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Vedic Astrology and the Path of Healing

June 11, 2015 | Total Views : 3,005
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When we talk of ways of healing, what comes to our mind is the field of medicines that for ages has been reducing physical pain and suffering in this world. The most common known method of healing is to prescribe medicines and therapies to get rid of the diseases. Astrology stands apart in this respect; it proposes that one understand his or her environs: the external and inner Self, and the aberrations or anomalies that manifest the diseases.


Astrology heals all problems through a process of healing body and mind of individuals. Hence, it is about providing the appropriate guidance to initiate them in the process of self-healing. Domain of Vedic Astrology:Do you get overwhelmed with amazement whenever you think of this Universe and its potential? If you consider this world to be a creative wonder, so it is! More so when you realize that nothing strays from a proper order and Law of Nature! Astrology gives us an insight into Prakriti, the creative force of Purusha, the pure consciousness. In essence, it guides us towards attainment of Purusha so that we can unleash the tremendous potential of Prakriti. How understanding your birth-chart, initiates a process of healing: What do you learn from astrological analysis of your birth-chart:

  • The pattern of your life, your strengths, and weaknesses. It shows how you were born out of particular cosmic incidence of celestial bodies of the Zodiac and what vibrations you carry from them.
  • Influences of Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury and other planets and how they form part of our psyche and our body.
  • The karmic energies that you carry within you. Anger, love, hatred, pity, tolerance and intolerance, desire and lack of it, your hopes, and attitudes and so on, create a pattern of energy within you.

Awareness of the energies you carry makes it convenient for you to focus on what you desire to do in life, removing all confusions about understanding life. When your life is aligned with your soul, you will have quantum leaps of energy to accomplish your goals.


Guidance from Astrology: According to Astrology, human-beings should finally sync-in with nature, understand what the role they were born to undertake and find freedom from all confusions of their assumptions about reality. Astrology tells you how you can tap the power of the planets and interact with them:

  • Vedic rituals are performed in particular discipline, with vibrations of mantra, on auspiciousness times to connect with planetary energies.
  • Yoga and meditation are the processes of purging negative energies in you to make it easier to connect with the Nature. A good understanding of oneself makes individuals steady and increases their inner strength.
  • Food and life-style that is compatible with the energies in you to find optimum health of body and mind.

Remedies from Astrology: Astrology suggests ways to connect to these celestial powers under various circumstances based on tendencies each individual exhibits. In case of affliction of planets in birth-chart, or during the time of Major and minor planetary periods, astrologers suggest ways suggested by our enlightened saints and rishis. The acts of rectification or Pradosham times are the windows of opportunity to remove negative karmic energies that limit our potential in this current life.  


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