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What Happens if a Black Cat crosses the Path?

June 10, 2015 | Total Views : 32,560
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Nimittani cha pasyami viparitani Kesava" ~says Arjuna to Lord Krishna in an anxious manner indicating that the omens are bad, before the war at Kurukshetra. Nimitta means omen.

Saguna sastra is a branch of astrology that studies about omens. It is also called nimitta astrology. Sakuna means omen that indicates a forthcoming happening and is not a cause for it. Everything is ordained by supreme God and nature whispers the good and bad that we have to face in the form of omens.

Saguna Sastra

Saguna sastra is astrology of omens where an astrologer can predict the forthcoming events based on the omens. It is about beliefs that when we set out towards a journey and whomever we meet, which can be persons, animals or birds, reptiles from the opposite direction or sounds of birds and animals indicate success or failure in our endeavor. Sage Garga has written a treatise about good and bad omens.

When a black cat crosses- bad omen
  • When a black cat crosses our path, it is an omen. Black represents planet Saturn. This planet causes failures and delays in our tasks and ventures. When a black cat crosses the path, it means that the particular task at hand would not be fruitful or would get delayed. It means that planet Saturn is not working favorably for him or her.
  • When one happens to experience such an omen, then one can sincerely offer prayers to God and light a lamp for Lord Ganesha to ward off the ill effects of planet Saturn.
  • It is good omen to see a cow, cow with calf, horse, elephant, before setting on a journey but a bad omen when a black cat comes across the path, according to saguna sastra.

Beliefs across different cultures

Different cultures across the world have superstitious beliefs ascribing to either good luck or bad luck when a black cat crosses. For example there are sayings that implicate good luck when Black cat crosses the path. “Black cat, cross my path - good fortune bring to home and hearth. When I am away from home, bring me luck wherever I roam” - Old English Charm Whenever the cat of the house is black, The lasses of lovers will have no lack." - English Proverb Crossing A Black Cat Could Mean That Saturn Is Not Favorable For You. Appease Saturn with our Ultimate Remedy Program to Receive His Favorable Blessings Folklore Folklore from Sussex in England says that Black cats are suspected to be witches and crossing one`s path would mean bad luck. In China, it is believed that they bring in famine and poverty. However, Latvian farmers believe that black cats are spirit of Rungis, the God of harvest and when they find black cats in their granary, they become overjoyed. Good Luck - when it crosses one`s path

  • In Germany, it is believed that if a black cat crosses left to right, then it is good luck.
  • If a black cat walked away from someone, then it is good luck, according to the beliefs of the 19th century pirates.

Bad luck – when it crosses one`s path.

  • It is bad luck when black cat crosses the path. To ward of bad luck, it is believed that if one should walk backwards in ten steps and turn around 3 times.
  • In Germany, if the black cat crosses right to left, then it is bad luck.
  • If a black cat towards someone, then it is good luck, according to the beliefs of the 19th century pirates.
  • Gamblers believe that if a black cat crosses their path while going to play then luck would not favor them.
  • When driving if a black cat crosses it is believed that one should turn around and go back to avoid ill luck.
  • In western and southern Europe, black cat crossing one`s path is bound to bring misfortune.

Omens indicate happenings. If good, one is happy, but if it is bad one tends to get fearful. Positive thoughts should be reinforced with belief that one`s resolve to live life fearlessly should become prime most with surrender to the universal laws in operation. Determined attitude is all that counts. Crossing A Black Cat Could Mean That Saturn Is Not Favorable For You. Appease Saturn with our Ultimate Remedy Program to Receive His Favorable Blessings


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  • D
    I have had on many nights a black cat cross my path almost on a daily basis no matter where I go what does that mean?
    November 23, 2019
    • Sales


      Please do not worry, hope you regularly face this on your routine life. If you do not feel any negative things happening, just ignore it.

      But still you can worship Shri Ganesha and Hanuman Ji pray closing your eyes for 2 to 3 minutes to overcome from all the obstacles and protect you on daily basis.

      With Regards,

      Astroved member support.

      December 20, 2019
  • Rohit
    Tonight the oddest thing happened around 7:30pm, after the sun had already set. I live in a gated community. And so I was behind 1 car as the gate was opening, for me to enter my community. The black cat literally waited for the car in front of me to pass, and then just as I was to enter -- the black cat slowly walks in front of my car from right to left. I couldn't believe it. Typically, these cats in our neighborhood are scared of cars. But this one cat so confidently walked in front of my path. And I swear to God, it was looking at me as it walked. As if it was showing me what it can do. At this same time I was having an argument with my girlfriend. I even told her about the incident. She tells me not to think too much about it. But seriously, the situation was so odd.. how this cat let the car in front of me pass, and then slowly walked right in front of my path. Can you please tell me.. is this surely a bad omen? Thank you, Rohit
    November 17, 2019
    • Sales

      Dear Rohit,

      No this is not a bad omen.

      Always pray Ganesha and Hanuman Ji whenever such things happen to overcome from any obstacles and for protection.


      With Regards,

      Astroved member support.

      December 20, 2019
  • Kim Pilarczyk
    This morning I looked out my front door. A black cat crossed a couple doors down from right to left. Becausevu saw it Is this bad luck for me
    August 22, 2019
    • Sales


      Please do not worry, nothing will happen.

      Chant Gayathri mantra 12 OR 21 times, if you feel any negativity, everything will be alright.

      God will be with you.

