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June 10, 2015 | Total Views : 23,195
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In Astrology, planets like Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are called papa grahas or malefics. If papa grahas are positioned in the 1st, 2nd, 4th,7th 8th and 12th houses from the lagna, or moon then they cause doshas. Venus and Mars play a vital role in deciding the happiness of man and woman in their marriage and relationship. In a man`s chart a strong Venus brings him a beautiful wife.

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What is kalathra dosha?

  • The seventh house in a horoscope is called kalathra sthana or house. Kalathra stands for spouse.
  • The Kalathra karaka in a male chart is Venus, while in the female chart it is planet Jupiter.
  • The seventh house stands for husband or wife, pleasures, enjoyment, longevity of spouse, marital harmony, co relationship with married partner, lover, temporary or permanent separation and divorce, sexual relationship, progeny matters.
  • To judge Kalathra dosha in a chart, one must study the 2nd, 7th and 11th houses. The 7th house is however given the most importance in evaluating this dosha.
  • Kalathra dosha causes trouble, delay or break in marriage. So compatibility of both the bride and groom are studied by analyzing their charts to check for doshas before marriage.

How it affects?

  • Unhappy marriage
  • Delayed marriage
  • Untimely death of a partner
  • Unable to get a proper suitable match
  • Lack of conjugal bliss
  • Family life devoid of love and ties
  • Enmity amongst family and relatives

According to Vedic Astrology Venus or planet Shukra is the son of Sage Bhrighu. He is the embodiment of love and beauty. He is the brightest star in the sky. A strong shukra would attract love, romance, luxury, beauty, wealth and good marital life. A weak shukra causes break up in relationships. Do you have Kalathra Dosha in Your Birth Chart? Pacify Mars and Venus with our 'Fix Your Relatonship Program' to Resolve Your Relationship Problems Kalathra dosha occurs when

  • Placement of Rahu or Mars and Venus combination. Mars and Venus combination affects marital harmony. In female horoscope, if Mars and Venus exchange their places or navamshas, then she will develop attachment to other men affecting family happiness. But if her fourth house, the house of chastity and its lord are not afflicted with Sun and Jupiter is in strong positions with benefic planets, then such a tendency would not arise.
  • Mars in 7th house is chiefly responsible for the death of spouse.
  • In Germany, if the black cat crosses right to left, then it is bad luck.
  • If Planet Venus is in combination of a malefic planet then it would cause afflictions like affecting the longevity of a person`s wife.
  • Seventh house is combust with Sun.
  • Sun and Rahu are placed in the seventh house . In a male horoscope, if Rahu occupies the 7th house from the lagna or moon sign or Venus then it would cause early death to his wife.
  • If sun and Rahu or ketu are in the 7th house, in a male chart then he will lose his money through his wife`s bad ways or ill health.

What other texts say about separation of couple.

  • Varahamihira in his `Bruhajjataka`,”If there is a mix of good and bad planets in the 7th house, the native will have more than one marriage.”
  • Kalyana Varma in his “Phaladeepika” “If Venus or the seventh lord is hemmed between malefics or conjunct with malefic or aspected by malefic, then one loses a partner”
  • It happens when 7th house is aspected by malefic planets or occupied by them.

What other texts say about separation of couple.

  • Donate copper vessels to some temple
  • Keep fast on Tuesdays
  • Distribute clothes, food to a widow
  • Homa or fire ritual to the nine planets
  • Do sathya narayana pooja for 7 consecutive weeks on Wednesdays.

Do you have Kalathra Dosha in Your Birth Chart? Pacify Mars and Venus with our 'Fix Your Relatonship Program' to Resolve Your Relationship Problems


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  • Sruthi
    My dob sruthi:15/12/1989 time 9:01pm. Pushyami:star ,place Rajahmundry. My husband:Srinivas 6/3/1990 time:9:00am, star:arudhra, place:Guntur.I have kalthra dosham.plz tell me some remedies or puja to overcome problems .please check our both kundli kindly tell me some remedies.
    June 15, 2019
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      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



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      Astroved Member Support.

      June 20, 2019
  • Satheesh
    My Date of birth is 06-July-1990 at 08.30 am in chennai. I think i have kalathra dosham because of rahu in 7th place. My marriage is getting delayed. Please let me know when will i get married. Is there any pariharam that need to be done? Please let me know what planetary positions need to be considered in girls horoscope while matching. Please advise.
    February 25, 2019
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      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

      With Kind Regards.
      Astroved Member Support.

      May 27, 2019
  • hiru
    Could you please comment on my marriage life?
    February 11, 2019
  • Sandhya
    Hello Sir, I am sandhya an employee in a private firm. I have basic knowledge about astrology and also highly interested to research about it. I would like to know when my marriage will occur and spouse predictions. Mainly am little struggling in my career path sir. Right now preparing for govt exams. Highly focusing on govt sector jobs. Birth details: 29/09/1993 Time: 4.40pm Place, Ambur,TamilNadu.
    February 8, 2019
    • Vinothkumar


      Greetings from AstroVed.

      Please write to [email protected] so that we can check with our astrologer and provide you the required information.

      Team AstroVed

      February 22, 2019
  • Lalitha Hiranmayi
    Please let me know about my horoscope and when will I get married and when will I get job and is tthere will be any problems in married life and whether I have kuja dosha or not? Dob: 26/10/1996,. Place of birth: Vijayawada. Time of birth: 12:10pm
    January 30, 2019
    • Vinothkumar


      Greetings from AstroVed.

      Please write to [email protected] so that we can check with our astrologer and provide you the required information.

      Team AstroVed

      February 22, 2019
  • Damodara Naidu Mannem
    My birthday is 6.09.1989 time morning 9:30 to 10:30 Somebody told I have a dosham so can you please give suggestion regarding this
    January 9, 2019
    • Vinothkumar


      Greetings from AstroVed.

      Please write to [email protected] so that we can check with our astrologer and provide you the required information.

      Team AstroVed

      February 22, 2019
  • Ravishankar
    Hi,Male zodaic is , 2april , 1995 .3.00am Dharapuram. Female zodaic is Vidhya , 9Nov 1995 ,8.55am coimbatore , is this we are having match for marriage?
    December 9, 2018
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      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

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      Astroved Member Support.

      May 27, 2019
    My daughter DOB 21/08/1994 , 9:38 am Ahmedabad Why delay in marriage though good proposals are coming . What Doshas are there. Remedy Please
    November 29, 2018
    • Sales


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      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

      With Kind Regards.
      Astroved Member Support.

      September 19, 2019
    MY DAUGHTER DOB 21/08/1994. 9:38 AM AHMEDABAD
    November 29, 2018
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      Thank you for your query.

      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

      With Kind Regards.
      Astroved Member Support.

      September 19, 2019
  • Soniya
    My DOB: 18/10/1985, TOB: 3:12 PM, POB: DELHI...Please advice when will I get married
    November 27, 2018
    • Sales


      Thank you for your query.

      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

      With Kind Regards.
      Astroved Member Support.

