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Mercury Mahadasha and Bhukti Effects

March 15, 2018 | Total Views : 28,089
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Mercury Mahadasha General Interpretations

Mercury is considered as an extremely positive planet as it bestows one with intellect and wisdom to attain personal charm and professional victory. The planet surrounds one with optimistic thoughts and renders a pure heart filled with righteousness. The Dasha period under Mercury is a blissful period which helps one to reach heights in profession and enhances fiscal status. There will be improvement in charm and personality resulting in cordial relationship with relations. One would be more flexible in nature, lively and lovable by everyone. The person would attain fame and respect for their knowledge and understanding. The native will build a strong interest towards arts and music and becomes more creative during Mercury Mahadasha. Inclination towards spirituality and respect towards elders is instilled in an individual. The person will be more sincere, determined and precise and would attain financial and social growth in life. The only negative aspect of Mercury Mahadasha is that it turns an individual more sensitive and reserved from the core.

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Mercury Mahadasha

Mercury Mahadasha Specific Interpretations

  • Interest in construction and excel at education and speech
  • Happiness from spouse and children
  • Trading gold will yield profit
  • Gain of new garments and jewelry
  • Attainment of public fame
  • Life will be filled with joy, humor and fun
  • Disinterest towards studies
  • Lassitude and suffering due to gastric problems, loss of appetite and ear & eye problems
  • Friendship with new people and detachment from old friends
  • Mental agony, antagonism with family members and lack of enthusiasm
  • One may get involved in evil deeds
  • Loss of wealth, land and agricultural produce

Mercury Mahadasha – Mercury Bhukti Planet Mercury is supremely benefic and its combination with Mercury itself in the Bhukti period can bestow one with good intellect and repute. As we all know over sweetness is always detrimental, the over dominance of Mercury during this period can also be somewhat malefic. The effects of Mercury Mahadasha – Mercury Bhukti are as follows:

