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Sun Transit in Aries

Apr, 13, 2024 (Saturday) at 11:34 AM

Supportive for People With These Moon Signs or Ascendants in Their Vedic Birth Chart

Challenging for People With These Moon Signs or Ascendants in Their Vedic Birth Chart

Moderate for People With These Moon Signs or Ascendants in Their Vedic Birth Chart


In Tamil Nadu, a state in southern India, Vedic New Year is celebrated when the Sun comes into Aries. With this transit, the Sun is starting a fresh year of his cycle through the 12 Zodiac signs. It is considered an auspicious time for new beginnings and a powerful time to make sweeping changes.

The Sun gets exalted (most strong) in the Zodiac sign of Aries. The Sun has deep exaltation at 10 degrees 0 minutes.

Aries is an active, fiery, masculine sign. Since the Sun is a fiery, masculine planet, he is quite comfortable in Aries. The Sun will be transiting in the stars Ashwini, Bharani and Krittika (1st pada or quarter) during his stay in Aries.

Impact of Transit of the Sun in Aries

The Sun rules Leo, the natural 5th house of the Zodiacthat is associated with creativity and projects. When the Sun moves intothe sign of Aries,it is the best time to reach out for new opportunities and come out of the same old routine. It is a good time to rejuvenate with the help of exalted Sun. Reinitiating stagnant works will also be favorable. Connecting with highly influential persons will be fruitful.This is the right time to developenthusiasm and determination to achieve in tasks successfully.

Connect With The Divine

The sacred scriptures prescribe fire ceremony, Abishekam (hydration ceremony), Pooja/Archana (Light and Sound ceremony), Yantra and Mantra (special sounds) as the ways to offer your prayer to the divine. Out of these, fire ceremony is the most evolved spiritual technology on earth to connect with the divine beings. Participate in the remedial services to clear your karma and receive the blessings.

Sun Pooja

Participate in Sun Pooja to develop leadership skills and progress in career

Sun Fire Lab

Participate in Sun Fire Lab to bring prosperity in your life and make your dreams come true.

Sun Yantra

Keep Sun yantra with you to progress in your career.