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Kuja Dosha and it's Effects

December 23, 2019 | Total Views : 120,310
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Hidden Factor Behind Couple's Fight - Kuja Dosha or Manglik Dosha

In Vedic Astrology, it is called Mangal dosha, Sumangalik dosha, Angaraka dosha, Bhom dosha. Dosha means unfavorable effect or that which can cause problems. Kuja is planet Mars. Placement of planet Mars in an inauspicious manner in a natal chart results in this condition. When planet Mars is placed in the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses from the ascendant /lagna or Moon or Venus, then it is called Kuja Dosha.

Astro Speaks astrologers are available 24*7 get connected with the best astrologer in India to get accurate solution for Kuja Dosha

Story of Kuja

  • The Brahma Vaivarta Purana says that Kuja is the son of the earth.”Ku” means earth and “jha” means birth.
  • He is born out of a coral, left behind in the ocean, as a token of togetherness by Lord Vishnu and Mother Earth or bhoodevi. Hence he is called Bhauma.
  • He is red in color.
  • Lord Subramanya/muruga is the presiding deity of this planet.




Characteristics of Planet Mars or Kuja

  • Planet Mars symbolizes immense courage, energy, will power, and self confidence.
  • Negatively, it causes aggression, irritation, anger, volatile temper, argument, conflict, competition, domination, violence, injury and disaster.
  • The dynamic energy of this planet has to be channelized positively; otherwise it leads to adverse effects.

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How to find out whether one has Kuja Dosha?

  • Study of one`s chart or horoscope would reveal the placement of Planet Mars in the horoscope.
  • The planet`s effect on the 7th house of Marriage is studied.
  • If Mars is present in its own house or the 1st house, then the dosha does not happen.
  • Position of this planet would help one know, whether one suffers from this dosha or not.


Houses Significations Effects of Kuja Dosha
2nd house Family and happiness Harsh speech, misunderstanding among partners.
4th house Childhood and its experiences Aggression, disturbed domestic life, frequent quarrels.
7th house Marriage and Partner Differences with spouse
8th house Welfare of the spouse Early death of spouse, accidents, problems with in-laws.
12th house Conjugal happiness between couples Animosity and distrust in marriage. Daily life becomes very difficult.


Is Mars badly placed in your birth chart? Join our 'Fix Your Relationship Yearlong Program' to fix your Mars and Relationship Chaos

Impact of Kuja Dosha on Marriage

  • Kuja Dosha is taken into consideration during the time of marriage.
  • Compatibility of charts are to be studied and positioning of Mars in one`s chart is analyzed keenly for success of a marriage.
  • When Mars affects the 7th house of marriage in a malefic manner, then the husband and wife have serious problems, like constant fighting and discord in family life.
  • This dosha leads to an abusive marriage, in terms of verbal, physical and emotional attacks, if proper remedies are not performed in the due time
  • The native would be victimized in the course of marriage, must endure hardships meted out by the spouse, and ultimately it would lead to separation, divorce for no fault of the native.

Ways to Overcome Kuja Dosha

  • For a person with this dosha, it is usually advisable to enter into marriage after the age of 28, when the intensity of the dosha comes down.
  • In many cases, if both partners have Kuja Dosha, then it is advisable to marry as it is said to negate and balance the negative energies of this planet.
  • It is believed that those who had in previous lifetimes ill treated their life partners would incur this dosha. Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa is the best remedy for this dosha.
  • Fasting on Tuesdays and offering prayers to Planet Mars would help reduce the intensity of the dosha.

Is Mars badly placed in your birth chart? Participate in our 'Mars Homa' to fix your Mars and Relationship Chaos

Impact of Kuja Dosha on Marriage

  • Kuja Dosha is taken into consideration during the time of marriage.
  • Compatibility of charts are to be studied and positioning of Mars in one`s chart is analyzed keenly for success of a marriage.
  • When Mars affects the 7th house of marriage in a malefic manner, then the husband and wife have serious problems, like constant fighting and discord in family life.
  • This dosha leads to an abusive marriage in terms of verbal, physical and emotional attacks, if proper remedies are not performed in due time
  • The native would be victimized in the course of marriage, must endure hardships meted out by the spouse, and ultimately it would lead to separation, divorce for no fault of the native.

Kuja Dosha Remedies

  • For a person with this dosha, it is usually advisable to enter into marriage after the age of 28, when the intensity of the dosha comes down.
  • In many cases, if both partners have Kuja Dosha, then it is advisable to marry as it is said to negate and balance the negative energies of this planet.
  • It is believed that those who had in previous lifetimes ill-treated their life partners would incur this dosha. Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa is the best remedy for this dosha.
  • Fasting on Tuesdays and offering prayers to Planet Mars would help reduce the intensity of the dosha.

Savitri Vrat for Kuja Dosha

Married Hindu women in Indian states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Odisha on Amavasya (no moon day) in Jyeshtha month observe Savitri vrat for their husband’s long life. The name of the fast comes from the story of Satyavan and Savithri. Savitri was a devoted wife who hoodwinked Yama, the god of death, and saved her husband Satyavan from an early death. The festival is observed on Vat Purnima, the full moon of Jyestha in states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa and Karnataka. As Kuja Dosha in a woman’s horoscope can affect the longevity of the husband negatively, this vrat is believed to avert it.

 Exemptions from Kuja Dosha

The following positions exempt a person from Kuja Dosha:

1. Mars in the 4th, or the 7th identical with Scorpio, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn. It is a favorable position.

2. Mars in the 1st, the 2nd, the 4th, the 7th, the 8th or the 12th but conjoined with the Moon, Mercury or Jupiter or Mercury.

3. Mars in any of the above houses from Lagna, the Moon or Venus but in Aries or Scorpio (own sign), there is no dosha.

4. Mars in a Venusian sign is not bad if in the 4th or the 7th.

5. Mars in a sign of Mercury (Virgo or Gemini), in the 2nd house

6. Mars has no dosha in houses owned by the Sun, the Moon and Saturn (Leo, Cancer and Capricorn, respectively).

7. Sign occupied by Mars is ruled by Jupiter and is the 8th.

8. Mars in moveable signs like Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn.

9. Mars in Cancer and Capricorn

10. If Mars is weak, aspected by or in conjunction with a benefic

11. If Mars is in Cancer or Leo irrespective of the house

12. Mars in Gemini or Taurus or Libra in the 12th house, Aries or Scorpio in the 2nd house, Aries or Scorpio in the 4th Bhava, Taurus or Libra in the 4th, Virgo or Capricorn in the 8th.

13. If Mars is in Ashwini, Moola and Makha constellations.

14. If Mars is in Capricorn for Sagittarius Lagna or Aries for Pisces Lagna in any of the above houses.

15. If Mars is in Aquarius for Scorpio or Cancer for Aries Ascendants.

16. If Mars is in the 7th for those with Saturn as Ascendant lord.

17. If Mars is in the 8th for those with Venus as Lagna lord (for Leo and Cancer Lagnas).

18. If Mars is in the 2nd house which is ruled by Mercury.

19. If Mars is in the 4th house which is his own house.

20. If Mars is in the 12th which is ruled by Venus.

21. If Mars occupies Leo or Aquarius.


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  • mounika
    Hi my name is mounika, i am having kuja dosha in langa, i wants to get marry with person, he was also having kuja dosha in langa
    October 16, 2020
  • vijayashree
    Hi sir, and one thing i have to know i dont have kuja dosha my fiancee that is boy he is having this kuja dosha but before engagement we did some kuja homa.Kuja dosha is for my fiancee not to me that is for boy so who have to do that kumba pooja me or my fiancee
    December 18, 2019
  • Pavan Kumar Attuluri
    Hi, My DOB: 30-08-1991, 7:30 pm (friday) , guntur, Andhra pradesh. please let me know whether do i have kuja dosha or not. and I want to marry a girl whose DOB: 12-10-1995, 9:20 pm, kanchikacherla, Mangalagiri, Andhra pradesh, kindly give me your valuable suggestion in order to proceed to further.
    December 17, 2019
  • Lavanya S
    Hi My name is Lavanya.S and my D.O.B is 14.07.1993 timings 12:20pm... My marriage is getting delayed and I have elder brother he is 29yrs...after my marriage he has to get married due to my marriage is delayed they are not starting to search for him... At present With some or the other reason boy family is not able come to see me... This happened earlier also... I have single parent so my father is upset for this... Please suggest what to do
    November 24, 2019
    • Vinothkumar

      Namaste All,


      Please note that our astrologers can analyze your birth cart and give you the information.

