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Swayamvara Parvathi Mantra

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Swayamvara Parvathi

Swayamvara Parvathi is a form of married Parvathi who is the consort and beloved of Shiva. When you chant the swayamvara Parvathi mantra, you invoke the Goddess Parvathi in her bridal avatar. The mantra is said to eliminate all the reasons that postpone your marriage. The Goddess removes all the obstruction in your marriage path and blesses you with a true and loving life partner.

So women who are unmarried revere the swayamvara Parvathi mantra and get blessed by her grace. The mantra also helps those who are married, already. By invoking Parvathi through the mantra, a couple cultivates more harmony in their marriage, and the whole environment at home stays positive.

Also, couples who are on the verge of a divorce if invoke the swayamvara Parvathi mantra get back together. So the mantra also saves any cliché in your marriage. Any marital life issues get resolved by regular chanting of the mantra.

Significance of Swayamvara Parvati Yagya

It is believed that Parvati had to perform a difficult penance to marry the ascetic Lord Shiva, who was not into domestic life. At this time, Sage Durvasa gave her a mantra that enabled the Goddess to marry Shiva. The mantra contained such power that the fight got resolved every time whenever some argument had developed between them.

The mantra is none other than the swayamvara Parvathi mantra, which helps every man and woman getting married. It also helps them find the right life partner and eliminates the chance of a marriage rescheduling.

Also, for those in love with someone and facing difficulties in getting married to them, the mantra solves their problem too. Regular chanting of the mantra takes you close to the person you are in love with and makes everything fall in place.

Due to some Doshas, people face delays in marriage or get prone to divorce. The swayamvara Parvathi mantra is a powerful remedy for such situations as it pacifies any planet's ill-effects that are becoming an obstacle.

How to Start with Swayamvara Parvathi Mantra?

It is easy to start with the mantra and get your wish fulfilled about your marital life.

The first step is to take a Sankalp or oath in front of the Goddess. Sit in front of the idol or image and start with telling your name. Say your details such as Parents' name, Gothra, Nakshatra. Tell Goddess about your problem and let her know that you would perform the Japa1008 times a day for 108 days.

Request the Goddess about removing the obstacle from your path. However, once you have started doing the Japa, you should not stop in-between; else, it might adversely affect you. Those who are dubious about chanting regularly should chant the mantra without taking any oath. This way, you would know your capacity if you can chant the mantra or not.

People can also have the mantra chanted by hiring any professional astrologer and paying their fee. They will chant the mantras regularly on your behalf, and you will get its positive effects in your life.

While reciting the mantra, you should also meditate. Be in the meditative stage for at least 20 minutes and visualize your desires. This way, you would develop a less chaotic mind connected to the universe and deliver your message to it. 

You also need to perform some offerings to the Goddess such as Deepam, Dhoop, Flowers, Fruits, Food, Betel leaves & nut, Aarti & Namaskarams daily.

Swayamvara Parvati Moola Mantra

“Om Hreem Yoginim Yogini Yogeswari Yoga Bhayankari Sakala Sthavara Jangamasya Mukha Hridayam Mama Vasam akarsha Akarshaya Swaha”

Issues happen in every marriage, but sometimes things get out of our control that we might think about putting an end to the relationship. Couples who still have hope that their marriage can work out should chant the swayamvara Parvathi mantra.

The mantra's vibrations connect them with the power of the Goddess and let her infuse power in your relationship, which strengthens your bond with the spouse. The mantra's chanting removes all the hindrances, both externally and internally, so both people can think clearly and address the issue.

People who suffer from being childless if revere the mantra get blessed by the Goddess, which helps them conceive the child. However, the mantra won't work if you are impotent; it can only help the couple to an extent. It can't change your fate if you are meant to be a childless parent.

There are many other benefits of chanting the swayamvara Parvathi mantra, such as making progress in your sexual life after marriage. The mantra gets you a loving husband or wife, and the mantra also works well in case of remarriage if one is already divorced.

Connect With The Divine

The sacred scriptures prescribe fire ceremony, Abishekam (hydration ceremony), Pooja/Archana (Light and Sound ceremony), Yantra and Mantra (special sounds) as the ways to offer your prayer to the divine. Out of these, fire ceremony is the most evolved spiritual technology on earth to connect with the divine beings. Participate in the remedial services to clear your karma and receive the blessings.

Swayamvara Parvathi Homa

Lord Shiva himself gave the Swayamvara Parvati Mantra to Goddess Parvati Devi.

Swayamvara Parvathi Yantra

Untie the tangled knots of problems that complicate your married life! Attract your soul mate towards