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Understand Your Child

June 11, 2015 | Total Views : 2,747
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Every Child is A Star

If children are blessings from the Lord then how can they be not special? Every child is born with some uniqueness, which if properly nurtured can develop into becoming the child’s individual identity. Parents or guardians or teachers have an important role to help the child identify the uniqueness and encourage him to work towards it. It is sometimes not easy to understand the specific bent of mind of a child. We have to expose the children to different subjects to understand where their interests lie. At times, the talents or the strengths of the child may start showing when they are already deeply involved into something very different and shifting to an altogether new subject will be a waste of their precious time and energy. How can you avert this kind of a situation? Astrology has a very simple solution for it.


Understand Your Child's Hidden Talents

Horoscope of a child, prepared on the basis of his birth details, will reveal the traits of a child and the nature of his personality. However, to understand the specific areas of interest of a child and about his learning strengths, an expert astrologer will study the combination of knowledge and education planets in a child’s birth chart. It is also important to analyze the planetary transits taking place during the child’s learning or educational phase to understand when the favorable and unfavorable times will unfold. The position of Mercury, which signifies intelligence, analytical decision and approach, is important in assessing a child’s intellect and his educational prospects. Apart from Mercury, the major planetary transits taking place and its corresponding influence on the education planets are also important.


There are many aspects that go into a detailed study of a child’s mental and analytical ability and our Detailed Student and Educational Assessment report, prepared by expert astrologers, takes into consideration of all the requisites. The detailed report will guide you about the subject areas where the child can make advancements. It will also indicate about the child’s hidden talents and qualities, which if pursued properly will help him to earn name and fame. An overall assessment of a student will not be complete without focusing on the areas where the child needs to pay more attention. Our Education Assessment Report will inform you about the specific areas or the times when a child will have to be more careful with his studies. The report also guides you through a list of powerful remedies to tackle any impediments in the chart, which if left unchecked, can hamper the child’s educational prospects.

Proper Assessment is the Key to Success

Every parent wants their child to stand out in the crowd. They engage the child in the learning process at a very tender age so that he or she doesn’t lags behind in the rat race. The Detailed Student and Educational Assessment report will give you a proper understanding of your child’s psyche so that you can guide your child towards a secured future. Encouraging a child to build up on his strengths will improve his chances to excel.  


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