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Sage Panini

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Introduction to Sage Panini

Sage Panini

Sage Panini was a Panini was a Sanskrit Linguist, who lived almost 4000 years before. Sage Panini is regarded as the great poet, and a great Garamarian, who has patronized the Sanskrit language. Many people consider him as the wandering saint, who traveled extensively, almost all parts of India. It is said that he lived northwest Indian subcontinent in the era of Mahajanapada. It was only by the European scholars, his works were brought to limelight. His work called Astadhyayi, a treatise is highly revered work of him. His work has influenced many great scholars, and people across the world, to research more and bring various texts and treatise.

Birth and life of Sage Panini:

Sage Panini was born in Shalatula of ancient Gandhara. This small town is located at the junction of the Indus and Kabul rivers, which is in Pakistan. There are several debates about his life period, as several stories are attributed to his birth and life. Many people believe that he was killed by a lion. According to Patanjali’s text, his mother’s name was Dakshi, and his father’s name was Pani. His brother was called Pingala. Many people consider him to have lived in a similar era of Alexander the Great. But, many people consider his life, during that of Sage Bharadwaja , and Sage Shaktayan.

Contributions of Saint Panini:

Astadhyayi was composed in the sutra-style treatise. It is considered as one of the greatest books on Sanskrit grammar. The entire book had 3,959 "verses" or rules on linguistics elaborated syntax and semantics of Sanskrit, and the grammar in "eight chapters". This work of Sage Panin has become the foundational text of the Vyakaraṇa branch of the Vedanga, which is regarded as the auxiliary scholarly discipline of the Vedic period. His literary works are highly commendable, and his aphoristic text had attracted various “Bhashya”, which can be translated as commentaries. Among all the Mahabhashya, Sage Patanjali's work is famous in Hindu Pantheon. He had attracted several Buddhist scholars to study and elaborate on his works. His morphological analysis is highly advanced. His usage of metalanguage and meta-rules are highly helpful in computational devices.

The word "Sanskrit" translates to "complete" or "perfect". It is the common belief that it is the language of God. Sage Panini rendered a comprehensive study, with the scientific background which elaborates on phonetics, phonology, and morphology.


To appreciate his work, he is regarded as the founder of the language and literature. His extensive work on morphological analysis is fairy advanced than the Western theory before the mid 20th century. Thus it was the great works of those Sages that paved the way for modern science, advancements, and literature. It is highly important to give them a pedestal of veneration. It is important to do extensive research about this Sage to find the hidden gems, which could benefit humanity.