      You can get a 10-minute Free Consultation by visiting the below link:


      Hope this information helps.

      Vinoth Kumar
      AstroVed Support

      December 19, 2019
  • Abhiramk
    I am in love with a person.. But when i met a sage, he told me that i had khuja dosham... So i wont get married at all... And if i violate this and Marry then my partner will face the consequences so what should i do now... How will i know if i really had this dosha or not.?
    July 15, 2019
  • Mahesh
    My I and my gf have kuja dosha n shani dosha plz can u say the parihara for our future happy life as we gtng marry
    June 18, 2019
    • Sales


      Thank you for your query.

      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

      With Kind Regards.
      Astroved Member Support.

      June 20, 2019
  • Sai vaishnavi
    My name is sai vaishnavi D.o.b 08/05/1998 12:15 amn my bf name is mahesh D..o.b 07/11/1994 11:05am as we Are gonna marry but as he delaying in his job And we r happy but some arguments n fights makng us t sad Sometymes plz can u tell what's d problem for us
    June 18, 2019
    • Sales


      Thank you for your query.

      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

      With Kind Regards.
      Astroved Member Support.

      June 20, 2019
  • Swati
    Hi...I am swati...my don't is 29/08/1994.i am facing problems regarding job and marriage ..can you please examine my birth chart and provide me some remedies
    June 5, 2019
    • Sales


      Thank you for your query.

      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

      With Kind Regards.
      Astroved Member Support.

      June 13, 2019
    Hii i have kuja dhosa and iam late in all activites such as studies,jobs,marriage ...so if i do kuja dhosa pooja then it will be successfull or not...where should i do pooja ...plzzz tell me i dont have any idea in dis...
    April 12, 2019
    • Sales


      Thank you for your query.

      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

      With Kind Regards.
      Astroved Member Support.

      May 27, 2019
  • Veena A
    I am 32 yrs old and my DOB : 17 /11/1986 timings 1:30pm, I am fighting that I don't want to give divorce and my husband has already filed Petition for divorce last Nov 2018 he fought n filed falsi complaint in police station and left home last 4 months no contact he is totally ignoring .... Please Suggest!!!!!
    February 17, 2019
  • Apoorva
    My dob: 11/09/1989, 9.00am, karimnagar. I'm in love with a boy whose name is Chandra, dob: 14/06/1992, 6.20pm, Hyderabad. We both want to get married. But I have kuja dosham in my birth chart. Can I marry him, what remedies I need to perform in order to marry this person, please help me out with this problem. I don't want anything happen to my partner. Bcoz I heard if a maglik marries non manglik it will cause health problem to non manglik person, is it true..?
    January 22, 2019
    • Vinothkumar


      Greetings from AstroVed.

      Please write to [email protected] so that we can check with our astrologer and provide you the required information.

      Team AstroVed

      February 22, 2019
  • Apoorva
    My dob: 11/09/1989, 9.00am, karimnagar. I'm in love with a boy whose name is Chandra, dob: 14/06/1992, 6.20pm, Hyderabad. We both want to get married. But I have kuja dosham in my birth chart. Can I marry him, what remedies I need to perform in order to marry this person, please help me out with this problem. I don't want anything happen to my partner. Bcoz I heard if a maglik marries non manglik it will cause health problem to non manglik person, is it true..?
    January 21, 2019
    • Vinothkumar


      Greetings from AstroVed.

      Please write to [email protected] so that we can check with our astrologer and provide you the required information.

      Team AstroVed

      February 22, 2019
  • Aparna Anjali
    My dob: 11/09/1989, 9.00am, karimnagar.
    January 20, 2019
    • Vinothkumar


      Greetings from AstroVed.

      Please write to [email protected] so that we can check with our astrologer and provide you the required information.

      Team AstroVed

      February 22, 2019
  • Veena A
    Hello.... Ur details n website was very beneficial...... Pls suggest me... I am already married on 23rd Nov 2012 & DOB: 17th Nov 1986 @1:30pm in HUBLI, Karnataka.. lot of problems with my husband, inlaws, too much distrubed.
    December 26, 2018
    • Vinothkumar


      Greetings from AstroVed.

      Please write to [email protected] so that we can check with our astrologer and provide you the required information.

      Team AstroVed

      February 22, 2019
  • Lavanya
    Iam Lavanya. DOB: 27/08/1994. 2.20 pm. I facing troubles in getting job and delay in marriage. Can u please tell whether I have what dhosam. I have lot of confusion in what I should do for this
    December 13, 2018
    • Sales


      Thank you for your query.

      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

      With Kind Regards.
      Astroved Member Support.

      May 27, 2019
  • Anoosha
    My sister name Amoolya dob 2 april 1991.she is married. What to her married life .she has kuja dosha.
    December 4, 2018
    • Sales


      Thank you for your query.

      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

      With Kind Regards.
      Astroved Member Support.

      June 13, 2019
  • Lokeshwari
    Hi,my dare of birth is 24-7-192 ,timings morning 7:40.
    December 2, 2018
    • Sales


      Thank you for your query.

      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

      With Kind Regards.
      Astroved Member Support.

      June 20, 2019
  • Varun Jois
    Namaste, madam im in love with a girl, who is having kuja dosha(in 7th house), whose name is Sumitha MG, DOB:28-02-1994, ZODIAC:VIRGIN, STAR:HASTA, BIRTH OF TIME:5:35PM. Because of kuja dosha my parents are scared about death of mine. But we dont want to breakup. Could you please suggest us any remedies asap.(im not having any dosha).
    November 29, 2018
    • Sales


      Thank you for your query.

      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

      With Kind Regards.
      Astroved Member Support.

      September 19, 2019
  • Anu Ch
    My date of birth is June 4th 1991 at 10
    November 25, 2018
    • Vinothkumar


      We would suggest you have a consultation with our astrologer.  Please note that you can get all the answers to your questions from our astrologer during your "Live Astrologer Consultation." You can use the link below to get more information about Live Astrologer Consultation:


      For any further information or assistance, you can contact us at [email protected] or call us at +9144-43419898 / +1 412 927 3625. We are available 24 hours a day.

      Thanks & Regards,
      Astroved Customer Support.
      Skype ID: Astroved CRM

      November 28, 2018
  • Nitin chavali
    Date of birth 21/12/2003; time :12:32 afternoon: place of birth :Hyderabad,Telangana,India: Anuradha Padam 1 star : vrishchika rashi Can ubtelll he has whtvtype of kuja dosham
    November 22, 2018
  • Nitin chavali
    Date of birth 21/12/2003
    November 22, 2018
  • pradeep
    i am in love with a girl having kuja dosha will it effect our marriage..my date of birth 10-7-1997... at 8.45 pm..at anakapalli..can u please reply me
    November 17, 2018
  • Nandini
    My DoB June 25th 1994 and time eve 4:15 Saturday. And place is inkollu. Can I know whether I have kuja dosh.
    November 10, 2018
  • Mandan vani
    Madam namasthe
    October 28, 2018
  • Victor
    01/04/1982, 7.15 pm, madurai what is wrong with this horoscope.
    October 26, 2018
  • Victor
    Date of birth 01/04/1982, madurai
    October 26, 2018
  • Pushpa NM
    Dear Sir, can u tell me do I have Kuja dosha Name:Pushpa ,Timings:2:55 PM,DOB:24-05-1991,Birth place:Bangalore
    October 1, 2018
  • Pushpa NM
    Dear Sir,
    October 1, 2018
  • Pushpa NM
    My DOB is 24-05-1991 Timings 2:55 PM Birth place:Bangalore
    October 1, 2018
    • Vinothkumar


      We would suggest you to have a consultation with our astrologer.  Please note that you can get all the answers to your questions from our astrologer during your "Live Astrologer Consultation." You can use the link below to get more information about Live Astrologer Consultation:


      For any further information or assistance, you can contact us at [email protected] or call us at +9144-43419898 / +1 412 927 3625. We are available 24 hours a day.