      September 19, 2019
  • Sales
    Namaste, Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth,and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com.
    July 25, 2018
  • Pushpa leela
    Hello Mam! Good morning! I m pushpa leela. I was born at 8:45 A.m August 1987. My raasi is ''KANYA" & my Lagna is also "KANYA". At the placement of in my Lagna or Ascendant "MOON & KETU (Dragon's tail, Descending'') are located in FIRST PLACE in Kanya. In THIRD PLACE means IN "SCORPIO" rasi "SATURN" (Shani) is located as 3rd place. "RAAHU (Ascending, Dragon's Head)" is located In SEVENTH Place means In "PISCES" . "JUPITER" is located in EIGHTH PLACE means in "ARIES ( MESHA rashi). "SUN", "MERCURY", "VENUS" &"MARS" these four planets are located In TWELVE PLACE means in LEO (Simha Rashi). Mam! For the placement of RAHU(Dragon's head) in Seventh place & Seventh House Graham JUPITER is located in the Eighth house. For this cause, I got KALATRA DOSHAM. For these two reasons, I am separated & I got divorce also from my husband. Mam! Please tell me remedies to this Seventh House graha dosha remedies. If any problems in my mutual life , in my Jathakam, please tell me remedies. Please MAM! Please............................................
    July 22, 2018
  • Raghu N
    When Will My Brothers Marriage happen? His D.O.B :19.03.1986 Time: 07.10PM(Evening) Place: Tumkur Please tell if any remedies have to be done.
    June 9, 2018
  • Sravani
    I was born on 1/1/1982,at 12:30 a.m got married with in 3months I have to go for divorce,plz suggest me what Dosha ,I have some even said that I am having kalatra and kuja Dosha do I have second marriage or not plz suggest me remedies
    May 17, 2018
  • Sathya priya
    Sir, I need my marriage and job prediction... my astrologer said, I have a kalathra dhosam ;-( I am sad about this... I just depresssed... I want a lovable hubby... this s my only desire... plz give the remedy... Dob.26.01.1996 Place- trichy Time_7.10 P.m Mesha rasi aswini natchathram Waiting for your reply
    March 12, 2018
  • pruthvi
    Hello anjali, When my mum went to show horoscope of my fiance, they told he has kalathra dosha. could you please confirm it and also can u please tell me if match would be done? Boy- Ashish kumar pandey . DOB - May 25, 1992, POB- Balia, UP, Time: 6:40M Girl - Pruthvi v . DOB- Oct 06, 1991, Tumkur, karnataka , Time: 10:07Pm please provide me the results asap. Thank you soo much..
    February 6, 2018
  • saranya
    Please tell about my marriage life mam 06.08.1988 time 05.45am in Tuticorin District, TN Lots of Disturbances in my Marriage. So Pls Ask when My Marriage Happen.
    November 29, 2017
  • Shalini
    Hi,I am shalini I was born on sep 17,1993 at 7:12 pm.I have sun,moon,Mars, Jupiter and Mercury in 7 th position.It is a symbol of kalathra dosha.But I have both good and bad planets.I need to know how my future life will be.Because I was facing issues in my love life and was separated permanently.Is this because of planets? is thr any possibility for reunion?How will be my marriage life and spouse?If I get married will it cause any death of spouse any indications like that pls adive and suggest me....
    September 2, 2017
    • Sales
      Namaste , Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com.
      October 6, 2017
  • Yogeshwaran
    Dob 11071984, Place Chennai Time 1 25 am How will my next life of future Whether my marriage will happen or not I had doubt of date whether 10 or 11 bcoz 10 midnight and 11 early morning.what it was?
    August 13, 2017
    • Sales
      Namaste , Thank you for your query. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved Member Support. http://www.Astroved.com.
      October 6, 2017
  • Yowaraj
    1.When marriage can fix. 2.How about life partner and life 3.Work
    June 27, 2017
  • guntupalli swapna
    My name is swapna My date of birth is 12.7.1987 time 4.10 am born at tadikonda guntur district a. i applied for divorce can i get it
    June 23, 2017
  • I a raju
    Date of birth 25-02-1977 ..in visakahapatnam in my lagna table rahu is 7th House plse give me about marriage life &
    June 14, 2017
  • a
    my dof 11/7/91 time 10:00am palce of birth ramagundam my finace dog 9/5/89 time 10:50pm place of birth anakapalle I am forced to do this marriage will we end up in divorce
    June 3, 2017
  • narasimhan
    Hello My son's dob is 24.05.1991, time of birth is 9.59 am, pob, is chennai He is having katak lagna with guru and mars plaed in Lagna. He has sat in 7th house Pl advise the effect of saturn in 7th house. thanks in advance narasimhan.
    May 22, 2017
  • Sneha
    Some astrologers told me that i am having kalathra dosha can you help me is it still available where we need to do pariharam pooja. Name:- Sneha DOB:- 2/07/1991 Timings:- 3 :57 Pm Place:- Bangalore
    April 7, 2017
  • Sai lakshmi
    Dear Sir, Saravanan male 9 Mar 1989 time 9.15 am chennai Vanaja female 19 April 1989 time 6.15 pm karimnagar I am grooms mom,have gone to two astrologer of which one said bride has kalastra dosham and the other denied it completely and added the natal chart with respect to moon and lagna are symmetrical and their married life would be happy. Iam really confused the girl seems to be a good match for my son. Please advise and clarify whether dosha exits and if it is strong any parigaram can be done or should we say no to Thier parents.
    March 11, 2017
  • Mukesh
    My wife leave at his mom's home ,she was not talking with me, my birthdate14/01/1985hai, time 12:10 minutes.amy sign of separation.in my life. Birth place Siwan.
    February 7, 2017
  • Mel
    Hi!! Can you see how old I am to be married and if my marriage will be happy? thanks born: 11/06/1988 9:00 AM Picos- Piauí Brazil
    January 26, 2017
  • s.p.ainapur
    Sir, My son born on 10-1-`1996,wednesday at 9PM at Sagar,Shimoga Dt. Now he is interested in Film Field.He is the only son for us.He is very Good in behaviour.But we worried about his future & maritial status. S.P.Ainapur.
    January 22, 2017
  • Rahul
    I am rahul born in september 6-1988 in tiruchirappalli at 6:30pm. In my jathagam cheveai in 2 house and kethu 7 th house may astrologer saying many suggestion about chevai dosam so clear my doubt about dosam
    November 28, 2016
    Hiii...i am gopika.k. my d.o.b is 05/07/1996 ,time 9.10 am..could u say about my future
    November 24, 2016
  • Shalini
    September 20, 2016
  • Shalini
    Hi mam.my d.o. b . 06.07.1988 time 6.00am . Salem. I have Saturn in 7th place and I have laknam is sun. Can u tell about when my marriage. And also some people says Saturn in 7th place is very bad please tell
    September 15, 2016
  • Supriya
    Hi My dob 6/11/1994 Birth time 8.10 am Birth place omalur,tamilnadu,india What about my marrage Love or arranged marriage
    June 20, 2016
  • Dipak Mishra
    My DOB 17.06.1971 time:8.00 How I can succed in my life
    June 6, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste , Thank you for contacting Astroved.com. You can consult our senior astrologer panel as per the details below and clarify with your questions ; We request you to please sign up as a free member on our website, www.Astroved.com and order the required astrologer services as indicated below online : Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Please feel free to call OR e-mail us for any further clarifications. Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Astroved member Support. www.Astroved.com
      June 10, 2016
  • karthika
    my name is karthika. my date of birth is 17-09-1992. time of birth is 12.59 pm. place of birth is Ernakulam dist. kerala. can you please tell about my marriage life?? few astrologers told i will face a divorse in my life.
    June 6, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste , Thank you for contacting Astroved.com. You can consult our senior astrologer panel as per the details below and clarify with your questions ; We request you to please sign up as a free member on our website, www.Astroved.com and order the required astrologer services as indicated below online : Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Please feel free to call OR e-mail us for any further clarifications. Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Sivakumar. Astroved Sales Support. 95000 95649. www.Astroved.com
      June 10, 2016
  • Chhaya
    Groom details- 23august 1987, time of birth- 10:58am,place-Hyderabad. Bride- 17 December 1993 ,time of birth 19:25pm,place-Cuddapah(Andhra Pradesh). Not a single astrologer is saying yes for this girl for my brother..... i want to know the reason??if you can please help because on software total guna mila is 27 out of 36 ..... is it bad?.
    June 3, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste , Thank you for contacting Astroved.com. You can consult our senior astrologer panel as per the details below and clarify with your questions ; We request you to please sign up as a free member on our website, www.Astroved.com and order the required astrologer services as indicated below online : Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Please feel free to call OR e-mail us for any further clarifications. Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Sivakumar. Astroved Sales Support. 95000 95649. www.Astroved.com
      June 10, 2016
  • Anand k
    Name: Anand DOB:13.12.1984 i have sun Mercury and kethu in 7 th place when will i get married and which direction i will get my spouse
    June 2, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste , Thank you for contacting Astroved.com. You can consult our senior astrologer panel as per the details below and clarify with your questions ; We request you to please sign up as a free member on our website, www.Astroved.com and order the required astrologer services as indicated below online : Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Please feel free to call OR e-mail us for any further clarifications. Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Sivakumar. Astroved Sales Support. 95000 95649. www.Astroved.com
      June 10, 2016
  • Karan Shah
    Hello, My dob is 12th January 1987 Time 22:46 Place mumbai I am worried for my career and marriage. There is nothing positive happening neither in personal or professional life. Appreciate if you could guide me. Thanks a lot!
    May 31, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste , Thank you for contacting Astroved.com. You can consult our senior astrologer panel as per the details below and clarify with your questions ; We request you to please sign up as a free member on our website, www.Astroved.com and order the required astrologer services as indicated below online : Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Please feel free to call OR e-mail us for any further clarifications. Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Sivakumar. Astroved Sales Support. 95000 95649. www.Astroved.com
      June 10, 2016
  • Prasad
    Hi, 1. when I will get married? 2. while searching bride is there any detail you can provide like she is from not my cast and from rich/poor family etc or I will be having arrange and love marriage? Required Details are as per below DOB : 19 Feb 1983 Time 6:26 AM Place Pune, Maharashtra. Please help me on this :-)
    May 30, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste , Thank you for contacting Astroved.com. You can consult our senior astrologer panel as per the details below and clarify with your questions ; We request you to please sign up as a free member on our website, www.Astroved.com and order the required astrologer services as indicated below online : Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Please feel free to call OR e-mail us for any further clarifications. Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Sivakumar. Astroved Sales Support. 95000 95649. www.Astroved.com
      June 10, 2016
  • Priya
    Hi, My DOB: 02.11.1991 Place of birth:Chennai Time of birth: 02:58PM I'm extremely pissed off with my life, don't know what's happening.. I am a failure on both professional & personal life.Please tell me when will I enjoy happiness & success in my life? Will my marital life be happy? Please tell when will I get married..I have tried to commit suicide several times & failed..I feel like I'm fit for nothing..everyone hates me,please I kindly request you to help me with an answer..
    May 25, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste , Thank you for contacting Astroved.com. You can consult our senior astrologer panel as per the details below and clarify with your questions ; We request you to please sign up as a free member on our website, www.Astroved.com and order the required astrologer services as indicated below online : Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Please feel free to call OR e-mail us for any further clarifications. Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Sivakumar. Astroved Sales Support. 95000 95649. www.Astroved.com
      June 10, 2016
  • suchi
    hello mam, i born 5th feb 1992--- time- 1:45am ---place -GANDHINAGAR mam first i want to know when i will get marry? and 2 astrologer said that in my char there is some combination of planet which indicate that i have a love affair, but i don't have any affair, they said that according that planet my life spoil. can you please tell me that this is true or not,, if this is true than what is the solution to avoid it please help me, my condition is not good once my engagement broken, and that thing totally broke me form inside and outside, and in this situation if they 2 astrologer's saying come true than i have no any option instead of suicide
    May 25, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste , Thank you for contacting Astroved.com. You can consult our senior astrologer panel as per the details below and clarify with your questions ; We request you to please sign up as a free member on our website, www.Astroved.com and order the required astrologer services as indicated below online : Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Please feel free to call OR e-mail us for any further clarifications. Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Sivakumar. Astroved Sales Support. 95000 95649. www.Astroved.com
