saturn, it will be a new beginning, a slowly but progressive one, a period of socio-economic and socio-political reforms and an inner awakening for the entire humanity. A vaccine may also come out and remove our worries. The virus potency can decrease significantly after September because Rahu, the Snake’s head, and Ketu, the Snake’s tail, will exit Gemini and Sagittarius respectively. Rahu will enter Taurus and Ketu will enter Scorpio, where they both are said to be exalted. The world will come out of this pandemic, and enter a phase of steady growth, relief and positivity. 

What is coronavirus trying to teach us?

Coronavirus is no doubt a negative event in this world but it is a stepping stone for humanity to awaken to a better world. It is supposed to remove our old bad habits and cleanse us of our sins, only then can we build a new era with the power of our divine will and pure consciousness. The current pandemic is a warning to humanity that we can never be the Masters of Mother Nature but we must learn to be obedient to the divine will and accept Mother Nature’s plans for us. So far, we have done lots of atrocities like deforestation, using animals for our food satisfaction, and not caring about climate change and global warming. Not respecting Mother Nature has been the root cause of the pandemic at a spiritual level. We cannot be selfish anymore. We must help everyone and learn to co-exist with every living being on Earth. Earth is everyone’s home, we humans are not special in any way and cannot rule over Earth and ruin everything. We must have a clear vision for the future of the planet, and this pandemic is a wakeup call that we cannot do quick-fixes and cannot rely on temporary solutions if we want a sustainable outcome in the end. We can only win this war, if we stand together as humanity and fight this pandemic by joining hands with our brothers and sisters. Nations will have to work together to control the pandemic and also to fully eradicate it. This cordial relationship will boost every nation’s economy and welfare in the end. It will also bring nations and people together on earth, as they collectively deal with coronavirus, a common enemy. As governments across the world are announcing stimulus packages to kick start their economy, they must pay attention to long-term and sustainable approaches that benefit the Earth, rather than be driven by short-term quick-fix measures. Even though, it might seem like a never ending process now, in a few months, we will be able to push the restart button and will be witnessing a complete transformation of the globe. Remember that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. We are nearing the light.

What can we do right now while at home?

  • Follow a Sattvik diet and lifestyle, avoid overusing or misusing resources. 
  • Be kind and compassionate to everyone, be grateful, and lend your support to whomever possible.
  • Spend some time each day praying for world relief from covid-19 and for world peace.
  • Help all those in need, e.g. donate food and clothes to poor/old people and stray animals. 
  • Adhere to the social distancing guidelines prescribed by the government 
  • Cut down on all non-essential travel, ask your family members to be safe.
  • Work from home if you can, stay productive and contribute to your national econom
  • Take all precautions e.g. wearing a mask, washing hands frequently, sanitizing frequently
  •  Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol, and refrain from negative habits to boost our immunity. 
  •  Meditate and exercise regularly and stay positive.
  •  Rebuild natural habitats and reduce any damage to the environment.

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