      Thanks & Regards,
      Astroved Customer Support.
      Skype ID: Astroved CRM

      November 3, 2018
  • Sravya
    Hi, I was born in July 5,1990 at 11.15 am. Do I have kuja dosha. If so in which house.
    September 28, 2018
  • Sravya
    September 28, 2018
  • Latha
    Mam I have kuja hdosha... the other one don't have any dosha..BT we want to marry...poojari said to go ganapathi Temple one week and keep 5types of dal to cow..and another poojari said to do Shanti Pooja..is they said crct r wrong..they said it cause damage to his life like death nd disturbances..if I'm not doing that Pooja.. Tell me mam...my birth 23-6-1996...his birth 04-12-1988...
    September 27, 2018
    • Vinothkumar


      We would suggest you have a consultation with our astrologer.  Please note that you can get all the answers to your questions from our astrologer during your "Live Astrologer Consultation." You can use the link below to get more information about Live Astrologer Consultation:


      For any further information or assistance, you can contact us at [email protected] or call us at +9144-43419898 / +1 412 927 3625. We are available 24 hours a day.

      Thanks & Regards,
      Astroved Customer Support.
      Skype ID: Astroved CRM

      November 28, 2018
  • Sales
    Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome for your problems. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com.
    July 25, 2018
  • Kusuma. N
    My name s kusuma. N..... Dob.... 29/10/1999...i hv kuja dosham... Can u say my marriage life n marriage life
    July 20, 2018
  • Srija
    Medam... My date of birth 26.9.1993 time 1.30 am... Nd my bride grooms date of birth 15.7.1992 time 2.45 pm pls tell me can we do marriage nd we will not break our rilation ship..... Pls tell me if we have any prblm what can we fallow redimeis...
    April 18, 2018
  • Suhasini
    My Name is Suhasini my DOB is 16.08.1985. Still i am not married please let me know any remedies to get marry ASAp
    April 2, 2018
  • Priya iyer
    Hi Im Priya iyer from Bangalore.. I recently found tat I'm having chevvai dosham (kuja) can I go to ghati subramanya temple to do d pariharam?? Or can u suggest me which temple wld b d best to clear this?? Thanks in advance
    March 3, 2018
  • Manju
    I don't have khuja dosha but my lover(boy) has khuja dosha we want to marry after 5yrs both of us are makara rasi can we marry and we can't live without each other
    December 28, 2017
    Namaste sir and mam,,,, my name is ANIL CHARY my date of birth--11/03/1991 edaina doshalu unte cheppandi please naa life chala critical ga undi naa badhalu poyela chudandi please requested...
    December 20, 2017
  • Lasya
    Sir,I born on 28 Feb 1994 at 8am .pls tell I have kuja dosham or not,if I have pls tell what I do for that
    July 8, 2017
  • K. Vahini
    Namskaram I'm K. Vahini DOB 9-10-1990 time 9:18 Tuesday I'm 26yrs old still I'm not getting marriage I have kuja dosham Im not working woman please suggest me
    June 29, 2017
  • sud
    birthdate may1 1995 Time 2.40pm I want to know whether I have kuja dosham
    May 20, 2017
  • Deepthi Thallam
    I did many poojas for kuja dosham from past 1 year still I didn't get married :( . Due to all tensions I resigned my job also . Now I am jobless . All the guys are prefering working women only .. I didn't get job again . Please suggest me please please please
    April 5, 2017
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • Manasa
    Hi my DOB 07.08.1986 ND i got match of DOB 13.06.1986 is our match suitable for marrige
    March 17, 2017
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com.
      April 6, 2017
  • Ravula. Divya sree
    D. O. B:24-08-1994 Time:4:30pm Manuguru. Whether I have khuja dosha are not please, guide me
    March 16, 2017
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • sravani
    Hi, I am going to marry a guy with kujadosha in 7th house. I didnot have kuja dosha.. pls let me know effects and remedies for this to get marry and stay happy
    March 14, 2017
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com.
      April 6, 2017
  • Lavanya
    Hi I am supposed to married with Sundresh his not having kuja dosa but i having kuja dosa plz sujjest remide. My name kanaka dob is 11 December 1992 and his name Sundresh his dob is 18 august 1992
    March 13, 2017
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • Srinu
    Hi Im srinivasa rao my dob. 14.06.1988 Plz tell me am i have kuja dosham??? If yes.. Plz tell me what i to do???
    March 4, 2017
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • bhuvaneshwari
    my name bhuvaneshwari dod 21.1.1993 4.45am i got reg marrage i have kuja dosha in 7th house but my husband does not belive this.please tel me the remedies .
    February 24, 2017
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com.
      April 6, 2017
  • bhuvaneshwari
    i got reg marrage.i have kuja dosha in 7th house..but my partner does not belive this..please what we do next..and in future whatever problems we will face..
    February 24, 2017
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com.
      April 6, 2017
  • bhuvaneshwari
    my name is bhuvaneshwari 23rs old.i got register marrage i have kuja dosha in 7th house.but my parter does not belive this ...please help...in future whatever problems we will face and what is the parihara..
    February 24, 2017
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • Roopa
    Hi.., me and ma husband both of us have Mars in the 2nd house...wil kuja dosha get cancelled or still has its effects pls kindly help me am so worried about this..
    February 19, 2017
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • Anusha
    I am Anusha... Dob 02/08/1991. Please tell me about kuja dosha
    February 15, 2017
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • sandhyarano
    Hi Myself Sandhyarani, DOB-15-10-1985 @ 4: 5 PM pls tell me am i have kuja dosham??? If birth on Tuesday kuja dosam will not effected.....
    February 14, 2017
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com.
      April 6, 2017
  • kiranmai
    sir..we are going to marry but bride groom has "kuju dhosha" bride doesnt have khuja dhosa plz tel us any complications that may occur
    January 31, 2017
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • umamaheswari
    Hai,mam Name:umamaheswari Dob:14-4-1994 Place of birth :palakkad, kerala Time :8.50pm Name :selvakumar Dob:23-12-1993 Place of birth:karur,tamilnadu Time:1.23pm Mam,we both are in love and wanna live together and our parents also accepted but in my jathagam some dosham is there so my parents are not accepting but we want to live together ,please tl him some remedies for this please
    January 12, 2017
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • Rekha Devi
    What type of prayers have to do
    November 3, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste, What is the purpose you need the prayers,any current issues do you have.
      April 6, 2017
  • Nadee
    im going to marry with someone who's birthday is on 1972.12.18 born at 2.45 p.m. My details are 1980.01.11 time 5.38 a.m, please see what is the dosha behind our horoscopes and if there is any bad signes please ttell us how to overcome such. because we cannot forget each other. please help us.
    October 3, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • mallika
    Hi, I m mallika date of birth is 21-03-1989 early morning 5-45 am. Plz let me know I m having kuja dosha ???or not...
    September 28, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • mallika
    Hi, I m mallika date of birth is 21-03-1989 early morning 5-45 am plz let me know I m having kuja dosha??? Or not..
    September 28, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
    is there pooja for this post marriage...as mine was love marrirage post marriage only i came to know about my husband having this dosha...i also have this dosha but mine is not valid due to some other planets position
    September 21, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • Sunitha
    My date of birth is 5_2_1985 time 8.30pm place chittoor, a.p.plz tell me remedies some one told I have Kuja dosa . plz tell me details.
    September 13, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • divya