      June 10, 2016
  • Sumana
    Hello my date of birth is 9th october1977. 3.40pm..Bangaon in West bengal. please tell me about my marrige.i am stiil unmarried.so when my marrige will be happen? how will be my spouse? it will be very kind if reply me soon here or to my email id address. Thank you.
    May 24, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste , Thank you for contacting Astroved.com. You can consult our senior astrologer panel as per the details below and clarify with your questions ; We request you to please sign up as a free member on our website, www.Astroved.com and order the required astrologer services as indicated below online : Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Please feel free to call OR e-mail us for any further clarifications. Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Sivakumar. Astroved Sales Support. 95000 95649. www.Astroved.com
      June 10, 2016
  • Sasmita
    Dear Madam, My Date of Birth is 25th January 1978, Time of birth: 10:32 AM, Place of Birth : Cuttack(Odiaha). I was married in February 2011 to an accountant but due to my spouse mother who fighted everyday and harassed me a lot in my inlaw house, I was bound to leave my inlaw family and staying separate since December 2014. I donot have any contact and they do not want to accept me where as my husband is silent and favours his family. What shall I do?? Shall I file divorce legally or wait till they change their mindset and accept me. I have no interest for second marriage. Please help me and guide by giving some permanent remedies to overcome and lead a blissful life. Regards, Sasmita
    May 21, 2016
    • Sales
      Namaste , Thank you for contacting Astroved.com. You can consult our senior astrologer panel as per the details below and clarify with your questions ; We request you to please sign up as a free member on our website, www.Astroved.com and order the required astrologer services as indicated below online : Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Please feel free to call OR e-mail us for any further clarifications. Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Sivakumar. Astroved Sales Support. 95000 95649. www.Astroved.com
      June 10, 2016
    May 19, 2016
  • Nithya
    My d.o.b is 08-04-1990 Time 1.01 PM What dhosam I am having and what remedy for that? How my life partner horoscope should be? Please explain
    May 16, 2016
  • Sonam
    Dob: 12th Sept 1991 Time : 12:55 pm Place : kolkata Please predict my marriage
    May 12, 2016
  • raji
    Hi Anjali, I have received answers to my earlier questions, thank you very much. I was born in chennai on Feb 15th 1956 @ 4 40 am and my husband was born in Nedumangad, Kerala on 10th june 1949 @ 11 55 PM. Our children, boy and girl are having troubled life, both not getting married, and not prosperous in life. What dhosa does our grihanila have? Any remedy to mitigate our childrens' problem? Do we have any previous papam ? Please give a detailed report. Appreciate your correctness in prediction. Please suggest remedies to ease our suffering. Thank you. Thank you once again
    May 9, 2016
  • Nandhini
    My Brithday is 05-09-1992 Birth Place is Coimbatore Time: 3.23 AM I would like to know about my marriage and career. Can you please tel me
    May 7, 2016
  • v n raj
    Born on 10/6/85 5.05 pm in hassan.wen can i expect my marriage
    May 4, 2016
  • Srujana
    My dob is 31/08/1985,time 6-6:30p.m.repalle.my husband dob-01/04/1976,11:30am,hyderabad Pls let me know about my marriage life. Do I have kalatra dosa ,if s pls let me know the remedy. .
    May 1, 2016
  • Madusha
    Hi, My Date of Birth is 1989.12.28, Time 8.26 p.m. When will I get married?
    May 1, 2016
  • shankar
    sir my date of birth 30.11.1976.time 5.30.pm still i have not married,and i having fear in work.what is problum or dosha in my kundli. please give me suggestion.
    April 27, 2016
  • Sharmu
    My birthdate is 03.10.1988 Time: 03.15 AM Place: Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu Groom details Birthdate: 08.10.1987 Time: 11.50 PM Place: Madurai, Tamilnadu Please tell me about when I will get married as it is already delayed am 28 now? Please tell the horoscope match in this Should we do any remedy for any dhosham I have already done for rahu and kuja dhosham?
    April 26, 2016
  • Manya
    Hi , My dob is 07.03.1987 7:45 am at udupi ? I have ketu in my 7th house from lagna? Will it cause trouble in my married life ?
    April 26, 2016
  • Samundi
    Mam My dob 04-12-90 Time 7.25 am Birth place thiruvannamalai Gender female Name samundi When I ll get job and marriage Whether I has rahu kethu thosam Is dat will affect my future? ? I loved a person his birth details are 10.10.90 at 7.15 pm at thiruvannamalai..... so pls tell me mam whether my marriage is arrange or love marriage.
    April 26, 2016
  • Samundi
    Mam My dob 04-12-90 Time 7.25 am Birth place thiruvannamalai Gender female Name samundi When I ll get job and marriage Whether I has rahu kethu thosam Is dat will affect my future? ? Pls reply me mam
    April 26, 2016
  • Samundi
    Mam My dob is 04-12-90 at 7.25 am thiruvannamalai.. am tried many gov job but am not getting... when I ll get gov job and marriage.. is I have rahu kethu thosam . Dat will affect my future? Pls reply me mam
    April 26, 2016
  • ummesalma
    i have moon in 7th house in aries sign and aspected by ketu can i get some information about it how will be my spouse nature towards me and my family and how will my future famil. i have tula lagna please give me answer as soon as possible do i have weak moon in birth chart, dob:- 8th september 2001 birth time:-11:13am birth place:-vadodara THANKYOU
    April 25, 2016
  • Sandhya
    Hi... My Dob is 08-march-1984, 6.33 AM, hyderabad My husband's DOB is 28-july-1982, 5.50 AM, mahbubnagar Could you please let me know the doshas as we are living separately since 1 year... Could u tell any remedies also
    April 24, 2016
    • Sales
      Dear Sandhya, Thank you for contacting Astroved.com. You can consult our senior astrologer panel as per the details below and clarify with your questions ; We request you to please sign up as a free member on our website, www.Astroved.com and order the required astrologer services as indicated below online : Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Please feel free to call OR e-mail us for any further clarifications. Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Sivakumar. Astroved Sales Support. 95000 95649. www.Astroved.com
      April 26, 2016
  • Manju
    My date of Birth is 30/05/1989 Time-6:43pm Place-secunderabad When will I get married?
    April 23, 2016
    • Sales
      Dear Manju, Thank you for contacting Astroved.com. You can consult our senior astrologer panel as per the details below and clarify with your questions ; We request you to please sign up as a free member on our website, www.Astroved.com and order the required astrologer services as indicated below online : Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx OFF Line payment options : Please use the following information to carry out a Bank Transfer or Direct Deposit and confirm us once you send us the payment : •Payable to:AstroVed.com Pvt. Ltd. Account #: 00172000022400 IFSC CODE #: HDFC0000017 Bank: HDFC Bank, Anna Nagar Branch, Chennai Please feel free to call OR e-mail us for any further clarifications. Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Sivakumar. Astroved Sales Support. 95000 95649. www.Astroved.com
      April 26, 2016
  • romani
    My name is romani dob is 06/07/1987 place is patiala and time is 3 :58 pm my question is I have 7th lord venus in 8th house in my horoscope which is not good for marriage What I do ? I should not do the marriage in my life 7th lord Venus in 8th house indicate death or divorce with spouse plz guide me
    April 23, 2016
  • Reeena
    Hi I have some enquiries....can you check on mine and my husband predictions whether will we be together forever...or...as recently we both feel very different over 5 years of marriage...as we don't feel towards each other..can you able to check wether we both have second marriage as I like someone else.. Name :reeena Date of birth:31/08/1985 Time of birth:16:26 Place of birth:SINGAPORE Gender:female Name:Sovindaran Date of birth:10/08/1979 Time of birth:21:26 Place of birth:singapore Gender : male Can you kindly please check the other party against mine Name:vinod Date of birth:23/06/1979 Place of birth: Kuala Lumpur I do not have the birth time...thanks
    April 22, 2016
    • Sales
      Dear Ms. Reena, Thank you for contacting Astroved.com. You can consult our senior astrologer panel as per the details below and clarify with your questions ; We request you to please sign up as a free member on our website, www.Astroved.com and order the required astrologer services as indicated below online : Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : Live Astrologer consultation : http://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115 Ask 3 questions : http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Matching report : http://www.astroved.com/customized-reports-horoscope-matching-report-P117.aspx Please feel free to call OR e-mail us for any further clarifications. Thanks, For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, With Kind Regards. Sivakumar. Astroved Sales Support. 95000 95649. www.Astroved.com
      April 23, 2016
  • Krishna
    Hello Anjali, My D.O.B. is 29-01-89, 12:45 PM, Place: Tanuku. Could you please throw some light on my marriage astrology. Appreciate your help. Regards, Krishna
    April 17, 2016
  • kavita singh
    Name-kavita Dob-15 Aug 1990 Time -6:15 pm Place- new delhi Plz tell me about my marriage… And would b spouse…is thr any prblm in my marriage
    April 17, 2016
  • Krishna
    Hi Anjali, My DOB is 29-01-1989, 12:45 PM.Place: Tanuku. Could you please throw some light on my marriage astrology. Appreciate the help. Regards, Krishna
    April 17, 2016
  • Ravindra
    Hi, I was fall in love with a foreign girl of different culture in March 2014 when I was in Saturn-Venus Vimshottory dosha. She is a good and charming girl. She is in a relationship with someone else from last 3 years. She had several relationships which ended with break ups, may be for Venus - Ketu conjunctions in 10th house. Her DOB is 26/06/1992, 12:45 pm, West Bengal, India. my DOB is 28/03/1986, 8:40 pm, Comilla, Bangladesh. As her 7th lord Jupitar is in her 12th house, I read on some astrology sites which indicates foreign and spiritual spouse. I am a spiritually inclined person. Same way my darakaraka Venus is in conjunction with Rahu in 7th house, which indicates chances of foreign and different culture spouse. I don't know why I feel a pull towards her, is there any chances of our relationship or marriage in future?
    April 14, 2016
  • Jyothi
    Hello sir, Following are the details of my daughter Dob:18/4/1991 Time:8:00 p.m Place:bangalore Can you please predict when she will get married and her married life?
    April 12, 2016
  • kavitha
    Hi Am kavitha my DOB 27 nov 1987, timing is 4.20pm, pls tell me abt my marriage life
    April 12, 2016
  • vinod
    HI Sir, I have been in relationship for last 4 year,my parents got agree,but her parents are not agree ,even i dont have any caste issue we belong to same caste.i am getting very obstacle in path plz help my details are vinod kumar prasad 12/02/1987 (12/feb/1987) timing 20.55 pm place; allahabad her detail nidhi kumari 09/08/1993 (09/august/1993) time;00:15 am place; siwan bihar sir ca u plz check that love marriage is possible or not .
    April 10, 2016
  • raju
    male Date of birth: 15/02/1985 Time: 5.13 am place: ipoh, malaysia When will i get married and how my married life would be? I would greatly appreciate it if someone can give me reply.
    April 10, 2016
  • Hiren Polra
    Tell me about my marriage life born 20 Jan 1984 savarkundala dis: amreli Gujarat why my marriage getting delay
    April 10, 2016
  • Hiren Polra
    My born in 20 Jan 1984 in Gujarat savarkundala amreli district why my marriage getting delay please predicte my marriage time I am a boy
    April 10, 2016
  • Mohan
    Hello I am Mohan, My DOB is 27.04.1988 Time 11.55 pm Place: Dindigul, Tamilnadu Could you please tell when i will get married, and wheteher i will get opportunity to work in abroad for long term, generally how will be my life, Thanks
    April 7, 2016
  • Shivani
    Dear Anjali, You are doing a very good work by answering the queries of everyone in detailed manner. Hats off to human beings like you. Like many others, I am undergoing troublesome married life. Separated since last one year. Please let me know if I'm moving towards Divorce or there are chances of reunion? If reunion, then pls suggest how much more this dark night is left as my daughter is just 1.5 year old and hasn't got her father's love at all. Also, I'm looking to change job but don't want to take risk. Do you see any good opportunity coming my way soon? By when? Pls advice. My dob is 05-09-1987 3:33 pm New Delhi His dob is 03-09-1984 4:00 am New Delhi
    April 5, 2016
  • Vikram
    date birth 25 sept 1984 time 8.36pm(dst corrected) london want to know about marriage and financial prediction in future?
    April 5, 2016
  • dayanand
    My dob is 3th april 1994 Birth time 9:07 am Birth place: erode My fiance dob is 1st feb 1994 Birth time 8.53pm Birth place: rasipuram.. could you please predict our marriage life..whether if both get married our life will be happy or not..suppose if any problem r dosha present in the birth chart..whether there is any parahira pooja to solve the problem and live a peaceful life?..and also i want to know when my marriage will happen and will get a government job?
    April 2, 2016
  • shailaja
    please reply
    April 1, 2016
  • Neha seth
    My d.o.b is 23-06-1989 Time-10:55pm Delhi I want to know when i will get married ?? And how will be..my married life and life partner???? Due to ketu in 7th house ...is there any problem?
    March 31, 2016
  • Dharan
    My DOB is 14th Jan 1988 at Thanjavur tamilnadu India at 12.48 am morning.. My match born on 18 July 1988 at mannargudi tamilnadu India at 10.16 am morning. Can you predict and let me know
