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Independence Day 2023

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July 04, 2023, Tuesday

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Introduction to Independence Day

There were times when many countries of the world were ruled by other nations. These countries suffered from a great deal of misfortune. However, the people began fighting against foreign rule and got liberation at last. The day they gained political independence, and the right of self-rule is called their Independence Day. India too falls in this category.

Our country remained under the British rule for many centuries. People fought courageously against the rulers and even sacrificed their lives for liberty. At last, India got independence on August 15, 1947. This day is celebrated as Independence Day.


History of India’s Struggle for Independence

The English came first to India in the early 17th century for doing business. Slowly, their firm, the East India Company acquired military power. They began fighting and conquering the Indian kings. Soon, our country came under their control to a large extent. Without basic rights or freedom, people became slaves in their own country, but later they started rising against the oppressive foreign rule.

Mahatma Gandhi led a non-violent civil disobedience movement against the British reign. At last, the English were forced to concede freedom to India. But along with this, the country got divided on communal lines as India and Pakistan. This resulted in terrible bloodshed. However, with independence came democracy, which means people rule themselves. This has resulted in our progress and all-round betterment.

Celebrations on Independence Day

The Constituent Assembly of India met in New Delhi on 14 August 1947. There, Jawaharlal Nehru the first Prime Minister of India declared India an independent nation and delivered the historic ‘Tryst with Destiny’ speech at midnight. Then, on the Independence Day of 15 August, he hoisted the national flag and addressed the nation from the Red Fort. People all over the country celebrated this hard-fought freedom with great passion. Indian Prime Ministers are continuing to adhere to the practice of hoisting the national flag in Red Fort on Independence Day. Chief Ministers also hoist national flags in their state capitals. The event concludes with the national anthem. Armed forces hold march-pasts. Many organize cultural events, sing patriotic songs and give away sweets. Government offices and private organizations also do flag-hoisting functions. On Independence Day eve, the President of India also gives his usual address. Independence Day is a national holiday.