    hello sir am divya my dob is 11-06-1991 may i have any kuja dosham if there what i have to do and will i marry non kuja dosha boy having dob is 10-01-1989 is there any problem if we marry.... plz suggest me
    September 7, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • B.Vishwanatha
    D/s Name :B.Vishwanatha, DOB: 23.01.1975 Plase: Bellary (Karnataka) Time: 8.30Pm Rushaba Rashi Rohini (Star) Thursday with reference letter I want know any kalasarapa dosh and Kuja dosha in our details
    September 7, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com.
      April 6, 2017
  • Jan
    hi, My Rashi is Vrischik and Kuja is placed in my 8th square. My partner's Rashi is Katakam. Kuja is placed in her 11th square. Can you advice about this position? Thanks
    August 7, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • Manjusree
    Hi, My dob 07/12/83 11.20 AM and husbands 20/12/78 1.10 AM. Both seems to have dosha. please advice on remedies facing severe issues with spouse at home.
    July 8, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • mahesh
    My name is mahesh.dob [email protected] I have kuja dosh r not.plz send me my jathaka chakram
    July 6, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • latha
    Hi, my name is Latha.my dob 31-12-1982.@time 10 am.whether I have kuja dosh r not.plz tell me remedies and what to do
    July 6, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      April 6, 2017
  • vandana
    my husband is having kuja dosha and i am having it from moon. we normally have differences after 3-4 days of good relation. pl suggest remedies.
    June 14, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste Vandana, Thank you for contacting Astroved.com. You can consult our senior astrologer panel as per the details below and clarify with your questions ; We request you to please sign up as a free member on our website, http://www.Astroved.com and order the required astrologer services as indicated below online : Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Please feel free to call OR e-mail us for any further clarifications. Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved member Support. http://www.Astroved.com
      June 15, 2016
  • Ravi
    Hi... Im Ravi Nayak.. my DOB:27-12-1987 @ 1pm, Tenali, Guntur Dist. Whether I have kuja dosha or not and plz guide me.
    June 10, 2016
  • Jyoti
    My husband is not having khuja dosha but I am having khuja dosha .my date of birth 11 June 1987.time 2.26 am place belgaum Karnataka India.plz tel me remedies.
    June 9, 2016
  • Neelam
    Hi, I m suppose to get married with a Christian guy in 15 days n he doesn't believe in Kuja Dosha and all ,but m manglik can you plz suggest how many days before marriage I can perform this puja and is that true as per my horoscope my spouse will die within a year . As till date every one said if only I marry after the age of 28 this won't happen so I never thought of all this but now m worried . Boy : place of birth Nagpur : 3:45 pm Date 3 nov 1979 Girl: place of birth Nagpur : 5:55am Date 23 Nov 1984
    June 8, 2016
  • neha
    hi, im neha my DOB 10-07-1987 pls tell me am i have kuja dosham??? if s pls tell me wat to do
    June 5, 2016
  • Akshitha
    Hi, My friend details DOB: 25 -11-1990 Place: Karimnagar Time: 8.30 PM Groom Details: DOB: 25-01-1990 Place: Karimnagar Time: don't know exactly Can you please check and tell if any dosha is there and also tell remedies for dosha?
    June 3, 2016
  • Akshitha
    Hi, My friend details DOB: 25-11-1990 Time: 8:30 PM Place: Karimnagar Groom Details: DOB:25-01-1990 Time: don't know exactly Place: karimnagar Please check and tell if any dosham is there. And also tell remedies for those dosham.
    May 31, 2016
  • sireesha
    Hi madam, i loved a boy he is having kuja dosha , parents are against kuja dosha , bt i cant live without her, some of them are telling it may lead to my death, can u plz suggest me remedies nd pariharalu to unaffect me Alrdy she is doing fasting for one year on tuesdays Name: sireesha DOB : 30-10-1992 Time : 1.30 pm Name: sandeep DOB:25-07-1992 Time: 2.30 pm
    May 30, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. For any kind of Kuja Dosha, please visit Lord Vaitheeswaran temple near Kumbakonam and Myladuthurai (south india), worship Lord Muruga (presiding deity of Kuja) and offer your prayers for both by lighting a ghee lamp, offering Archana for both would overcome from kuja dosha. For more clarification to consult our senior Astrologer panel, please visit the below link ; Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support.
      June 10, 2016
  • Aruna
    Hi sir/ madam, My date of birth 17/07/1990, time 10:25am , place of birth vizianagaram. I am love with Dirga, his date of birth is 01/07/1988, time 2:00am place of birth Vijayawada. Please tell me is this 2 horoscopes match for marriage
    May 29, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. For any kind of Kuja Dosha, please visit Lord Vaitheeswaran temple at Kumbakonam (south india), and worship Lord Muruga (presiding deity of Kuja) and offer your prayers for both by lighting a ghee lamp, offering Archana for both would overcome from kuja dosha. For more clarification to consult our senior Astrologer panel, please visit the below linbk ; Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support.
      June 10, 2016
  • Aruna
    Hi, I have kuda disha Mars placed in 8th house, I am love with Durga but in his birth chart Mars is placed in 11th house. Is there any problems with my marriage pls suggest.
    May 29, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. For any kind of Kuja Dosha, please visit Lord Vaitheeswaran temple at Kumbakonam (south india), and worship Lord Muruga (presiding deity of Kuja) and offer your prayers for both by lighting a ghee lamp, offering Archana for both would overcome from kuja dosha. For more clarification to consult our senior Astrologer panel, please visit the below linbk ; Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support.
      June 10, 2016
  • Sekhar
    Mam I was born on 14-02-1991 at 10:10pm in Rajahmundry.. Do I hav kuja dosham?
    May 28, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste, Thank you for your query. For any kind of Kuja Dosha, please visit Lord Vaitheeswaran temple at Kumbakonam (south india), and worship Lord Muruga (presiding deity of Kuja) and offer your prayers for both by lighting a ghee lamp, offering Archana for both would overcome from kuja dosha. For more clarification to consult our senior Astrologer panel, please visit the below linbk ; Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. Thanks & Regards, Astroved member support.
      June 10, 2016
  • sravani
    Hi Mam, My DOB is 23-01-1993 TIME: 2:05pm Place: Visakhapatnam Do I have kuja dosha?
    May 28, 2016
    My name ANUSHA DOB 23/8/1990 POB Hyderabad (time 2- 2:30 am early hours of 22/8/1990). I want to marry a person who's DOB is 10/3/1897 Time 10 am POB Secunderabad plz suggest me any remedy for kuja dosa.
    May 28, 2016
    My name ANUSHA DOB 23/8/1990 time (22/8/1990 midnight 2-2:30 am early hours of 23) POB Hyderabad. please let me know can I marry a person whose DOB is 10/3/1987 time 10am POB Secunderabad.
    May 27, 2016
  • sri swathi. k
    hi madam , my details - sri swathi : 02/ nov / 1986, time 7.30 am, east godavari.( andhra pradesh) His details - madhu kumar : 27/ oct / 1986, time 10.30 pm, ichapuram ( andhra pradesh) after marriage any problems is there tell me plz? if there any problem please suggest me remidies madam.. thank you
    May 27, 2016
  • Nikhita
    july 5th 1985 8:10 PM AP
    May 26, 2016
  • Bindu b
    And my place of birth is Bangalore. .
    May 26, 2016
  • Bindu b
    My date of birth is 05/12/1994. Time is 2.20 Am. Please let me know whether am having mangal dosha or not. And please suggest me how to overcome from this if I have mangal dosha. Thanks
    May 26, 2016
  • Harika kaki
    Satya kiran madivada, dob: 01- sep-1989,place of birth : avanigadda, time: aprix 6 am Venkata harika kaki, dob: 13-10-1990,birtg place :chirala time: approx 6-6.30am Please help me wat to do
    May 25, 2016
  • kalyani
    I am a girl with mild kuja dosha and my love is not having any kuja dosha...can we both marry or not? If we marry what are the problems we will face in future...can you tell me the remedies for us...here are our birth details.. Girl DOB -03/06/1989, birth time-07.00 am Boy DOB- 03/10/1990, birth time- 02.30 pm