    March 31, 2016
  • Ridhi Asrani
    Here are the birth details of a friend. Could you please predict the timing of marriage and about the spouse? Date of birth: 11/8/1992 Place of birth: Hyderabad, India Time of birth: 3:01 am
    March 28, 2016
  • Ridhi Asrani
    These are the birth details of a friend, could you predict the timing of the marriage for this person? Date of birth : 11/8/1992 Place of birth : Hyderabad, India Time of birth : 3:01 pm
    March 28, 2016
  • VIN
    Hi, I'm having trouble in finding marriage partner since several years. My details: Gender: Male DOB: 17 Sep 1980 Time: 7:40 pm Place: Vellore, TamilNadu I have taken several measures suggested by different astrologers & have also tried various poojas suggested by them. However nothing seems to work out. Please reply for the delay in my getting married; and the genuine reply if marriage will happen, and incase yes - how would the married life be? Thanks, Vin
    March 27, 2016
  • padmanabhan
    I too have the Suryan in the 7th house. Is there any Dosham regarding my marriage prospects?? Also, is my Shukran affected by any malefic influence?? My details are: 3rd Sep '86, Bhilai 1731 Hrs. Is there any pariharam available for me?? Thank you.
    March 26, 2016
  • ricky
    Hello, My dob-13/06/1994 Time-9.35pm Place-koraput,odisha. ....when will I get married. ?...and want to know about my life partner. ..
    March 25, 2016
  • Anand Raj
    Hi mam, K.Anandraj. , 12.10.1990, 8.41pm, chennai I have kalathra dosham in my horoscope. What is the solution to release that dhosam and when did i get marriage?
    March 24, 2016
  • Shyam Sundar
    Hi, Below details of mine for your reference, Could you please advise when will I get married? and also about personal & professional life and children. Thanks in advance. Shyam Sundar.K 03rd Dec 1988, 11:47 PM; birth place - Chennai
    March 23, 2016
  • Meenakshi
    My dob: 29 August 1978 @ 9:55pm Born in : Ipoh Perak Malaysia Rasi : Mithunam Punarpusam Can you predict when will be my marriage ?
    March 23, 2016
  • Swati
    My daughter's dob is 7/3/2016, time is 10:50pm and place is Delhi , shahdra. Mam please predict my daughter's future.
    March 22, 2016
  • shailaja
    madam i need a reply
    March 21, 2016
  • shailaja
    my name is shaila..date of birth :6 may 1990 ,,time 7:15 am and place :bangalore...my would be date of birth:5 march 1984 place :bangalore,,time :11:40 am.....my would be has kalathra dosha in horoscope but i dont have it...kundali milan score is 28...he is very aggressive and each and every moment he changes his words..plz analyse our horoscopes and tell me whether i should marry him or not...or any remedy for this...some astrologer says that he has 2 marriage yoga in horoscope and some says no..iam getting confused ...
    March 21, 2016
  • zinnia
    Namaste! My dob is 29/06/92 08:30am in Bankura, West Bengal My bf 's dob is 16/12/91 16:40 pm , kolkata We want to get married in 4-5yrs. Will this rmarraige wrk? Please reply
    March 15, 2016
  • Subhojit Biswas
    Name: Subhojit Biswas DOB: 30.Nov.1990 Time: 09:55 PM Place: Kolkata Please tell me about my marriage, when will it happen. Also I am having a lot of problems in my current job, please tell me when will I have some opportunities of new jobs / promotions.
    March 15, 2016
  • Aman
    Maam I have registered here.My dob is 29/01/1994 1:55 p.m. in Jamshedpur.I also wanted to know about the type of married life I would have. Thanks.
    March 14, 2016
    My date of birth is December 22, 1985 at 4-10 AM in Haridwar. Please tell me regarding my career and other good or bad yogs. With regards
    March 14, 2016
  • Anuranga
    Sir please chech our horoscopes give a prediction My details DOB :1986/2/25 Time :22:50 Place:Badulla srilanka My girlfriend details DOB :1990/12/07 Time:11.36 Am Place:Nuwara eliya.Srilanka
    March 13, 2016
  • rakesh
    My sister's birth date is 10-12-1989 ,8:52 AM And my brother-in law's b'date is 27-4-1986,18:18 pm Plz tell me whether its a good match or not
    March 12, 2016
  • Vishak
    Hi Madam, I am from kerala and would be interested in knowing an opinion from your side on my marriage . Boy DOB: 30-12-1983, Time: 8.20 PM ,Balance dasa : Guru 0-10-16 ,Star :Vishakam Girl : DOB: 21-9-1989 ,Time: 12.30 AM , Balance dasa : Moon 4-6-27 ,Star: Rohini We have checked here and have poruthams , but my family is concerned on the 7th position of Saturn in the Girls horoscope . Could you please have a look into it and give me a proper feedback . Please revert if you need any more informations from my side .
    March 12, 2016
  • Anand
    The gender is female
    March 12, 2016
  • Anand
    What is wrong with this chart. Marriage proposals are coming but rarely good ones.when will marriage take place DOB : January 8th,1990 Time: 11:35 PM Place: Secunderabad, Telangana
    March 11, 2016
  • parvati
    sir I am extremely worried for my daughter.somebody said she has kalathram dosha and so she will not get married or will have marital problems.and her dosha is bad for the mother that is me.please request you to check her horoscope and kindly guide me on this.will be really grateful for this.god bless . date of birth of the girl 9.12.1993 time 11.44 am place mumbai. thank you sir.
    March 11, 2016
  • Sindhu
    Hello. My date of birth is 7-12-1992. Time- 10.15am Could you please tell me when I 'll be married and will it be a arranged /love marriage? How will my life be post marriage?
    March 10, 2016
  • Archana
    My birth details are 7/5/1985,12:10 am,Bangalore.My friend birth details are 12/1/1984,11:30 am,Bangalore.Is it possible for love marriage for both of us? If yes, then how will be our married life? Boy's parents are not willing for this love marriage as of now.
    March 9, 2016
  • Rachna
    My Dob : 30/09/88 Time 17:15 hours Place : katni ,mp Please tell me when my marriage happens and how will it be
    March 7, 2016
  • Jayakumar
    Jayakumar 31-10-1984 8.10 am Tirupati Pls give predictions about marriage life and health
    March 7, 2016
  • Hiren
    plz predict my marriage life and time 17.03.1989 keshod 7 PM
    March 6, 2016
  • Aman
    My dob is 29/01/1994 1:55 p.m. in Jamshedpur.I also wanted to know about the type of married life I would have. Thanks.
    March 5, 2016
  • Vasanth Kumar c
    21-01-1987 8 47 pm. Bangalore. My health is deteriorating doing low cadre job delay in marriage
    March 5, 2016
  • Arun Kannan
    Name: Arun Kannan DOB: 25/07/1985 Time: 06:45 AM Place:Chennai Please give some predictions on my married life and children
    March 4, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Arun, Please register here to access our free astrology reports, for more information please contact [email protected] Thanks and God bless,
      March 5, 2016
  • mithuna priya
    my dob:- 27-03-1994 place of birth:-chittoor , time :-9.50 a.m hello sir, please let me know when will i get the job and when will i get married?heard from other astros that there will be complications in marriage.please say the remidies to have successfull and happy married life?
    March 4, 2016
  • Santhosh
    10 Dec 1986 Trivandrum 8:30 pm When will I get married and after married life how it would be
    March 3, 2016
  • Karan
    Hi Anjali, good Day! My d.o.b is 10th March 1985 and time is 11:25pm @ place Jalandhar(punjab). My gf d.o.b is 17th August 1988 and time 4:00pm @ same place as mine I.e. Jalandhar (punjab) I studied abroad and stayed there for almost 5.5 years and now I want to go back there but I m getting problem financially and mentally. I did a business in India but all In ruin. Can u, please tell me if I can go back there this year and do tell me about my financial situation in near future. Apart from this we want to get married and want to settle in abroad. We know each other since last 5 years and in between we had a break up or separation period of almost 1year. Now we are going good, but not able to get married. Can u please, please advise us or predict our marriage and future. THANKS
    March 3, 2016
  • santhosh
    Date of Birth: 10 dec-1986 Place: trivandrum Time:8:30pm Need to know when i will get married and post my marriage life how it would be for both of us.
    March 3, 2016
  • Eshwari
    My Birth details are 23/03/1985,11:30 am,nellore. What is the importance of D9 chart in married life? Why I am curious about this is in my D1 chart 7th lord is in 8th house which is not good but in my D9 chart 7th lord is in 5th house and 5th lord is in 7th house,I hope this combination is not so bad.In this scenario, shall I expect love and success in married life or my entire life will have the 7th lord evil effect( like chances of divorce and multiple marriages, husband longevity will be reduced,he might be from wealthy family but materialistic person etc) as in D1 chart.
    March 3, 2016
  • Swati
    Thanks for replying mam. U r doing a great job. My dob is 8/8/87 time 6:17, Delhi. And my husband's is 22/1/1983, 8:30pm, Delhi. After analyising my chart u told me that 4 planets in my 7th house are creating serious prob in my married life but I want to solve this prob permanently. So mam plz tell me what should I do should I take divorce or not. Is there any chance of second marriage. Bcoz I have completely fed up with this relationship. Or is there any scope to rectify the problems between us. Are we compatible to each other? Plz mam specify all these things bcoz I m too confused. Also tell me which planet is creating the problem and what r the ways to pacify this. Plz help me.I 'll be grateful to u. Thanks and regards.
    March 3, 2016
  • seema
    dob- 11august1987 time- 08:08am place-munger,bihar, india Hello mam.. pls predict about my marriage time. nd also smthing about my married life nd about my partner. me and my parrrents both are very disturb. pls help.........
    March 3, 2016
  • Rohit
    Hi, Could you predict my job prospects and marriage date. My dob is March 22 1986 time is 18:40 place is Indore Madhya Pradesh. India
    March 3, 2016
  • Rahil A
    My DOB IS :9th Feb 1992 , time :4:35 am , place Nizamabad (Telangana) . Will I get married if so at what age? How's my marriage life and spouse going to be ? ;(
    March 2, 2016
  • seema
    dob- 11 august 1987 time- 08:08am place- munger,bihar,india pls predict about my marriege time.. nd something also about my married life nd partner. me and my parrents both are very disturb \. pls help me..
    March 2, 2016
  • tanu
    My dob:06 oct 1986 time: 8.35 am place: karanja, raigad, maharashtra. My husband to be dob:5 dec 1983 time 11.50 pm Place: akola we both know eachother since last 7 years. now its high time i want to get married. he still seems to be in confusion. he does love me but his parents are not happy with our relation. also i want to study further and have a career in medicine. some panditji told me that my first marriage will not last for longer as i have vishkumbha and mangal dosha i also have kaalsarpa dosha. there are plenty of hurdles my way. kindly tell me is it true that my first marriage will not last longer at the same time do also tell me if he has more than one marriage indication.is there a chance for our separation? if i could marry what is the favourale time. kindly let me know if i have good career prospect as well if i can make good career in medicine.please help me with all my problems. thanking you
    March 2, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Tanu, When compared both of your birth charts, both of you have earned very less points. Out of 36 you have earned only 13 points, which is very much low as per Vedic Astrology. So problems are indicated as per the birth charts. This compatibility would prove to be an average one, Many adjustments is required. it may not cause any misunderstanding between the couple but sometimes you may find hard in adjusting with your companion. In romantic life some kind of frustrations can occur. Sometimes there may be lack of interest in continuing the relationship. There should be more maturity or knack to handle this kind of thought to have successful relationship.
      March 3, 2016
  • Suzy
    Dob 03/14/1988 5:26pm kathmandu, nepal I always have difficult relationships. When will i get married?
    March 1, 2016
  • Santhosh
    Date of birth 10 Dec 1986 Time 8:30 pm Place trivandrum Need to know right for marriage how will be my after marriage life and venus is in 7th house in birth chart
    March 1, 2016
  • Sivakumar
    Dear Madam, Thank you very much for your reply.(dated 29 Feb 2016). 1)Can you please suggest which year is auspicious for them to get married. 2)Because saturn in the 7th house in groom's horoscope and saturn in 8th house in brides horoscope. 3)Do we need to wait until the saturn transit for the groom and for my daughter ? Need your advice please. My daughter horoscope details as below ; D.O.B:11/02/1991 ,Time of Birth :04:05pm ,Place of Birth :Thanjavur,Tamilnadu Grooms horoscope details (details); D.O.B:20/03/1984 ; Time of Birth:09:10am ;Place of birth : Goden Rock,Tiruchirappalli,Tamil nadu
    March 1, 2016
  • Kannan
    Hi, Could you predict my marriage date and job prospects as i am currently unemployed. My D.O.B 26/06/1986 Place: Ranipet, Tamil Nadu, India and time is 10.40 A.M.
    March 1, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Kannan, You are born under Leo ascendant and Aquarius Moon Sign. At present you are undergoing from Jupiter major and Moon minor period. Job prospects is likely to get after August 2016, after this time frame you may get good job because the planet Jupiter will be transiting in your 2nd house (from ascendant), so this time frame would prove to be favorable. Marriage prospects might be quite late, in the starting phase of 2017 you may get married but you have to work very hard to get job. So high dedication and devotion is required. Taking initiations at proper time may bring right job and partner to you. Thanks & God Bless.
      March 3, 2016
  • Shaurya
    Hello sir , Foll. Are details of my sister : Dob: 19-03-1990 Time: 11:33 PM Place : Morena, MP Please tell about her marriage, when will it happen? And are their any problem in her marriage life?
