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Leo Horoscope 2017 Predictions

September 22, 2016 | Total Views : 1,840
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People belonging to the sign of Leo are pleasant, dignified, forceful and ambitious. They project a commanding persona which helps them become great leaders. Their decisiveness helps them complete tasks despite hurdles. They are also very organized. However, they need to be less demanding of others otherwise, they could be perceived as dominating. They have to realize that not all can be as dedicated, hard working and workaholic as them. If your sign is Leo, then there is success coming your way in many forms. But if you want to find out in greater detail how you will benefit individually, you could try Leo in 2017. leo-horoscope-2017-predictions

Leo in 2017 – General Predictions

There is a lot of good waiting to happen as you will be under Jupiter’s grace. Jupiter transits the 2nd house from your native Moon. In simple terms, this means you will have plenty of money, happiness and enjoy the company of the opposite sex. You may also be blessed with a child. You may explore religion more seriously than you have been. You may also take an interest in learning a new language.

General – Bad Predictions

If you are married, then your spouse could suffer from ill health. You may face conflicts from your spouse, family, and relatives. This will cause distress, which could be a drawback in an otherwise comfortable year.

Leo Money Predictions

You will earn money through your ventures or your job. You will also make money wherever you are. You may have an open and clear path to making money in 2017.

Leo Business Predictions

If in business, you may suffer from a high expenditure. While new ventures may drain your money, there are chances that existing ventures may break even. You may likely see a high turnover in your business. It would be wise to avoid loans as such a move during this unfavorable period may entrap you in debt. This is also not a suitable period for short-term ventures. If you experience business difficulties, then you could try some remedies to protect yourself from harmful influence of any adverse planetary transition in your natal chart.

Leo Career Predictions

You may get plenty of opportunities to become a more competent professional. You could also expand your skills by learning a new trade. With Jupiter’s blessings, you may get opportunities to progress in your job which will lead to higher earnings. This will increase your disposable income, which means you could afford luxury. Overall you will be highly content with your career. If you are in doubt of your career prospects, or if you feel that your career is not getting its due in this favorable period, you could try some steps to improve your career prospects.

Leo Love and Romance

There will be ample opportunities for you to enjoy pleasures of the bed in the company of your partner. At the same time, it is advised to avoid extra marital affairs. There will be opportunities for new romantic relationships with a possibility of love blossoming. However, there are also chances of traumatic breakups ruining the moment. Since this is a period of mixed chances and turbulence, you need to take steps to safeguard your relationships for the sake of long-term happiness.

Leo Students Predictions

Students may face difficulties in the earlier part of the year. Hence if you are a student, you could offer prayers to deities to receive much-needed blessings.

Leo Health Predictions

Your physical health during this period will need little tending to, except for a need to monitor the health of your heart, at regular intervals. It’s your mental health that you may need to worry about. Inimical circumstances or overbearing stress could cause you unhappiness and affect your decision-making capability. Shield yourself from these unfortunate circumstances if you want to keep things going smooth.

Leo Astrology Remedies

Jupiter’s transit in your natal chart may cause some disturbances which could be mitigated with the help of the following remedy: Every Thursday after worshipping Jupiter (Guru), distribute food prepared with chickpeas, to the hungry.

Leo Horoscope


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