      Thanks & Regards,


      September 19, 2019
  • Gary
    Yesterday when I was parked a black cat walked in front of my car. However, to my knowledge it did not cross the path I was going to take to get inside my home once I got out of my car. What did this mean?
    March 8, 2019
    • Sales


      Thank you for your Query.

      Please do not worry, nothing negative will happen.

      Please take some handful of water holding on your hand and chant the Gayathri mantra for 27 times, and sprinkle the water on your head. No dosha will come to you.

      Visit Kanchipuram Sri Varadaraja temple and have darshan of Golden Lizard, you will not get affected of any dosha’s/Negativities.


      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

      With Kind Regards.
      Astroved Member Support.

      May 27, 2019
  • Destiny
    If a black cat crosses your path it’s bad luck now I’m not superstitious but this the one thing I do believe just yesterday a black cat ran a cross my path left to right and I don’t think it matter which way they walk but anyway I kept going and later on that day I caught a flat instantly me and my daughter was on the side the rod for 4 hours waiting for roadside my phone died it was just a mess black cats are bad luck and evil
    March 2, 2019
    • Sales


      If you sentiments and think of fear that something will happen negative, its our thoughts create the incidents.

      So whenever you come across such things, worship god with your prayers that nothing will happen to you, everything will be positive.

      Thanks & Regards,

      Astroved member support.

      May 27, 2019
  • Tarun
    My driver was driving the car and I was sitting beside him. We witnessed a black cat come from left to right and stop right in front of the car and stare at us.The car was at 120 kmph and he accidentally killed the cat. What does it mean?
    February 17, 2019
  • Andris L
    Hei. I was taking a hike one day 3 weeks ago and met 2 black and very friendly cats. Right after that i met a girl i can't get out of my mind still. Day and night i think of her. And only today i remembered about those 2 black cats. Any idea of what it can be exept for being inlove? Haven't read anything anywhere about 2 blacl cats. Maybe you have a thought about it?
    April 26, 2018
    • Sales
      Namaste, Do not have sentiments. Check your horoscope with an expert astrologer with us in Astroved. Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem. https://www.astroved.com/AstrologerScheduler.aspx?id=115&promo=avd0009
      September 19, 2018
  • vinita
    Namaste, Me and my fiancee were at the temple and during that time one kitten but lil grown up was rubbing my fiancee legs and crossing in between his legs.What does it mean?
    April 10, 2018
    • Sales
      Actually there is no such omen when a cat rubbing on legas, just showing its love.
      September 19, 2018
  • lakeisha maclin
    I was driving an the black cat crossed in front of me from left to right. I stopped my car a few feet back so it can cross. What dose it mean
    April 10, 2018
    • Sales
      Left to Right is a Good Omen only.
      September 19, 2018
  • Rara
    Omg. I was so happy when I read above that it's good luck if the black cat passes from left to right.... I don't worship any god but I have always been told that it's bad luck if a black cat passes in front of you. Being an equestrian, I need all the good luck I can get. Btw, my first showjumping show is tomorrow. On March 18.
    March 17, 2018
    • Sales
      March 21, 2018
  • Nancy collins
    So literally about 20 mins ago a black cat strolled out of a garden crossing my path from the right it was around 2 metre sticks in front (if that makes any difference) sure you can imagine my distress as my life is pretty dismal at the moment and for whatever reason the cat is playing on my mind hense why I have looked your site up please if you can give me advice on what I could possibly do thanks ?
    March 13, 2018
    • Sales
      Dear Nancy, Its only our faith and belief, that we give importance to this. If you simply ignore and in future if you see any cats crossing your way, you feel that it will not cause you anything negative, instead you think only positive will happen. Chant the mantra THIRUNEELAKANTAM - 108 times.
      March 28, 2018
  • she
    the cat came from right to left
    February 8, 2018
    • Sales
      Nothing to worry on this. Chant the mantra THIRUNEELAKANTAM - 108 TIMES.
      March 28, 2018
  • Rahul
    Today afternoon I was going back to home and suddenly BLACK CAT cross in front of me from left to right of 1st January 2018.
    January 2, 2018
    • Sales
      Its a Good Omen only from Left to Right. Right to Left - Visit Lord Shiva temple and sprinkle turmeric water on your head to remove any doshas.
      January 8, 2018
  • Erica Jones
    Today after taking my kids to school a black cat cross from left to right of me and stop in the middle of the street starred at me then proceeded to cross. I instantly went into prayer mode because I was always taught that a black cat means bad luck and at the moment I can NOT handle no more bad luck. I'm already struggling and can't make ends meet. So to see online and the response up above gave me hope that it means good luck! I hope so, lord knows I need it
    September 8, 2017
    • Sales
      Yes, you are True Erica. Do not worry on the cat significancies. Worship Lord Vishnu (care taker of the world). You will be always under his protection. With Thanks & Regards, Astroved Member support.
      September 22, 2017
  • Marie Jackson
    My youngest daughter and I were on our way to get some takeout and pick up some lottery tickets. As I was driving a HUGH BLACK CAT crossed our path from left to right I quickly placed a cross over me and hoped for the best. my baby girl didn't see it but asked what does it mean? I instantly told her it means GOOD LUCK honey! After reading your article I see I was right in my response to her. We also said a PRAYRR THAT LAST MONTH WAS THE LAST MONTH OF STRUGGLE FOR I AND MY THREE CHILDREN!!!!!
    August 6, 2017
    • Sales
      Namaste Marie, Its our own belief and centiments that we have with respect to this omen. Please internally chant your prayers, so that it will turn into a good omen and earn Good luck only. Astroved member support.
      August 8, 2017