    February 29, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear shaurya, Your sister is undergoing from Jupiter period and this planet is placed in 8th house, which is called obstacles and hindrance house. She may get married after June 2017. Taking proper initiations in this phase may bring right partner to you. Moreover she should change the attitude and her nature then she may not face any problems in her marriage life. Thanks & God Bless.
      March 3, 2016
  • Eshwari
    My Birth details are 23/03/1985,11:30 am,nellore.Do I have kaal sarp dosha?If yes, then please let me know the remedies.Thanks.
    February 29, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Eshwari, Yes, you are afflicted from ‘Kaal Sarp Dosha’. Try to appease Rahu & Ketu by chanting their Mantra or performing their Puja or Homa. Thanks & God Bless.
      March 3, 2016
  • tanu
    My dob:06 oct 1986 time: 8.35 am place: karanja, raigad, maharashtra. My husband to be dob:5 dec 1983 time 11.50 pm Place: akola kindly tell about the match. when can we marry ? are there any problem like separation or so. we have many problem going in our life.
    February 29, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Tanu, When compared both of your birth charts, both of you have earned very less points. Out of 36 you have earned only 13 points, which is very much low as per Vedic Astrology. So problems are indicated as per the birth charts. This compatibility would prove to be an average one, Many adjustments is required. it may not cause any misunderstanding between the couple but sometimes you may find hard in adjusting with your companion. In romantic life some kind of frustrations can occur. Sometimes there may be lack of interest in continuing the relationship. There should be more maturity or knack to handle this kind of thought to have successful relationship.
      March 3, 2016
  • Eshwari
    My Birth details are 23/03/1985,11:30 am,nellore.In my birth chart 7th lord jupiter is in 8th house which is not good fr marriage as 8th house is dusthana house.In my navamsa chart,5th lord and 7th lords got exchanged which may give success in love and relationships.Could you please predict my married life predictions.
    February 29, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Eshwari, Yes, you are near about correct that whenever 7th house lord is placed in 8th house, which is called obstacles and hidden hindrances house. but getting success in Love relationship is not indicated because the d9 charts plays a different role and it should signify d1 chart as well. Both the houses 5th & 7th degree wise should be connection as well. Moreover your starting phase of marriage life would be hectic and mutual understanding is required to deal with all the sensitive matters. There should be more maturity or knack to handle this kind of thought to have successful relationship. Thanks & God Bless.
      March 3, 2016
  • Priya
    My dob is 11.04.1989 and time is 01.01am. Birth place is tiruppur and my husbands dob is 01.05.1992 and time is 03.30 am. And birth place is nazareth. We maried in 2014 january. After a year we got seperated. How many times ever i tried talking to my husband he is not interested. Kindly help me about my reunion possibilities wit my husband.
    February 28, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Priya, As per your birth charts the point Vasya is not matching. It stand for magnetism and due to this particular reason. He does not have strong interest in the relationship. Though remedies may play a vital role in this case and you may find betterment in your life. try to perform the remedies with high dedication and devotion. Remedies are as follows: Before starting the remedy you should wash your home with Ganga Jal (Sacred Water) after that starting from Friday in Shukla Paksha, you have to Chant the Mantra for minimum 108 times daily for next 41days by sitting on a woolen red blanket facing towards North direction and worship Goddess Parvati by offering Green Lentils (Tuar Ki Daal). After offering to Goddess Parvati and then revolve it around yourself for seven times and feed to birds. Chant the Mantra and pray for bringing back happiness & Harmony in your relationship. Mantra: “Dham Dhim Dhum Durjatey Patni, Vam Vhim Vhum Vaghdeshwari Kram Krim Krum Kalika Devi, Sham Shim Shum Mein Shubham Kuru:” • Apart from this you can place an order to perform fire rituals to Parvati. http://www.astroved.com/archetype-diety-fire-lab-parvati-fire-lab-homa--p87.aspx When you go to sleep keep some water in a utensil at your beside in night. In the morning, throw this water at a place where it will not be defiled or misused in any way. Or use this water a plant. (This remedy is effective in reducing troubles, obstacles, disputes and disrepute). Thanks & God Bless.
      March 3, 2016
  • Arun Kannan
    Name: Arun Kannan DOB: 25/07/1985 Time: 06:45 AM Place:Chennai I am about my married life. Raghu in 7th place from moon and Rashi Please advise if there is seperation When will I get married
    February 28, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Arun, We are unable to determine what kind of assistance you want, for more information please contact [email protected] Thanks & God Bless.
      March 3, 2016
  • rathy
    hello, My DOB is 29.7.1989 around 5.50 am in thirunelveli. And my spouse's is 5.7.1986 between 7.30 and 8.00 pm in thirunelveli. It was a love marriage and we did not want to check the horoscopes fearing a mismatch. We did get married without many people's consent. Both of us have the same nakshathram. Some do tell us it is bad. I would like to know if there is any problem in our horoscopes.
    February 27, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Rathy, As per both, your birth chart’s & after seeing from various aspects. It found that many dosha’ s are present in your birth charts. Vasya, Rajuu and Nadi dosha’ s are present. Moreover Mars afflictions has also created emotional and sensitive kind of problems in your personal life. You both have same Nakshatra – Mrigasira but Padas are different so it is not a point of worry. Nullifying all the dosha may give you beneficial aspect.For more clarification please contact [email protected] Thanks & God Bless.
      March 1, 2016
  • Swati
    Dob 8.8.1987. Time :- 6:17pm. Place- Delhi. My married life has ruined badly. I am not happy with my husband. There are misunderstandings in our life. What is the reason behind it. Can these problems be solved permanently. Please tell me. Is mars Venus combination creating problem or is there any other planet which is creating troubles. Please elaborate and solve my problem. What should I do. I will be highly obliged to you. Please tell me what are the remedies.
    February 26, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Swati, You have 4 planets in your marriage house and the Moon is also aspecting your marriage house. This is not a good sign as per Vedic Astrology. This creates serious issues and troubles in personal life. Try to perform these remedies which would prove to be helpful for you in a way or other. Remedies are as follows: Remedies play a vital role so I am suggesting you to perform a remedy by your self sincerely Before starting the remedy you should wash your home with Ganga Jal (Sacred Water) after that starting from Friday in Shukla Paksha, you have to Chant the Mantra for minimum 108 times daily for next 41days by sitting on a woolen red blanket facing towards North direction and worship Goddess Parvati by offering Green Lentils (Tuar Ki Daal). After offering to Goddess Parvati and then revolve it around yourself for seven times and feed to birds. Chant the Mantra and pray for bringing back happiness & Harmony in your relationship. Mantra: “Dham Dhim Dhum Durjatey Patni, Vam Vhim Vhum Vaghdeshwari Kram Krim Krum Kalika Devi, Sham Shim Shum Mein Shubham Kuru:” • Apart from this you can place an order to perform fire rituals to Parvati. http://www.astroved.com/archetype-diety-fire-lab-parvati-fire-lab-homa--p87.aspx • When you go to sleep keep some water in a utensil beside you in night. In the morning, throw this water at a place where it will not be defiled or misused in any way. Or use this water on a plant. (This remedy is effective in reducing troubles, obstacles, disputes and disrepute). Thanks and God Bless
      March 1, 2016
  • Perumal
    My daughter marriage is delayed.any dhosha in her horoscope ? .at what age marriage would happen ? Date of Birth:26/02/1987;time of birth:09:46pm ;place of birth:golden rock ,tiruchirappalli
    February 25, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Perumal, Your daughter marriage prospects would be present after October 2016. This time frame would prove to be auspicious and may bring right partner for your daughter. The Planet Mars is creating Mars Dosha. Jupiter and Rahu creating Chandaal dosha. So before marriage birth charts should be matched and prefer Mangalik boy. This will add positivity in her personal life. Thanks & God Bless.
      March 1, 2016
  • Bhawna
    I am divorce......dob....13 dec 1977, 2:05 a.m,panipat (Haryana).My fiance is widower n hve a child.....dob...10 aug 1979, 19:18(7:18 p.m), rupnagar (punjab)...plz tell us how compatible we r wth each other as have already suffered a lot in my first marriage.Thanx n regards
    February 25, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Bhawna, After analyzing both of your birth chart very deeply. It shown that the compatibility is average one. Out of 36 you have gained only 18 points which is prove to be an average points as per Vedic Astrology. So after appeasing Mars, Rahu & Ketu you can proceed towards this marriage. Mutual understanding should be required and try to maintain cordial relationship with everyone. This will add positive substances in your life. Thanks & God Bless.
      March 1, 2016
    February 25, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Mandeep, While comparing both the birth charts, Vasya is missing from the compatibility.Vasya stands for magnetism and due to this attraction and intimacy level would get diminished in a way or other. Try to appease Mars & Venus to get peaceful life. Mars and Venus can be appeased by chanting their Mantra and performing Puja or Homa. Thanks & God Bless.
      March 3, 2016
  • SL
    I'm a female was born on 26.7.1986 at 12.15 p.m born place is Badulla, Sri Lanka. I need your kind help. Lagna libra / Rahu in 7th house and Ketu in 1st house. My 1st marriage ended in a divorce. The partner was utterly dishonest. it was 4 years ago and after to overcome the suffering I involved in spiritual activities which I could recover my self from suffering which really happened. people here think I'm crazy to do yoga and stuff in the young age. there is a sincere interest on the same. But I really want to marry again have kids and good family life. But I do not have a partner at the moment. I really want to your help. Can I marry again? will I be able to have a good family life which I need? If marry when should i marry and what are your predictions on my future.I'm very much in need of your kind advise. Thank you.
    February 25, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear SL, The Planet Ketu in your ascendant itself shows your interest towards occult and spirituality. So ignore the people nearby or around you. Spirituality would prove to be a big help for you. You may find better growth with the help of spirituality. Yes, you can go for second marriage and it may take place After Feb 2017. Taking proper initiations in this phase would bring right partner to you. You would be able to live a happy and prosperous life. Thanks & God Bless.
      March 1, 2016
  • rani
    Husbands name: vishal
    February 25, 2016
  • rani
    my birth date : 25/06/1981 time 08:40am (not exact), place: kanpur uttar pradesh. My husbands name: 20/02/1975, birth date: 20/02/1975, time: 3:15 pm, place: ghatkopar mumbai. Presently we are leaving separately. please give some remedy for leaving together and for our happy marriage life.
    February 25, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Rani, starting the remedy you should wash your home with Ganga Jal (Sacred Water) after that starting from Friday in Shukla Paksha, you have to Chant the Mantra for minimum 108 times daily for next 41days by sitting on a woolen red blanket facing towards North direction and worship Goddess Parvati by offering Green Lentils (Tuar Ki Daal). After offering to Goddess Parvati and then revolve it around yourself for seven times and feed to birds. Chant the Mantra and pray for bringing back happiness & Harmony in your relationship. Mantra: “Dham Dhim Dhum Durjatey Patni, Vam Vhim Vhum Vaghdeshwari Kram Krim Krum Kalika Devi, Sham Shim Shum Mein Shubham Kuru:” • Apart from this you can place an order to perform fire rituals to Parvati. http://www.astroved.com/archetype-diety-fire-lab-parvati-fire-lab-homa--p87.aspx • When you go to sleep keep some water in a utensil at your beside in night. In the morning, throw this water at a place where it will not be defiled or misused in any way. Or use this water a plant. (This remedy is effective in reducing troubles, obstacles, disputes and disrepute). Thanks & God Bless.
      March 1, 2016
  • Aman
    My dob is 29/01/1994 1:55 p.m. in Jamshedpur.I want to know whether my marriage will be love or arranged marriage and the time of marriage
    February 24, 2016
  • Aman
    My dob is 29/01/1994 1:55 p.m. in Jamshedpur.I want to know whether my marriage will be love or arranged marriage and the time of marriage.
    February 24, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Aman, Your marriage would be an arranged one. Moreover you may get marriage after the age of 24. Taking initiations in this time frame would bring right partner to you. Thanks & God Bless.
      February 29, 2016
  • Sivakumar
    Dear Madam, We received the proposal from the following groom (details); D.O.B:20/03/1984 ; Time of Birth:09:10am ;Place of birth : Goden Rock,Tiruchirappalli,Tamil nadu But my family rejected as this grooms age is 31.we are looking for a groom with in 29 years.But after receiving many proposals with in the age of 29 years, we observed that all got rejected due to the horoscope compatibility issues. 1)Can you please let us know whether we can wait and look groom for one more year or else shall we proceed for the above groom ? 2)How is the compatibility of this groom for my daughter ? 3)Is there any dosha in my daughter and this groom horoscope ? My daughter horoscope details as below ; D.O.B:11/02/1991 ,Time of Birth :04:05pm ,Place of Birth :Thanjavur,Tamilnadu Your Kind attention of the above mentioned subject is greatly appreciated