    May 24, 2016
  • Harika kaki
    I m loving a guy.... My parents are against our marriage.. Some how we r trying... But nowthey are telling jatakam not at all good for boy... He is having kuja dosham and all. I m really utmost worried ... Iam notknowingo any thing what to do.. I don't have any idea on astrology peole... Please help me... I wil b really really thankful... I wanna marry this guy please find details Satya kiran madivada, dob: 01- sep-1989,place of birth : avanigadda, time: aprix 6 am Venkata harika kaki, dob: 13-10-1990,birtg place :chirala time: approx 6-6.30am Please help me wat to do
    May 18, 2016
    I was born in Lima, PERU on December 27th, 1976, at 4.36 PM. Do I have kuja dosha? Please, let me know.. Thanks in advance. Regards!
    May 15, 2016
  • Balu
    Hello, my DOB is 30-mar-1975, TOB 3:30am (early morning). My first marriage resulted in divorce. I want to know if that's because of Kuja dosha? When I look for 2nd marriage, should I still look for girl who hasvkuja dosha only?
    May 14, 2016
  • Balakrishnan
    Hi Madam, First of all I want to appreciate your Effort. I am looking for Groom for my Daughter. My daughter DOB:08/12/1990 Time : 5.35 PM Place: Coimbatore In her Chart, Mars is located in Lagna. I consulted many astrologer, Some ppl saying she have Kuja Dosha, Rahu Dosa. Some are saying she dont have kuja dosha. Some are saying she want to marry another caste man. I am just confused. I dont know wat to do. Pls kindly analysis and tell me if she have any dosha and what is the remedy for that.How her Marriage life will be. It would be great help for me. Thanks ,
    May 11, 2016
  • Prathima
    I loved a person who doesn’t have kuja dosha….but I have kuja dosha….pls that me how I can remove this kuja dosha…I want to marry whom I loved one will u tell for me parihara…pls His DOB:-06-09-1989 Place-Mandya Time-06.05 AM My DOB-17-04-1994 Place-Bangalore Time-05.05 PM
    May 10, 2016
  • srinivasa murthy
    My 6sons date of birth is 28 June 1990 kindl see whether he has kuja dosha as I looking for a girl to him what should be the criteria in selection for his good feature
    May 5, 2016
  • Prathap
    Hi. we have a seen a bride and likes each other our astrologer said she is having kuja dosha another astrolger said Manushya and Asura gana doesn't match, my parents are against kuja dosha , but her parents are ok , can u please check our horoscope and suggest Name:Rachana DOB : 14-06-1990 Time : 12.45am Place : Madikeri, Karnataka Name:Prathap DOB:30-07-1987 Time: 3.00 pm Place : Maddur, Karnataka
    May 4, 2016
  • shivani
    I am in love with a boy his dob is 18 oct 1989 ,time 1:45am ,place patiala and mine dob is 4 jan 1993,time 4:14 am, place chandigarh, i want to know is there any future of us as a couple if we will get marry in future or not?
    April 29, 2016
  • Rajini
    29-03-1988 Timings night, midnight of 28th march, don't know properly madam Place Mandya in Karnataka, plz madam say me whether I have kuja dosha or not plz
    April 27, 2016
  • goutham kumar
    My date of birth is: 18/08/1988 Time: 5:55 am Place: Karimnagar, telangana I want to marry a girl who is not manglik. Will it affect my spouse...even after doing parihara
    April 25, 2016
  • Kishore Kumar Reddy
    Namaskar, I was born on [email protected] PM.place Hindupur (andhrapradesh).I am willing to marry but for my fate all matches are missing without any reason. And even I have some health n financial problems. Will you please advise me when could be possible time for my marriage. Thankfully.Kishore
    April 22, 2016
  • manish
    dear madam I am non Mangalik but my gf have mangal dosh.But i want to marry her.We love each other.Please give me any solution for this. boy place- Hyderabad ,AP dob- 28 November,1991 time- 10:55 am girl place= tekkali,ap dob- 30 December, 1992 time- 06:15 am Please give me an answer as soon as possible.. Its urgent. Thank you.
    April 21, 2016
  • neha
    Hello pls give rply I'm neha DOB - 10-07-1987 Place - hyd Time- 10:am
    April 21, 2016
  • manish
    dear madam I am non manglik but my gf have mangal dosh.But i want to marry her.We love each other.Please give me any solution for this. boy place- hyderabad,ap dob- 28 november,1991 time- 10:55 am girl place= tekkali,ap dob- 30 december, 1992 time- 06:15 am Please give me an answer as soon as possible.. Its urgent. Thank you.
    April 21, 2016
  • kumar
    male: dob:31/01/1992,time: 12:15pm place:gooty female: dob:27/04/1996 time: 18:45 place anantapuramu, andhra pradesh want to marry her, kindly tell about future
    April 20, 2016
  • rakesh
    Hi madam, i loved a girl she is having kuja dosha , parents are against kuja dosha , bt i cant live without her, some of them are telling it may lead to my death, can u plz suggest me remedies nd pariharalu to unaffect me Alrdy she is doing fasting for one year on tuesdays Name: padma DOB : 19-12-1990 Time : 2.30 am Place :Vinukonda, guntur District, Andhra pradesh Name: rakesh DOB:13-01-1990 Time: 8.30 am Place : ponnur, guntur District,Andhra pradesh
    April 19, 2016
    • Sales
      Dear Rakesh, Warm greetings and thank you for contacting Astroved.com. Marriages are made in Heaven. We wish and bless you to obtain your fulfillment of your desires. You can consult our senior astrologer panel as per the details below and clarify with your questions ; We request you to please sign up as a free member on our website, www.Astroved.com and order the required astrologer services as indicated below online : Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx OFF Line payment options : Please use the following information to carry out a Bank Transfer or Direct Deposit and confirm us once you send us the payment : •Payable to:AstroVed.com Pvt. Ltd. Account #: 00172000022400 IFSC CODE #: HDFC0000017 Bank: HDFC Bank, Anna Nagar Branch, Chennai Please feel free to call OR e-mail us for any further clarifications. Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Sivakumar. Astroved Sales Support. 95000 95649. www.Astroved.com
      April 19, 2016
  • Padma
    Hi madam, i have a boyfriend, loving since a year. here are our details, let me know weather we hava mangalik dosha? Padmasri DOB: 12-aug-1991, Time: 4.10 a.m, place: tirupati Dileep DOB: 02-may-1989, Time: 9.42 a.m, place: Chennai
    April 14, 2016
  • neha
    Hello mam, I'm neha my DOB 10-07-1987 Time 10:00 am Place: hyd Pls let me know am I have kuja dosham. If have remedies for that to do
    April 10, 2016
  • Sravani
    Hi madam, My dob 16-09-1987 5:16 pm, place: Medak, Telangana. Married 5 yrs bck and divorced within 3 months of marraige. After then performed many pojjas and homas for kuja dosha. Now i want to marry a person who has already married and divorced. Name: Siddarth, Dob: 08-11-1983 4:40 am, gandrai, krishna dist, AP. I want to really marry him. Could you please tell us abt our marraige life as so many are giving negitive comments. If so please tell us the remedy.
    April 9, 2016
  • usha
    HI SIR/MADAM, I am not married My D.O.B. is 11-10-1985. Birth of time 02:30 A.M. early hours. Place of birth KOTHURU, DORNALA MANDAL, KURNOOL DISTRICT. Some one told i have kuja dosha. Please tell me i have kuja dosha or not. please remedies for kuja dosha. please tell me remove kuja dosha pariharam
    April 6, 2016
  • usha
    Hi sir/madam, I am not married. My D.O.B is 11-10-1985. Birth of time 02:30 A.M.early hours. Place of birth KOTHURU, DORNALA MANDAL, KURNOOL DISTRICT. Some one told i have kuja dosha. please tell me i have kuja dosha or not. please remedies for kuja dosha. Please Tell me remove kuja dosha pariharam.
    April 6, 2016
  • Lakmal
    Hello Anjali...! I was reading your thread from Sri lanka. My astrologer said i have Kuja dosha. But she doesn't have dosha. I am Ashlesha 2nd pada, Aquarius ascendant, Sagittarius navamsa (1980.jan.05 / 09:49AM @ Matale - sri lanka) She is Pushya 2nd pada, Sagittarius ascendant, Libra navamsa (1985.11.05 / 09:01AM @ Gampaha - sri lanka) I am 36 year old matured, affectionate man with big and compassionate soul. I am wondering how my Rahu+Kuja+ Guru (in 7th house - Leo) harm her..... Please advice me...I greatly appreciate your suggestions. Take care !
