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January 2018 Taurus Monthly Horoscope

December 8, 2017 | Total Views : 1,871
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Taurus January 2018 Horoscope - General Overview This month shall give you mixed results. Divine help is needed for you to steer ahead through this month, which otherwise may be stressful. You shall taste success in your efforts during the first half of the month, in spite of the challenges you may face. However, the latter half of the month may test your patience and cause delays, affecting your confidence. Taurus January 2018 Horoscope - Love/Marriage This month shall be tough regarding your love life, with chances for ego-related problems with your partner, especially in the second half of the month. Due to your insecurity, you may blow up even small issues into huge ones. Be more patient and persistent, as correct time shall bring you happiness. Divine Technique for Marital Harmony: Venus Pooja Taurus January 2018 Horoscope - Finance There would be moderate money flow this month. You may be able to save some money in the initial half of the month. Planets - Moon, Mercury and Saturn shall increase your expenses in the month’s second half, which might affect your financial condition. Divine Technique to Improve Financial Status: Lord Sathya Narayana Pooja Taurus January 2018 Horoscope - Business Your business shall yield you moderate returns during the initial half of the month. You may have to face complex situations in your business, especially in the month’s second half. Be more prudent in your moves, otherwise your competitors may overtake you and you would end up in a no profit/no loss situation. Taurus January 2018 Horoscope - Career It is important for you to take extra care and act smart about your career this month, which might otherwise make you lose valuable opportunities. You might make few mistakes in your work due to loss of concentration, especially in the second half of the month. You may also face unpleasant situations with your coworkers and superiors. On the whole, this month may not be very conducive for your career. Taurus January 2018 Horoscope - Professionals This month shall be favorable for you to get new projects, especially during the initial half. You shall complete them on time and be able to prove your identity. Divine Technique for Career Progress: Hanuman Homa Taurus January 2018 Horoscope - Health Your health condition would be normal with emotional turbulences in the second half of the month. There could be a little stress, which could be managed with practice of meditation or yoga. You may suffer from irritation in your eyes, for which eye checkup is necessary. There are chances for confusions to crop up in your mind; hence, you need to calm down your mind and be optimistic. Divine Technique for a Healthy Living: Lord Vaidhyanatha Pooja Taurus January 2018 Horoscope - Students You may have to take control of your thoughts to excel in studies. There are chances for you to lose your concentration, which may affect your performance, mainly in the month’s second half. Therefore, you need to focus only on securing good marks and rank. Listen to the advice of your parents and well-wishers for proper guidance in studies. Divine Technique to Perform Well in Academics: Goddess Saraswati Homa banner

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