    February 24, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Sivakumar, As per your daughter horoscope the above mentioned horoscope matched very well. Both have earned 23 points out of 36 which is good as per Vedic Astrology. Moreover your daughter has Mars dosha and this native also have the same affliction. It shows that afflictions would be nullified when both of them are afflicted, so marriage is advisable and recommended with the above match. Thanks & God Bless.
      February 29, 2016
  • Hiren
    DOB : 17-3-1989 Time : 7 PM Place : keshod, Gujarat when will I get married. . I can't find suitable match for me.. & hows my marriage life? Thanks
    February 22, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Hiren, Your marriage house lord Jupiter is placed in 9th house and conjoins along with Mars in Taurus sign so marriage might be possible after August 2017. Your marriage life would be good if you become more energetic and active. Avoiding lethargic and postponement nature would give you good results as per your wishes. Thanks & God Bless.
      February 27, 2016
  • Somnath
    Hello, My birth details are : Date : 06/06/1991 Time : 07:05 a.m. Place : Latur, Maharashtra Please predict my marriage ?
    February 21, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Somnath, The Planet Rahu has occupied your marriage house and Ketu has aspect on it. Moreover the planet Jupiter (Bhadkesh) is the lord of your marriage house and it conjoins with malefic. So marriage is possible after October 2018. Thanks & God Bless.
      February 27, 2016
  • Mohit
    Tell me About my sister’s marriage..when it will happen... DOB- 22/05/1986 Place- karnal, haryana Time- 10.30 pm
    February 19, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Mohit, Your sister may take place in the end of this year 2016, after August 2016 the chances would be on a high scale but taking strong initiations in this period may bring right partner for her. Thanks & God Bless.
      February 27, 2016
  • Aiswarya
    I was born on 02nd oct 1992 at 1.47am (oct 1st night) at Kumaranalloor kottayam Kerala. Please tell me about my marriage.
    February 18, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Aiswarya, You are born under Cancer ascendant and Scorpio Moon Sign. At present you are undergoing from Jupiter minor and Venus major period. Marriage prospects would be high after January 2017, during this period you would be under the influence of Saturn and Jupiter which would prove to be helpful in your marriage prospects. Taking high initiations in this time frame may bring right partner for you. Thanks & God Bless.
      February 27, 2016
  • Rekha
    My dob is 7th march 1992 Birth time 6.27pm Birth place: Coimbatore My fiance dob is Feb 1st 1988 Birth time 9.47am Birth place: Salem.. could you please predict our marriage life..whether if both get married our life will be happy or not..suppose if any problem r dosha present in the birth chart..whether there is any parahira pooja to solve the problem and live a peaceful life?..and also i want to know when my marriage will happen and will get a government job?
    February 18, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Rekha, When both of your birth charts compared you both have earned only 19 points instead of 36, which is quite low as per Vedic Astrology. So it is an average match. Moreover Mars affliction is also present in your birth chart, means you have Mars dosha and your upcoming partner is free from Mars affliction this may create it may cause some misunderstanding between the couple and sometimes you may find hard in adjusting with your companion. There should be more maturity or knack to handle this kind of thought to have successful relationship. Try to appease Mars and the Moon by performing Puja or Homa. Marriage may take place in the end of this year. Furthermore getting Govt. Job is possible but los of effort, hard work and dedication is required for the same. Thanks & God Bless.
      February 27, 2016
  • madan
    Can you please predict my future mairage life and advice me is there any dhosas are there?. DOB:13/08/1988 Time :1.56pm Saturday Place of birth: Madurai (Tamil Nadu) Let me know when I will get married?.
    February 17, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Madan, You are born under Scorpio ascendant and Leo Moon Sign. In your marriage house the planet Jupiter is present and lord of your marriage house Venus has fallen in 8th house, Gemini Sign. It shows you are afflicted from Kalatra Dosha means marital dosha. Your marriage may take place after May 2018, during this time frame you have to take initiations and due to this you may get right partner at right time. Try to appease Venus and Jupiter for your own betterment in personal and professional life. Thanks & God Bless.
      February 27, 2016
  • Asha
    Plz let me know whether n when is child birth yoga in our kundli. Married since 9 yrs. Is naga dosha,putra dosha or other such doshha present and remedies. Boy--- 15/12/1977 (15 dec 77)time : 10:00am place- Faizabad (U.P) Girl--- 01/04/1980(1 april 80) time: 8:05 am place- Asansol (west bengal) Do we need to go for sarp puja in kukke subrayamanya mandir?
    February 16, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Asha, In your birth chart, Sarp dosha is present because Rahu and Ketu has occupied both the Kendra’s and your 5th house, which is called child house, lord Mercury has conjoined with Ketu. So Sarp Puja at Kukke Subrayamanya Mandir would give you beneficial aspect. Moreover Pitru Dosha is present in both of your birth charts and this is the prime factor that you are facing child problems. Because as per Veda’s our Ancestors blessing provide children. So perform the remedies to get rid from Pitru Dosha and surely you will find betterment in your personal life. you have to perform Tarpanam and Fast on your Ancestors Anniversary and if possible feed crows and cows on that particular day. This will help you to grow your business prospects further and you will lead a peaceful life. The remedial measure will help you to achieve your desired goals and general issues would be sorted out within sometime. Thanks & God Bless.
      February 27, 2016
  • Cheeni
    My date of birth is 27.06.1994,time-8.45 am-monday,birth place is Chennai.when will I get married & whether my marriage is arranged or love.I want to know about my future husband's name & appearance.
    February 15, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      When looking into your birth chart, there will be chances for love marriage and not arranged marriage as the 5th house lord Mars is in the 11th house. Further you will be start facing the major/minor period of Jupiter till September 2018. The next Jupiter transit is going to take place after August 2016. The coming Jupiter transit will be good for you as it will be moving to the 9th house from your rasi and aspecting your rasi. So your chances will be fine after September 2016 to get married. Your future husband name appearance will be very good and attractive. He will be a good personality. Future husband’s name will start in letters P or B. His name will be spiritual.
      February 22, 2016
  • hitesh
    dob: 2may1982 tob:23:45pm pob: alwar city rajasthan india i am a divorcee when will my second marriage take place and will i undertake foreign journey or settle abroad
    February 15, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Hitesh, When looking into your birth chart, your second marriage will take place from March 2017 when the sub-minor period of the Sun under the major/minor period of Mars/Mercury will be happening for you from March 2017. You will be able to undertake foreign journey, but settling abroad is not possible.
      February 22, 2016
  • sree
    Hello, Have doubt about marriage compatibility Groom 20/2/93 time 8pm Bride 10/4/94 time 8.20am Place: vellore, TN
    February 13, 2016
  • Madhusudanarao B
    Hi sir, My Dob is 04 May 1986 ,06:04 Pm .I have sun and rahu in 7th house in aries ,lagna is libra or tula, when will be my marriage .I sit with relatives or outsiders.
    February 13, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Madhusudanarao, When looking into the birth chart of yours you have to do remedies for Sun and Rahu as it in the 7th house. This will affect marriage relationship or delay in marriage. Perform Homas for Sun and Rahu. For this you can contact the customer support of Astroved. You will be able to get marriage alliance from outsiders and not relatives.
      February 22, 2016
  • susmitha
    Hi sir, Could you please tell if there is kalathra dosha in my horoscope? DOB:22/10/1988 time of birth:8.10 P.M place of birth: Ramachandrapuram, East godavari, Andhra pradesh
    February 11, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Susmitha, When looking into the birth chart of yours-there are chances for Kalathara Dosha in your horoscope and so it is advisable for you to do pariharam for Rahu, Ketu and Mars by doing homas with Astroved.
      February 22, 2016
  • Seema
    Madam, I will be going through moon dasha from 2017 and also going through Sani Sade shati(dhanur rashi) Since moon is in 8th house, what will be the issues caused during moon dasha? Will it cause problems to my married life? 5-11-1986/7.45PM/Mandya, karnataka
    February 11, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Seema, Moon in the 8th house will give you stress and you will be prone to confusion. It will be like a encounter with you that you will feel. You have to take care of your health as you may be prone to Colds, cough etc. You may have to spend money for health of your mother. There will be less understanding with your partner with the Moon in the 8th house and you have to be careful. Sade Sati bad effects will get nullified from August 2017. Read Hanuman chalisa and perform Sat urn homa for 12 months. You can contact the Astroved customer support for doing the homas.
      February 22, 2016
  • Priya
    Madam. Can you please predict about the life of my baby boy. 21-11-2015 12.11am Mangalore Karnataka
    February 11, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Priya, When looking into the birth chart of your son, he will have long life as Jupiter is is Lagna and having JeevaMuktha Yoga. This yoga will bestow him with fortunes in his life. He will have a good career. He may like a girl and be willing to marry the girl or he will marry a girl whom he like. You cannot force him to marry. His marriage will get delayed due to the presence of Rahu-Mars in the 2nd house and Ketu in the 8th house. Health care is essential on his part as he may be prone to digestion related problems. Eye care and teeth care is also essential. His birth chart has Sarp Dosh caused by Rahu-Ketu and so it will be essential for you to remedy for Rahu-Ketu at Kalahasthi near Andhrapradesh on his birth star where the day falls. Else you contact the customer support of Astroved to do pariharam for Rahu-Ketu. He will do professional course like Engineering. Going Abroad will be possible for him.
      February 22, 2016
  • Eshwari
    Could you please predict my marriage timings? Please let me know is there any possibility for love marriage. Birth Details:23/03/1985,11:30 am,Nellore
    February 11, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Eshwari, The 5th house in your birth chart has Ketu and the 5th house lord Venus is in retrograde movement in the 10th house. Venus is the planet for love and its retrograde position indicates that chances for you to engage in love will not be possible for you easily. Your marriage chances will be possible after November 2016.
      February 22, 2016
  • Ganesh
    Hello, My Birth details are : Date : 06/06/1991 Time : 07:05 a.m. Place : Latur, Maharashtra (Gemini lagna, Aquarius moon.) In my kundali, Rahu is placed in 7'th house from lagna. And also Venus, Jupiter and Mars are co-joined together in 2'nd house. Will I remain single forever ? Unmarried yoga or disturbed marital life ?
    February 8, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Ganesh, Marriage will be late from the above planetary positions. Even if you get married, there will be less happiness now. Jupiter in 2nd house from Lagna is a malefic for your birth chart and it indicates Kendraadhipathya Dosha. This Dosha may create less happiness in relationship. It will be fine for you to go for marriage by next year after August 2017 and not before that. After marriage, you may have to adjust a little and this is very much required on your part so that you will witness happiness. Perform Homas for Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.
      February 22, 2016
  • MandF
    Sir/Ma'am,my friends dob is F 30 sep 1981 time 10.53 am place mlr ka Ind please can you tell which month/year will marry with having boy or girl child in which year and also if other friend M 20 aug 1986 time not known pa usa will marry f or not as if it happens which month/year?Thank you very much :)
    February 7, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      When looking into your birth chart, marriage will take place next year after April 2017. You will be having boy child and this will be possible by April 2018.
      February 22, 2016
  • anjali
    hi mam... female-19/10/84 05.56am chennai tamilnadu india male-21/12/87 12.26pm madurai tamilnadu india Kindly answer me...wil we suceed in our love if yes when? will we get married?
    February 7, 2016
  • anjali
    hi mam... female-19/10/84 05.56am chennai tamilnadu india male-21/12/87 12.26pm madurai tamilnadu india Kindly ansr wil we suceed in our love if yes when? will we get married?