    April 5, 2016
  • shilpa
    Hi my name is shilpa. ...dey say dat I have kuja dosh a and am loving guy who Don have kuja dosh we wanna marry now and Don wanna break up so can u please suggest us My name shilpa June 12th 1992 time 4.20 evening. My guy's name nikhil October 23rd 1992 time 10.43 morning
    April 5, 2016
  • Vasavi
    Dear madam. I married a manglic person but I don't have mangal dosha now we are go ing to separate what should I do to retain my relation
    April 3, 2016
  • swathi
    Dear Madam, My partner has kuja dosha. His details are D. Madhu Kumar, DOB-27.10.1986, Birth Time: 10.30 PM, Birth Place Ichapuram, Andhra pradesh. I dont have kuja dosha. My details K. Sri Swathi, DOB-02-11-1986, Birth Time: 7.30 AM, Birth place East Godavari, Andhra Pradesh. Pls let me know any remedies available for this? and When this dosha ends, is there any problems occurs after marriage? pls suggest me what can i do mam??
    April 3, 2016
  • Mounika
    Hello Madam, Im having kuja dhosha and im in love with a boy and he dont have kuja dhosha. we dont want to break our relationship and we cannot live without each other. can u plz suggest me remedies nd pariharalu to end this dosha and to unaffect on our relationship Name : Mounika DOB : 01-07-1993 Name : Bharath DOB : 09-05-1993
    April 1, 2016
  • Ashish Mishra
    Dear Sir/Madam, I am in love with a girl having mangal in her ascendant. her birth details are as follows: Kumari Shalini, 19/03/1993, time 11:55 am, place Kaushambi, Uttar Pradesh and my details are: Ashish Mishra, 18/03/1989, 04:25 am, sanchi, Madhya Pradesh please advice me whether she is manglik or not...and if what can be done to reduce harsh effect. I shall be highly obliged
    April 1, 2016
  • Vinay
    Can you let me know is there any khuja dosha for the below person. DOB :24-3-1990 Time: In between 11:30am to 12:00 pm Place: Hyderabad
    March 30, 2016
  • Aarthik
    Dear mam, My DOB is July 6th 1996 Place of birth.. Shimoga, Karnataka Time of birth.. 04:06 PM Please tell me if I have kuja dosha .. If yes, then what type of it is ? What is the age that I will get it ? Which house is Mars into , what are other planets in that house ? Any special yogas in my life ? Please help me.
    March 28, 2016
  • Sanjay kumar
    Dear madam SANJAY KUMAR A. R My DOB 26.12.1984 9.15 PM MANDYA KARNATAKA I came to know that some dosha is thr wit my DOB PLS let knw some remedies fr tht
    March 26, 2016
  • Monica
    Hi! I'm monica and i am a manglik.I love a person since 8 years he is not a manglik... my DOB: 11/5/1992 Time : 10:10 pm Place : Sri kalahasti A.p his name is Pavan kumar DOB: 28/2/1992 Time: 5:30 pm Place : palamaner in A.p Please leave a reply regarding the remedies...
    March 25, 2016
  • Praveen G y
    Hi...my date of birth 22.06.1988 and time 6.40 pm. birth place : Belgaum.Karnataka My girl date of birth. 13.09.1993 and time 10.45 am... Birth place Belgaum. Karnataka please tell both horoscopes are matching...
    March 24, 2016
  • Jo
    Hi Sir/Mam, My D.O.B is 12/12/1992 @ 8:20 pm karimnagar ,Telangana. Do I have any kind of dosha? Please let me know. Thanks in advance
    March 23, 2016
  • Manjusha
    Hi madam, I have kuja dosha in my birth chart. I'm love with a boy. Please suggest the remedies. Birth details Girl : DOB : 21-06-1989 Place : Pullur Trissur dist, kerala Times :9:10 am Boy : DOB : 7-9-1987 Place :Idukki, kerala Time : 3:10 pm Waiting for your reply. .
    March 23, 2016
  • Srini
    Following are my birth details, can you help understand of any Khuja dosha. Name : Srinivasa Yalavarthi Birth Date : August 18 ,1978 Time : 4 AM Place : Tiruvuru, Krishna(District), Andhra Pradesh.
    March 22, 2016
  • alka
    Hi, My sister is having kuja at 7th house. We already did some pujas and now pending with kumbha vivaha. Is it we have to do once match finalised or before itself when we start searching match for her? One proposal came and kundali was matching perfectly and failed only at this point which was very disappointing for both the sides. Hence please suggest if kumbha vivaha has to be done immediately and is there any other solutions also.
    March 22, 2016
  • Tejaswini
    My DOB is 7-9-1997 time 7-30 pm place banglore i have kuja dosha when it ends and how to over come from this
    March 22, 2016
  • Kumar
    Tejasree born in bhubaneshwar orrisa and kumar born in vijayawada andhra pradesh.
    March 18, 2016
  • Kumar
    Hi Iam Kumar born on 05/09/1988 at 11:50 morning in vijayawada and my love tejasree born on 02/12/1994 at 01:18 early morning. parents say she have kuja dosha in 12th house and i have no dosha. we are in love and planning to get marry. kindly suggest the impacts and remedies to overcome.
    March 18, 2016
  • Shobha
    My birth place Besagarahalli, Maddur Taluk, Karnataka Husband Kagati, Chintamani, Karnataka
    March 16, 2016
  • Shobha
    My DOB 11th-Apr-1988 Time 12.35 PM, Shravana rashi, makara nakshatra Husband 2nd-Feb-1985, Mrugashira nakshatra, not sure with time please suggest me or my husband having kuja dosha or not
    March 16, 2016
  • Shobha
    Hi, My DOB 11th-Apr-1988 Time 12.35 PM Shravana nakshatra, Makara rashi My Husband DOB 2nd- Feb-1985 , Mrugashira nakshatra, not sure with time Want to know me or my husband having Kuja dosha
    March 16, 2016
  • sarika
    Dear Mam, My name is Sarika, and DOB:15-08-92 @5.30 a.m. .Place of birth :kadapa,AndhraPradesh.Mam plz tell me whether i have kuja dosha or not. if it is present wht is remedies i have to follow….
    March 15, 2016
  • kruttika
    my dob is 1-9-1991 in new delhi (place of birth) at 9.34 am. am I with kuja dosham. what kind of alliances should I have?
    March 14, 2016
  • Neela jani
    Respected madam, My daughter is Drashti mukesh jani....Biirth place Mumbai ,india...Birth date and time is November 29th 1987 at 3:28 p.m afternoon....she likes to marry guy Name: Samir Dilip Patel....Birth place..Columbia , South Carolina, U.S.A......my daughter is Manglik ...we don't know about guy is manglik or not but want to know there horoscope matches for marriage or not ???/ or what remedies she should do , want to marry with this person ,,,,,please need your help ... Thanks Neela
    March 12, 2016
  • Reddy
    DOB 15-12-86, Time : 10.20pm, Place : Hyderabad Please advise marriage prospects in 2016 for long and successful marriage for daughter. If dosam exists then what is the remedy.
    March 10, 2016
  • Raghu.S
    Hi Madam My DOB: 15/02/1987 timings 10:00am Sunday place of birth Tumkur. Please let me know i have any dosha????
    March 5, 2016
  • Nagaveni
    Hi Madam, my sister Name: Shwetha (Chandrakala) DOB is: 26/01/1996 Friday timings 09:20 Pm. Place of birth: Bangalore Please let me know whether she have any dosa? Thanking you,
    March 5, 2016
  • Myna
    I am Kuja Dosha but my husband does not have... I didnt perform any pooja r remedy before marriage, as I was not aware of this dosha in my Kundali.. Now what can i do in order to overcome my problems.. Plz suggest.. My details: 08/06/1989 09:57AM Ranipet, TN
    March 3, 2016
  • Murthy
    Sorry Madam time 01:30 PM
    March 3, 2016
  • Kusuma
    Dear Anjali ji Namasathe, My DOB is 07-05-1992, time 3:30 pm, place: Sidilghata, karnataka. Please let me know if i have dosha and in which house. Plz let me knw who to clear it.
    March 3, 2016
  • Vanita Maraj
    Hi I would like to know if I am manglik or not...I believe my partner is manglik since we face so many relationship problems. Please help me. My date of birth is 17th November 1994 trinidad 3:28 pm
    March 2, 2016
  • swathi
    Hi Sir, can you please say when my marriage if happen i mean year ? and how my marriage life will be ? also want to know whether i will be in india or abroad..? my D.O.B Details name: swathi 8th nov 1991 @ 4pm Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh Thanking you
    March 2, 2016
  • Murthy
    Dear sir/Madam, My wife date of birth 30-march-1991 time : 01:30 AM. Recently we come to know that, my wife having kuja dosa, here parent hide the matter before marriage, we have one baby girl recently, I love my wife very much. we are facing so many personal problem last 6 months, I am suffering a lot. Could you please suggest us, What we need to do to control the effect and Please tells which hour it will come in the table.