  • Inclination towards arts and music
  • One may turn intellectual and knowledgeable
  • Financial growth and happiness from children and friends
  • One would become more charming and vibrant, liked by everyone
  • Acquire ornaments, clothing and materialistic desires
  • Gain of name and fame and success in education
  • Loss of wealth and anguish to wife
  • Suffering from ailments such as digestive problems, rheumatism, stomach ache
  • Resentment and loss of kinsmen
  • Mercury Mahadasha – Ketu Bhukti The combination of the shadow planet Ketu with the benefic Mercury can result in both positive and negative impacts in one’s life. Following are the effects of Mercury Mahadasha – Ketu Bhukti:
  • One may have to confront hurdles and impediments
  • Lack of self-confidence
  • One might turn more sensitive on the inside
  • Professional and financial downfall to a slight extent due to Ketu
  • Lack of enthusiasm and antagonism with relations
  • Fear from government, accident and scorpions
  • Distress to son and unwanted quarrels with servants
  • Acquiring of name and fame and success in education
  • Mercury Mahadasha – Venus Bhukti Both the planets Mercury and Venus are benefic and hence will bestow one with positive effects. However, since both the planets are soft-natured, it could turn a person more sensitive from the inside depending upon the position of the planets in one’s birth chart. Effects of Mercury Mahadasha – Venus Bhukti are given below:
  • Interest towards pious deeds and social services
  • Venus bestows one with materialistic comforts
  • Mercury offers true understanding and moral vision
  • Good intellect and wisdom
  • Faith in God and respect towards elders
  • Acquire grand clothes and ornaments
  • One may confront hurdles due to being sensitive in nature
  • One may suffer from pain, head ache, heart diseases, fever and dysentery
  • Physical distress and mental agony
  • Gain of wealth and property
  • Extraordinary profit in business
  • Separation from friends and relations
  • Mercury Mahadasha – Sun Bhukti Planets Sun and Mercury are both benefic and this period is filled mostly with positive effects. Sun could also bring malefic effects, but they are suppressed by Mercury and Sun offers strength to the fragile planet Mercury. Effects of Mercury Mahadasha – Sun Bhukti are as follows:
  • Attainment of good knowledge and understanding
  • Gain of respect and esteem amongst friends and family
  • Interest towards religious and social deeds
  • Gain of name and fame, wealth and good fortune
  • Attainment of a high position and gain of rewards
  • Sense of contentment, comfort and peace
  • Adverse effects include eye problems, headache, migration from homeland, threat from fire and thieves and mental distress
  • Acquisition of land/property
  • Mercury Mahadasha – Moon Bhukti The presence of the fragile planet Moon with delicate Mercury makes the combination frailer and results in adverse effects upon the natives. Hence, one would face both positive and negative impacts during this Dasha. Mercury Mahadasha – Moon Bhukti exerts the following effects:
  • One would have to face hurdles and input a lot of hard work to accomplish anything
  • Increase in enmity and difficulties in personal and professional fronts
  • Suffering from physical distress, acidity and skin problems
  • Construction of a new house and gain of grand garments and jewelry
  • Threat from theft, animals, vehicles, government and fire
  • Auspicious events like marriage and birth of son
  • Loss of wealth, offense and physical distress
  • Inclination towards religious and social deeds
  • Mental agony and enemies may cause pain
  • Mercury Mahadasha – Mars Bhukti
  • Planet Mars could be both benefic and malefic depending upon its placement. During this Dasha, Mercury bestows positive effects and Mars brings hurdles and impediments. So this period would be a blend of benefic and adverse effects. Mercury Mahadasha – Mars Bhukti imparts the following imapcts on an individual:
  • More hard work and effort is needed to achieve victory
  • Increase in expenditure and obstacles in workplace
  • Loss of position and business ventures
  • Hasty and aggressive in nature
  • One may suffer from gastric ailments, eye problems, fever, blood infection and venereal diseases
  • Physical pain and mental agony
  • Distress and danger from fire and relatives at the beginning of the Bhukti
  • Gain of wealth and pleasures in the middle portion of the Bhukti
  • Threat from government and loss of position at the end of Bhukti
  • Mercury Mahadasha – Rahu Bhukti Rahu, the malefic and shadow planet when combined with the soft Mercury results in adverse impacts during this period. When Rahu is wrongly placed in one’s birth chart, it enhances the severity and in normal placement of these planets it would be a blend of positive and negative effects. Mercury Mahadasha – Rahu Bhukti renders the following impacts:
  • Lack of support at the work place
  • Obstacles and hitches in the path of success
  • Sudden loss of wealth and mental instability
  • Gain of wealth, reward from government, acquiring new clothes and jewelry etc.
  • Inclination towards religious deeds and visit to sacred destinations
  • Threat from poison, fire and water
  • Physical ailments such as pain in head, eyes and abdomen, heart diseases
  • Fear of imprisonment, distress to self and close ones
  • Mercury Mahadasha – Jupiter Bhukti Both Mercury and Jupiter are positive planets and is the most benefic combination with all planetary placements in a birth chart. Effects of Mercury Mahadasha – Jupiter Bhukti are given below:
  • One turns wiser, intellectual and pure at the core
  • One would become more self-confident and involve in religious and social deeds
  • Gain understanding and strength which would make them reach heights of success
  • Happiness from wife and children
  • Attainment of fame and rewards from government
  • Loss of wealth and danger from thieves, poison, snakes
  • Death of parents and dishonor from the government
  • Physical distress, anxiety, agony and wrath of authority
  • Bitterness with wife and relatives
  • Mercury Mahadasha – Saturn Bhukti Planet Saturn is generally considered malefic and when combined with the frail Mercury, it bestows adverse impacts upon an individual. It will also impose positive effects depending on the planetary placement. Saturn reduces the positive impacts of Mercury and Mercury in turn pacifies the adverse reactions of Saturn. Effects of Mercury Mahadasha – Saturn Bhukti are as follows:
  • One may have to confront hurdles in this period
  • Inclination towards religious and spiritual path
  • Inner strength imparts the ability to input constant effort and to confront impediments
  • Some losses at professional and fiscal fronts
  • One can turn courageous and attain profits from arts and crafts
  • Lethargy and involvement in sinful actions
  • Increase in wealth, family wellbeing and visits to holy sites
  • Threat from enemies and pain due to gastric disorders
  • Distress to wife and progeny, loss in business ventures and occurrence of bad dreams

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  • Geeta Grace Cohli
    It would have been better if we would have got some upaay for fixing the bad effects of these dashas
    June 7, 2019
    • Sales


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      June 8, 2019
  • Sales
    Repeated question
    September 18, 2018
  • Satyabrata Mishra
    Very informative.
    August 30, 2018
  • opsharma
    Great interpretation in depth...
    July 15, 2018
  • Apurba Raichoudhury
    Clarified nicely - Bhukti-wise. Thanks, Apurba
    May 30, 2018