    February 7, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Anjali, When looking into both of your birth charts, there will be moderate chances for you to succeed in love and it may not end in marriage. In the male chart-affliction is present in the form of Rahu-Ketu Dosha with Rahu in the ascendant and Ketu in the 7th house. In the female chart, the 5th house lord Saturn is with the enemy planet the Sun and in the male chart- the 5th house lord the moon is with the 6th house lord the Sun. So chances for this marriage to succeed may be less possible. For getting good results, perform 9 planetary homa for both boy and the girl.
      February 22, 2016
  • Pavi
    Sir, Mine:18-7-89, 8:02am, Chennai Fiance: 1-Oct-87, 10:42pm, Pudukkottai We are engaged. But there are so many small problems taking place recently that is made big and marriage is gonna get called off. Kindly let me know if this will proceed sir. please If il marry the same person to whome i was engaged. Waiting for your response sir!
    February 7, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      HI Pavi, When looking into your birth chart, the 7th house lord Saturn is in the 6th house. The 8th house in your birth chart has Rahu with Ketu in the 2nd house. Also in the girls birth chart, the 2nd house lord Mercury is in the 6th house. Here the 2nd house is for relationship. Also the girl is now facing the major/minor period Rahu/Mercury and is not favorable. Rahu in her birth chart is aspected by the 12th house lord Mars. So there will not be proper happiness. The above planetary positions may not give you chances to marry the person. The girl has to remedy for Goddess Durga to see better results.
      February 22, 2016
  • chandru
    Name: Chandrasekar DOB : July 7,1984 Time: 3:10AM IST Place : Virudunagar, TN Pls predict when will i get married? Love or arranged marriage better? Ketu in kalathra bhava
    February 7, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Chandru, There is a saying that if Kethu is in 7th house getting married is little tough or get delayed. Now you are facing the Sade Sati of Saturn till January 2017. The 5th house is the house of love and the 5th house lord Mercury is in the 3rd house in enemy sign ruled by the moon. Arranged marriage will be better for you than love marriage. For Rahu/Ketu –Visiting Kalahasthi near Andhrapradesh on a day where your birth star falls will be good. You will get married after July 2017.
      February 22, 2016
  • Pihu
    Girl's details: 2.12.1987, 02:45am, Ahemdabad. Boy's: 6.8.1984, 12:45pm, Lucknow. Is it all right to go ahead. also why marriage of boy getting delayed.
    February 7, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      HI Pihu, when looking into the boy’s chart the 7th house lord Mars occupies the 2nd house with malefic Ketu and the Moon. The 7th house in the boy chart is being aspected by Saturn. Saturn is the planet for delay. The boy is said to be a manglik with Mars in the 2nd house. Rahu is in 8th house. All these planetary combinations does not promise quick marriage. It will be delayed marriage only. It will not be advisable to go ahead. Doing poojas to planet Mars and Rahu will nullify bad results.
      February 22, 2016
  • Mohan
    Hi, My dob is 20 nov 1981 , 4. 40 am Place of birth dharapuram. Will I get married? If yes then when? Pls reply. Thanks Mohan
    February 7, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Mohan, When looking into your birth chart as per your rasi-Simham, now the major planets- Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu are not favorable in transit, In your D9-Navamsh chart, the 7th house has Rahu and the 1st house has Ketu. Now you are facing the mahadasa of Rahu/Rahu till August 2017. Due to the above planetary positions you are facing delays in getting married. After this Jupiter transit which will happen after August 2016, you may witness better results. But your marriage chances will be possible by August 2017. Doing Pariharam for planets-Sun, Rahu and Ketu will do good for you.
      February 22, 2016
  • raji
    Hi Anjali, My daughter was divorced in 2010, and now she is friendly with a person, whom she wants to marry. For love marriage, should we see horoscope, moreover,he is an american, since she is in USA. Anyway,please see whether the horoscope match, if not what remedy to do for her to have a good married life? When will she marry? If any remedy si to be done, can I do it for her? Please answer . I have great faith in your response. Girl DOB Jan 12th 1984 @ 505 am @ trivandrum. boy DOB March 2nd 1983 @ 11.52 am @ Minot, North Dakota, USA. Thank you, you are doing a great job.
    February 5, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Raji, When looking into birth chart of your daughter, for love marriage generally it is not essential to look for matching of horoscopes. In your daughter birth chart, the 7th house lord Mercury is in the enemy sign ruled by Jupiter and gets combust with the Sun. Due to this, your daughter got divorced and during 2010, your daughter was running the major/minor period of Sun/Rahu. Also the 8th house lord the moon is in the 5th house and this clearly indicates your daughter’s desire to fall in love. When looking into the boy chart, it will be advisable for you not to proceed with the boy as in his birth chart, there is Rahu in the ascendant and Ketu in the 7th house. This is said to be affliction in the boy birth chart. Your daughter will get married during December 2017 and by that time the major/minor period of Moon/Jupiter will be operating for your daughter. Jupiter is said to be ascendant lord for your daughter and will do good for her. Marrying the boy whom she is loving is not advisable. If still your daughter wants to marry the person whom she was loving-she can do Uma-Maheshwara Pooja.
      February 22, 2016
  • raji
    Please find out whether these 2 horoscope will match boy DOB 13th Aug 1980 @ 5.55 pm @ chennai star uthram girl DOB 6th July 1981 @ 9.15 pm @ trivandrum star pooram Thank you.
    February 5, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Raji, When looking into both of your birth charts, Rahu major period is operating for both of you. In the boy chart, the 7th house is affected with the combined presence of Mercury/Rahu/Sun and in the girls chart, the 7th house lord the Moon is present in the 8th house aspected by the malefic 11th house lord Mars. The 7th house in the girls chart has affliction with presence of Rahu and Venus and this will not be good for harmony. From the girls birth star, the boy star is the 2nd star and this will not be good for compatibility. So it will be good for you not to proceed with this alliance.
      February 22, 2016
  • Ronny
    Hi Anjali, My DOB is 24th May 1983, born in Madgaon, Goa. Latitude: 15N18, Longitude: 73E57. Time of birth is 8:45 am. Can you tell me about my marital prospects and married life. I would also like to know about any doshas in this regard, any planet which could possibly affect the longevity of my future spouse and the remedies I can carry out through Astroved . Thanks.
    February 4, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Ronny, When looking into your birth chart, the ascendant has Rahu with Venus and Ketu in the 7th house. The 2nd house lord the moon is with retrograde Saturn. So there is Rahu/Ketu Dosha and Punarpoo Dosha caused by Saturn-Moon combination. Due to the above planetary combinations, it will be good for you to do remedies to planets-Saturn, moon, Rahu and Ketu. After doing remedies only you can proceed for marriage. Also you have to look into the girls chart for Rahu or Ketu in the 1st and 7th houses respectively. If you don’t consider this, then you are likely to get into trouble. Ketu and Jupiter can affect the longevity of your future house. You can do remedies in the form of poojas or homas for planets-Saturn, Moon, Jupiter, Rahu or Ketu with Astroved. You can contact the customer support of Astroved and they will guide you. You can go for marriage from July 2017.
      February 22, 2016
  • Ram
    19 Oct 1985 Delhi 07:30am Pls inform the status of planetary positions. Regards Ram
    February 4, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Ram, When looking into your birth chart, the 7th house lord Mars is in the 12th house with the ascendant lord Venus. Also the ascendant has Ketu with the malefic Sun and Rahu in the 7th house. The above planetary positions indicates problems in personal relationship and less happiness with respect to the same. So you can do remedies for Rahu, Ketu, Sun and Mars and this will give you good results.
      February 22, 2016
  • aditya
    wen my marriage happens my dob 06.01.84 time 07.13am place mumbai
    February 3, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Aditya, When looking into your birth chart, the 7th house lord Mercury is retrograde and gets combust with the Sun. Now you are facing the major/minor period of Jupiter/Mercury till March 2016. Jupiter and Mercury are inimical to each other. Now Jupiter in transit is not favorable till July 2016. So you will get chances to get married after February 2017. Suitable remedies to Mercury and Ketu is to be done. For Mercury-you can do Mercury homa for 2 months and for Ketu- you can do Ganesha Pooja for 12 months.
      February 22, 2016
  • Ranjith
    Hello Sir Could you please tel when my sister can get marry ? Dob 03apr1989 Place of birth ::Udupi in Karnataka Time of Birth 12:35 PM
    February 2, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Ranjith, When looking into your sister's birth chart, she is now facing the major/minor period of Jupiter/Rahu till April 2019. Venus as the 5th house lord is in exaltation in her birth chart . The Sub-minor period of Venus under the major/minor period of Jupiter/Rahu will be running for her from May 2018. Venus in her birth chart is conjoined with the ascendant lord Mercury. So during May 2018, your sister will have good chances of getting married. For quick results, doing Saturn pooja for 12 months and Durga homa will give her good results.
      February 22, 2016
  • pream
    hi my dob 9/12/1992 2:16 pm nagercoil i'm worried because 7th lord mercury hemmed between 6th lord sun and rahu in 9th house and lagna and 10 lord jupiter is in 7th house
    February 2, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Pream, Mercury as the 7th house lord is a malefic planet for your birth chart combust with the Sun and Rahu. Moon as the 5th house lord in exaltation is aspecting Mercury. Further Jupiter as the Lagna lord is also aspecting the Moon. Lagna lord is said to do good for any native. So the above position of Mercury may give you less happiness in relationship and delays in getting benefits. Both in relationship and career, you may not be able to earn good name for whatever you do. Now satisfaction with respect to your career and relationship will not be possible now and favorable results will only be possible after August 2016. You will witness good results only by year 2018. Do visit Lord Balaji temple on Wednesdays and do Pooja for Lord Narasimha and thereby you will be relieved.
      February 22, 2016
  • Mamma
    My dob is: 11th June, 1986. Time: 2:34pm place: kolkata Can you please let me know when can I get married. I am unable to find a suitable match for myself. Also, how I will meet my spouse?
    February 1, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Mamma, You are born under Libra ascendant and Cancer Moon Sign, at present you are undergoing from Venus minor and Ketu major period. The Planet Rahu is placed in your marriage house – 7th house, which is creating problems in your marriage and marital relationship is not materializing on time. Try to appease the planet Rahu by chanting Rahu Mantra or performing Homa. Marriage prospects would be present in the end of this year 2016. Taking initiations in the end of this time frame may bring right partner for you. Thanks & God Bless..
      February 16, 2016
  • aqua
    About My sister’s marriage..when it will happen.how it will be ahead DOB- 27/01/1989 Place- khanewal Time- after 12 am
    January 31, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Aqua, As your sister birth time is not prompt and apart from all this, her Lagna is in Sandhi so please confirm the birth time to get appropriate results. Thanks & God Bless..
      February 16, 2016
  • kishan
    Plz guide my marriage and marital life Dob 06/06/1986 Time 11.55 pm Place lachhamangarh sikar rajasthan
    January 29, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Kishan, You are born under Aquarius ascendant and Taurus Moon Sign. Your life partner may come from a good family and you would be able to enjoy your marital life in a way or other. Some kind of mutual understanding is required to deal with all the sensible matters. The end of this phase 2016 you may find betterment in your personal life and taking initiations in this particular time frame would add positive substances in your life and you may bring right partner to you. Thanks & God Bless..
      February 16, 2016
  • chandru
    dob 07 july 84 place and time : virudhunagar,tn 3:10am please predict When i will find a suitable partner? also not happy with my present job position
    January 29, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Chandru, You are born under Taurus ascendant and Libra Moon Sign. At present you are undergoing from Jupiter major and Moon minor period. Marriage prospects would be present after December – January 2016-17 because you are under the effect of Saturn Sade Sati as you are born under Libra Moon Sign. So taking initiations in this time frame may bring right partner for you. Job satisfaction would not be present until the age of 33 because of Dosha’ s in your birth chart. Try to appease Ketu & the Sun for your own betterment. Thanks & God Bless..
      February 16, 2016
  • kasturi
    kindly help me by checking our compatibility , if it is positive we will go ahead male DOB - 07-07-1983 PLACE - OTTAPALEM (KERALA) , INDIA TIME - 23:46 female DOB - 27-04-1988 PLACE- MEENAMBAKAM (CHENNAI) , INDIA TIME - 11:10 AM its a great help , thank you
    January 29, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Kasturi, When both of your birth chart’s considered you both have earned 25 points instead of 36. So overall it is a good match and you can go for the marriage. Mars, Rahu-Ketu, ascendant – ascendant and Moon sign – Moon sign all the factors are seen good. So you may not face any major issues. Thanks & God Bless..