    March 2, 2016
  • ramesh
    Hi madam, i loved a girl she is having kuja dosha , parents are against kuja dosha , bt i cant live without her, some of them are telling it may lead to my death, can u plz suggest me remedies nd pariharalu to unaffect me Alrdy she is doing fasting for one year on tuesdays Name:Jyothi DOB : 13-06-1990 Time : 1-1.30 pm Place :Avanigadda, krishna District, Andhra pradesh Name:Ramesh DOB:13-09-1988 Time: 12.20am Place : Avanigadda,krishna District,Andhra pradesh
    February 29, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Ramesh, As you said Jyoti is having Kuja Dosha and you are free from this affliction. But when compared other points like points, ascendant – ascendant match, Moon Sign- Moon Sign match, Rajuu, Nadi and other factors. Both of you have earned good points so do not worry about anything and you can proceed after performing the remedies given below. Moreover IT WILL NOT LEAD TO ANY BODYS DEATH. Remedies: Try to observe these remedies and this will nullify the Mangalik Dosha. You can perform Kumbh Vivah/Puja, Mangal (Mars) Homa is also suggested in your case. Along with these you can chant Mars Mantra ‘Om Ang Angarkaya Namaha’: for 10,000 times. Thanks & God Bless.
      March 3, 2016
  • Manjusha
    Hi Madam, I have Kuja dosha in my 7th House and im in love with a boy who is a christian but not having any doshas in his birth chart, I want to marry him, what are the remedies I should do before my marriage? Some astrologers told me that if I marry him, he wont be more.. So im in a confusion, what should I do? Please suggest some remedies... Thanks..
    February 24, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Manjusha, For detailed answer you need to provide the birth details for better clarity and transparency.You can also register with our website by clicking here to access our free reports Thanks & God Bless.
      February 29, 2016
  • swathi
    Hi sir / madam, i love a person.. both parents accepted but my parents came to know that i'm manglik and he is non-manglik. some astrologers are saying that my manglik has been cancelled as mars is conjucted / aspected by sun & some are saying it will lead to death.i want to marry him please suggest some remedies and solution for us 08-11-1991 @ 4p.m Hyderabad Andhra pradesh. thanking you
    February 23, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Swathi, Try to observe these remedies and this will nullify the Mangalik Dosha. You can perform Kumbh Vivah/Puja, Mangal (Mars) Homa is also suggested in your case. Along with these you can chant Mars Mantra ‘Om Ang Angarkaya Namaha’: for 10,000 times. Thanks & God Bless.
      February 29, 2016
  • Geetha
    Hi i loved a guy who has kuja dosha. My date of birth and time of birth are 01-12-1992 and 01:30pm. His dob and time of birth are 07-10-1992 and 09:17am. Please siggest me any remedy. I cant live without him.
    February 20, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Geetha, You can perform Kumbh Vivah/Puja, Mangal (Mars) Homa is also suggested in your case. Along with these you can chant Mars Mantra ‘Om Ang Angarkaya Namaha’: for 10,000 times. The Place of birth has took Mumbai as you haven’t mentioned any place of birth. Thanks. God Bless.
      February 27, 2016
  • swathi
    Hi Sir/Madam, My dob 8-11-1991 @ 4pm hyderabad andhra pradesh...i want 2 marry a non mangalik boy and im mangalik. we have checked our marriage matching also we got 24 points/36 but due to kuja dosha both side parents are against... please give us a solution or remedy to lead a successful life. some are saying that it may lead to death and some saying that in my chart mars is conjuction/aspected by sun and hence kuja dosha got cancelled.... please help us thanking u
    February 19, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Swathi, In your birth chart Mars affliction is severe because of the debilitated Sun along with Mars. Avoiding the same would prove to be good for you. But if you want to go for this marriage than you have to appease the planet Mars by following this remedies. You can perform Kumbh Vivah/Puja, Mangal (Mars) Homa is also suggested in your case. Along with these you can chant Mars Mantra ‘Om Ang Angarkaya Namaha’: for 10,000 times. The Place of birth has took Mumbai as you haven’t mentioned any place of birth. Thanks. God Bless.
      February 27, 2016
  • vinay
    My D.O.B is 12/10/1989 @ 2:56pm hyderabad, do i have kuja dosa?
    February 16, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Vinay, Yes, you have Kuja, Mangal Dosha in your birth chart. Thanks & God Bless.
      February 27, 2016
  • sree
    D.O.B 27.08.1987 timing 9.05 AM. Please check it is mangalik or not. if yes what remedy to marry non manglik boy. please ignore previous message. date of birth wrongly mentioned in that.
    February 15, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Sree, When looking into the chart, the boy is manglik and also has Sayana Dosha. If you marry a manglik boy without doing remedies, then you will not get happiness in marriage life. So you can for a person who has no Mars Dosha. Remedy for Manglik is to do poojas for planet Mars on Tuesdays for 8 Tuesdays or visit Vaitheeshwaran temple near Mayavaram and do the remedy in this temple on a Tuesday.
      February 22, 2016
  • sree
    D.O.B 28.08.1987 timing 9.05 AM. Please check it is mangalik or not. if yes what remedy to marry non manglik boy.
    February 15, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Sree, When looking into the chart, it remains to be manglik for the modified date also with the same time. Remedies mentioned earlier remains to be same.
      February 22, 2016
    Madam, please let me know do i have any kind of dosha. I appreciate if you can suggestion us some remedies for it. D.O.B: 12 Oct 1989, time 2:56 PM, Place: Secunderabad. Thanks.
    February 15, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Vinay, When looking into the birth chart, there is Manglik Dosha as Mars is in the 8th house and with Rahu in the ascendant and Ketu in the 7th house and this indicates Sarph Dosha. Due to this, there will be relationship problems and disturbances in happiness. You have to be careful and be patient. Moon is also with Rahu in the ascendant. So you may face emotional disturbances in personal life. You have to do pariharam for planets Moon, Mars, Rahu and Ketu and you can contact the customer support of Astroved or perform fire rituals for the above planets-Moon, Mars, Rahu and Ketu.
      February 22, 2016
  • Vinay
    Dear Anjali Garu, I have a girl friend loving since couple of years and both of us parents accepted for our marriage. So we are planning for marriage this year. Could you please let me know do any one of us both have any kind of dosha. I appreciate if you can suggestion us some remedies if it is required to perform before marriage. Below are the details. Thanks in Advance. My name: Vinay Poosa D.O.B: 12 Oct 1989 @ 2:56PM Place of birth: Secunderabad, Telangana Her name: Vanaja D.O.B: 16 Aug 1989 @ 9:45 AM Place of birth: Nalgonda, Telangana
    February 14, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Vinay, When looking into your birth chart, it can be said that you are not having Sarpha Dosha, but in the boy chart-there is Sarpha Dosha with Ketu in the 1st house and Rahu in t he 7th house. Moon is with RAHU IN THE 7TH HOUSE in the boy chart. So there will be relationship problems if you get married. Further the boy is also Manglik with Mars in the 2nd house. So you have do remedies for Mars, Moon, Rahu and Ketu and you can contact customer support of Astroved and do homas for the above planets and get benefitted. If you wish to marry this person-remedies mentioned above has to be done for the above planets and then only you can go marriage. You can go marriage after doing remedies now and then you can get married by January 2017.
      February 22, 2016
  • Kanchana
    Sir, My date of birth 16.6.1989, time 5.20pm,place challakere India. Plz confirm whether I am having kuja dosa.
    February 11, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Kanchana, When looking into your birth chart, there is no chance for Kuja Dosha.
      February 22, 2016
  • krishna