      February 16, 2016
  • Manish
    Res. Sir/Madam, My DOB is 10-09-1984 22:15 Dewas (M.P.), I want to know the upcoming years events for which i have to careful in married/social/financial point of views.
    January 28, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Manish, For a detailed answer you have to order reports from our site, which will give you better clarity and transparency for your personal, financial and professional front. Visit www.astroved.com Thanks & God Bless..
      February 16, 2016
  • payal
    Hi my dob 12nov 1982 Delhi born 3:30am And my husband 7nov 1980 Chandigarh born 1:03am pls tel me whts going on wrong in married life and solution pls v urgent and imp
    January 25, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Payal, When compared both of your birth chart’s. Rajuu which is the prime Significator of marriage is not matching. Moreover ascendant – ascendant and Moon Sign – Moon Sign is also 2-12 which is negative and not good as per Vedic Astrology. It shows that you have faced several issues and troubles in your marriage life. Mutual understanding is missing from your relationship. Birth chart was not matched on the time of marriage Though sometimes remedies have played a vital role so I am suggesting you to perform a remedy by your self Before starting the remedy you should wash your home with Ganga Jal (Sacred Water) after that starting from Friday in Shukla Paksha, you have to Chant the Mantra for minimum 1008 times daily for next 41days by sitting on a woolen red blanket facing towards North direction and worship Goddess Parvati by offering Green Lentils (Tuar Ki Daal). After offering to Goddess Parvati and then revolve it around yourself for seven times and feed to birds. Chant the Mantra and pray for bringing back happiness & Harmony in your relationship. Mantra: “Dham Dhim Dhum Durjatey Patni, Vam Vhim Vhum Vaghdeshwari Kram Krim Krum Kalika Devi, Sham Shim Shum Mein Shubham Kuru:” Apart from this you can place an order to perform fire rituals to Parvati.
      February 2, 2016
  • Param
    Hello Anjali, My Dob is 26-10-1981, time: 10am, place: Ron,Karnataka And my wife date of birth is 28-4-1982 time: 12.5pm, place:Chennai. Due to some misfortune i separated(divorced) with my wife. I want to rejoin with my wife. Please help me. is it possible.
    January 24, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Param, Yes, it is possible through Vedic Remedy. Follow the given remedy and surely you will get desired results as per your wishes. Remedy has given below: I am suggesting you to perform a remedy by your self Before starting the remedy you should wash your home with Ganga Jal (Sacred Water) after that starting from Friday in Shukla Paksha, you have to Chant the Mantra for minimum 1008 times daily for next 41days by sitting on a woolen red blanket facing towards North direction and worship Goddess Parvati by offering Green Lentils (Tuar Ki Daal). After offering to Goddess Parvati and then revolve it around yourself for seven times and feed to birds. Chant the Mantra and pray for bringing back happiness & Harmony in your relationship. Mantra: “Dham Dhim Dhum Durjatey Patni, Vam Vhim Vhum Vaghdeshwari Kram Krim Krum Kalika Devi, Sham Shim Shum Mein Shubham Kuru:”
      February 2, 2016
  • paruvathy
    Dear sir my daughter date of birthday is 31 -1-1994. Time 9.44 pm. Born in klang hospital.is that she having kalathira dosham.she love with a boy born in 5-1-1993 .they can marry? What age she can marry?
    January 24, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Paruvathy, Her birth chart is afflicted from various aspects. She is born under Leo ascendant and Virgo Moon Sign. Her marriage house lord Saturn is placed in 7th house and conjoins along with Mercury in Aquarius Sign. She can get marry after September 2016. Without full birth details (place and time of birth) it is not possible to get more clarity. Thanks & God Bless.
      February 2, 2016
  • Sekara
    Hi Mam/Sir, sending you my daughtr's details. Dob : 16/7/83 birthplace: dindigul tamilnadu tim:3.00am... We are lookng fr marrge fr long.. we did many poojas n went to kalakasti,thirunageswaram,vaidhiwaran templ,aalangudi,kelthirupallam etc.. we wen to countless templs.. She studied wel n wrkng in mnc but nt finding a guy.. kalasarpa dosa found in her horoscop so v did all poojas.. now c is 32 years.. really very bad. Kindly tel what is the probm?.. whn wil c get marry?. Wthr c wil get marry or nt?. Expectng d reply wit tears.
    January 17, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Sekara, The 2nd is afflicted badly which is called family house but at present she is under the influence of Jupiter major and minor period, which is good for her. So marriage prospects would be materialized after middle of June 2016. Taking high initiation in this time frame may bring right partner to her. Thanks. God Bless.
      January 20, 2016
  • sadhu
    i have rahu ketu in 1-7 axis for cancer lagna. venus is in 7th with ketu. in navamsha, makara lagna mars exalted with ketu and moon rahu in 7th. not yet married, so whats ur prediction
    January 14, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Sadhu, Please provide your birth details to get more clarity and transparency. Thanks & God Bless.
      January 20, 2016
  • UK
    Hello Anjali Ma'm, What are the marriage prospects for the below horoscope (male). Thanks Dob: 13-04-1985 Tob: 4:30 AM Pob: Madurai
    January 9, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Srinivasudaykiran, As per your given details you are born under Aquarius ascendant and Capricorn Moon Sign. Your marriage (7th) house lord the Sun is placed in 2nd house with Venus and Mercury in Pisces Sign. At present you are undergoing from Rahu major and Venus minor period. All this criteria shows that the marriage prospects would be present After August 2016. Taking proper initiation in this time frame may bring right partner to you.
      January 20, 2016
  • vindi
    I born on 26.7.1986 at 12.15 p.m. Rahu in 7th house and Ketu in 1st house. Misfortune came and 1st marriage ended in divorce. Can I marry again? will I be able to have a good family life which I need. please tell me. Thanks
    January 9, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Vindi, You are born under Libra ascendant and Pisces Moon Sign. At present you are undergoing Ketu major and Mercury minor period. Your birth chart is afflicted by Rahu & Ketu Dosha, also the Saturn is moving from your ascendant, which is not much favorable. Second marriage lord Mercury is placed in 10th house. Second marriage is present on the cards but you have to wait until the end of this year 2016. In the end of this phase 2016, you may find better prospects and taking strong (make a note of it) initiations in this phase may bring right partner for you. Moreover you would be getting better family as well. Please mention place of birth for the future queries.
      January 20, 2016
  • Sumana
    Can you please tell me whether I have kalathra dosham. If yes what is the remedy pls. Date of birth: 20 April 1983 3:20 a.m.
    January 5, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Sumana, Place of birth is missing from the details which you have provided. Pls mention place of birth for better clarity. Thanks.
      January 20, 2016
  • Vanathi
    Dear sir, Could pls tell about my sister marriage.she loving one boy but my parents are against to marry him.we saw many astrologers.they saying if she marry him one of them will die nu.so pls can u check n tel whether she wil marry him or she wil marry as per my parents wish.if she marry him she will be happy with him til life end.pls send reply to my mail Birthday date :16.12.1988 Time:3.50 pm
    January 2, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Vanathi, Place of birth is missing from your details and without place of birth, birth chart cannot be prepared. Getting clarity in your query is not possible without place of birth. Thanks.
      January 20, 2016
  • Abhishek
    Please predict about my married life 7th August 1980 0047 Vadodara
    January 1, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Abhishek, You are born under Taurus ascendant and Gemini Moon Sign. At present you are undergoing from Jupiter major and Rahu minor period. The present time frame is neither supportive nor suitable for you until June 2016 because you are undergoing from Rahu minor period, which is not good for you. After August 2016 your time frame would be changed and you may find betterment in your personal life. So taking proper initiations in this time frame would bring better results as per your wishes. Thanks.
      January 20, 2016
  • Garry
    Wil we get married Male 2/08/90 12.30pm Samana punjab india Female 15/01/87 9.40pm Jaipur rajasthan india Kindly ansr wil we suceed in our love if yes when?
    December 29, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Garry, From your birth chart, there are strong indications present that you may get success in love marriage but your partner birth chart lack in this sector. So you have to sit back and think wisely. When we checked both of your birth chart compatibility, you both have earned good points. Out of 36 you both have earned 26. Literally it is a good match. From December 2016 the time frame would be favorable but try to correct every possibilities.
      January 6, 2016
  • Janani
    Please tell about my marriage life mam 02.07.1988 time 09.20am People are saying my marriage life wont be gud and i request you to tell your suggestion
    December 28, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Janani, Place of birth is missing in your given details, so it is not possible to predict anything without place of birth.
      January 6, 2016
  • Arnav
    Please predict about my married life. dob - 07.06.1989 time - 1:15 am place - Gondia
    December 26, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Arnav, As your marriage house lord Mercury is Bhadkesh (blockage) for your birth chart, so you would not be able to enjoy your marital life at the fullest. Some impairment might be possible. Moreover it has fallen in third house, so it could disturb your family environment as well. Apart from all this, your birth chart has Vish Yoga – Mars and Moon combination in 5th house. It shows that your love life would not be that great and most of the time your mind is in the search of love and intimacy.
      January 6, 2016
  • Anju
    About My sister's marriage..wen it will happen.. DOB- 01/08/1987 Place- Nagapattinam Time- 10:32am
    December 25, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Anju, Your sister is born under Virgo ascendant and Virgo Moon Sign. At present she is undergoing from Jupiter major and Saturn minor period. The Planet Rahu is situated in the marriage house and marriage house lord Jupiter is placed in 8th house. It shows the delay in marriage. After November 2016 marriage is likely to happen but strong desire and lots of efforts should be made to get beneficial results.
      January 7, 2016
  • raji
    Please predict my son's marriage. When will it happen and why the delay?. what to do to ?DOB aug 13th 1980 at chennai at 5 55 PM
    December 21, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Raji, Your Son is born under Capricorn ascendant and Leo Moon Sign. His birth chart is afflicted from various aspect. The Planet Rahu is present in his marriage house and the lord of marriage house the Moon has fallen in 8th house. Which is the prime reason for the delay of marriage. Rahu and Ketu afflictions is also one of the reason. Now marriage prospects would be present in the end of 2016.
      January 7, 2016
  • anita
    Galat dob ke liye sorry. SAHI Dob 24/06/1981 Time 03:45 pm Place- Allahabad, u.p. When will I get married?Dhanyawad
    December 19, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Anita, You are born under Libra ascendant and Aquarius Moon Sign. At present you are under the effect of Mercury major and Rahu minor period. Your marriage house lord Mars has fallen in 8th house, which is called malefic house. It is the main reason for the delay of your marriage. Moreover try to please Rahu and Ketu also for the marital bliss. After February 2017 marriage prospects would be present in your life.
      January 6, 2016
  • kartik
    can help to study marriage life of me and the girl i like. WIl we marry if yes, wil we be happy? MALE DOB: 25/11/1988 TIME: 9.38 p.m. PLACE: MALAYSIA GMT: +8 FEMALE DOB: 1/12/1989 TIME: 5.17 a.m. PLACE: MALAYSIA GMT: +8 Thanks a lot
    December 18, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Kartik, First of all place of birth (city) is not mentioned by you so I have taken Kuala Lumpur as your birth city. After analyzing both of your birth charts, there are many things that are not matching and most of things are missing. Out of 100, both of your charts has scored only 28. So chances are quite low to get married and marital bliss would be missing from this relationship.
      January 6, 2016
  • Afseen
    My fiance born in 6 th july 1984 at 8 am in mymensingh..bangladesh.I born in 15th march 1986 at 8.45 am at same place. Is there Any prb in marriage.
    December 18, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Afseen, Yes, after analyzing both birth charts, both of you have gained only 13 points out of 36, which is consider not good as per Vedic Astrology. Many Porthum is missing like Dina, Mahendra, Rasi, Graha Mitram, Vasya and Varna. So there will be major problems in this marriage. It is advisable for you to consult an astrologer before entering into this relationship.
      January 6, 2016
  • koyal
    Could you pls comment on my daughter's marriage life Dob: 27/11/2015 Place: chennai Time:12.32.p.m
    November 30, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Dear Koyal, Your daughter is just not enough old to get marriage predictions, however we have predicted as you are so curious to know.The planet Sun is the lord of her marriage house and the planet Jupiter is placed in marriage house. So her marriage life would be good. Marriage would be possible after the age of 25.
      December 18, 2015