    DOB is 09-06-1988. Time 11.05 AM. Revathi nakshatram In his horoscope lagna is Ketu , 7th house is mars and rahu , 5th house is Shani . 8th house is Chandra, 9th house is Guru, 10th house is Ravi and Shukra, 11th house is Buddha. Please advise marriage prospects in 2016 for long and successful marriage. If dosam exists then what is the remedy With regards N Mani, Mumbai
    February 10, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Krishna, When looking into the birth chart, Mars is in 7th house and this indicates Manglik dosham and Sarpha dosham also. In the 1st house there is Ketu and in the 7th house-there is Rahu. It will be good to postpone marriage till next year after August 2017. This year is not advisable. Both male and female must have Manglik dosham with Mars in 7th house and Ketu in the 1st house and Rahu in the 7th house. Otherwise marriage is not advisable between the boy and the girl.
      February 22, 2016
  • Mounika
    I loved a person who have kuja dosha(7th house) and his date of birth - 10/10/1991 and Time - 7:10 pm Place - giddalur . I don't have kuja dhosha and my date of birth - 25/02/1993 and Time - 6:56 am Place - Anantapur . We want to marry.Please say the remedy for it.
    February 3, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Mounika, It will not be good for you to marry a person who does not have Kuja Dosha, since the person whom you are loving has Kuja Dosha. If you marry the person, then you may not be able to maintain happiness in relationship. If you still wish to marry-then you have to do remedies for planet Mars in a temple.
      February 22, 2016
  • murali
    iam birth in 14/10/1990 7:50 pm mars is in 1st house is there dosha or not i will marry a non-magna link girl please tell me remidi
    January 28, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Murali, First of all you haven’t mentioned the place of birth without place of birth it is quite difficult to find the exact longitude and latitude. Moreover when the place of birth has been added as Mumbai it shows that your Mars is placed in 2nd house, which also creates Mangalik Dosha. so getting married with Mangalik girl will give you good results as per your wishes. Thanks & God Bless..
      February 16, 2016
    D.O.B of my daughter is 10/08/1987, Time -5.40 Pm at New Delhi. I am confused whether she is manglkik or NOT? Some one told that she is Manglik. mars is placed at 7th House in Cancer sign alongwith Sun, Ven & Mer. I am searching a groom (boy) for her. Whether she can be married to a non-manglik boy ? with kind regards- P.C.Joshi from New Delhi
    January 27, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Pramod, Your daughter is Mangalik because the planet Mars has occupied the 7th house, which is called relationship and marriage house. The Planet Mars is debilitated in marriage house. You should search a Mangalik boy for her. This will add positive substances in her personal life. Thanks and God Bless.
      February 2, 2016
  • Vetagiri Narahari
    Sir/madem I have khuj dosha .. Previously I have married.. But disturbed and diversd . no w I have ready to another marriage... My date of birth is 01.03.1983na life I mean marriage life ela untundi . plz giv detail's madam
    January 27, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Vetagiri, You are suppose to provide the place and time of birth as well. Just with the help of date/month and year of birth we cannot predict this kind of circumstances. Thanks & God Bless
      February 2, 2016
  • Pankaja
    My DOB 25.06.1985 @ 3.30 pm, may i know in which house i have kuja ? & wat are the remedies to be followed for nullifying the same???
    January 27, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Pankaja, As per your given birth details, you are free from Mars (Kuja Dosha) affliction. The Planet Mars is placed in 9th house and conjoins along with Mercury and the Sun, Gemini Sign. It shows that you does not have Mangalik Dosha. Thanks & God Bless.
      February 2, 2016
  • b v subba rao
    in female chart mars is in 7th house, while in male chart mars is in 7th house from moon, as well in 8th house from venus. does the kuja dosh balances? . pl. clarify.
    December 31, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear B V Subba Rao, Yes, both are afflicted from Mars dosha and if in both of birth cart Mars affliction is present then it balance the marital life. Thanks.
      January 20, 2016
  • Krishna sri
    I have kuja dosha. Now i want to marry a person with out kuja dosha then what i do for this removing of kuja dosha
    December 27, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Krishna Rai, There are several rituals and remedies can be done. You can perform Mars Fire Ritual or you can perform Kumbh Vivah before your marriage. Chanting Mars Mantra “Om Kraam Kreen Kroum Sah: Bhoumaya Namaha:’ for 7000 times in 40 days would also prove to be highly beneficial.
      January 6, 2016
  • bharath
    I have khuja dosha in 12th house I'm in love with a girl she doesn't have any problem we were facing so many troubles in our relationship we don't want to break it and we have strong desire of getting married please help me....
    December 25, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Bharath, You can proceed if you have strong desire because Kuja Dosha could be nullified with various kind of Vedic and Tantric Remedies. You can perform Mars Fire Ritual or you can perform Kumbh Vivah before your marriage. Chanting Mars Mantra “Om Kraam Kreen Kroum Sah: Bhoumaya Namaha:’ for 7000 times in 40 days would also prove to be highly beneficial. Apart from all this, Whether your upcoming partner also have the same dosha or not? If both of you have the dosha then naturally it get cancelled, else perform the given remedies to get rid from this affliction.
      January 7, 2016
  • vinay
    my date of birth 17 09 1988 mars is 1st planet i have kuja dosha or not
    December 23, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Vinay, Please note that you haven’t provided your time of birth and place of birth. Without these details it is not possible to generate your birth chart and make any predictions.
      January 7, 2016
  • mahitha
    I loved a person who doesn't have kuja dosha....but I have kuja dosha....pls that me how I can remove this kuja dosha...I want to marry whom I loved one will u tell for me pariharam...pls
    December 16, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Mahitha, You can perform Kumbh Vivah/Puja, Mangal Homa is also suggested in your case.
      December 18, 2015
  • greeshma
    Is i married to banana tree or peepal tree...then I am able to marry a person who doesn't have kuja dosha...then it will be remove from me...
    December 16, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Greeshma, Some scriptures are supportive for the statement which you made. However Kumbh Vivah is also suggested for the same.
      December 18, 2015
  • Rafi
    Im in love with a Kuja dosha girl(Hindu). we dont want to break our relation ship can you please advice what problems we need to face if we married
    December 15, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Rafi, Generally Kuja (Mars) Dosha creates disturbances in marital life. Misunderstanding and obstacles are seen in the relationship. Some scriptures supports that separation is also possible in some cases. But we cannot get on any conclusion without analyzing both the birth charts.
      December 18, 2015
  • Nazeer
    for Muslims ?
    November 30, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Nazeer, Astrology is Science based so religion doesn't matter.This is for everyone.
      December 15, 2015
  • sunil kumar
    how to know whether the dosha is present or absent after doing certain things to remove kuju dosha
    November 23, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Sunil, Please note that the Kuja Dosha cannot be removed however we can perform remedies to nullify the effect of the Dosha. Click Here to register with our website and get a free Prasna Astrology Question. For more information please contact [email protected]
      December 14, 2015
  • rocky
    what remedy for christians for Kuja dosha and Shani dasha
    November 14, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Rocky, Thank you for your query. We will revert to you soon.
      November 14, 2015