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Tamil New Year Predictions for Aquarius Moon Sign 2018 – 2019

April 4, 2018 | Total Views : 2,490
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(Dhanishta 3rd and 4th Padas, Shatabhisha, Purvabhadra 1st, 2nd and 3rd Padas) People born in the zodiac sign of Aquarius are the ones who can think with clarity and act with caution. The ruler of this sign is Saturn, the much feared planet that denotes justice. When this Vedic New Year begins, the planetary Lord Saturn will be transiting the 11th House from the Aquarius sign. This may denote the beginning of a period of good fortune for people belonging to the Aquarius Moon sign. The long-time wishes of people may get fructified; their endeavors may meet with a fruitful end; money flow may be generous; there may be accumulation of both, moveable and immovable properties; benefits may accrue through relatives; auspicious events may take place in the family and this may bring joy; and outstation journeys and foreign travels may prove advantageous. Planet Jupiter will be transiting the 9th House till 11/10/2018 and this may bestow the Aquarius–born with divine blessings. This may turn out to be a fortunate period for them; people may get some important advice and guidance that may prove fruitful; employment opportunities may come up outstation or in foreign lands; they may land in honorable positions, and this may lead to them getting good name and fame; and they may proceed on pilgrimages. However, the period after 11/10/2018 may require caution. Others may try to find frequent faults in their actions and performances. They may hence be strongly advised to take all possible precautions in their activities and complete their jobs with precision.

Tamil New Year Predictions for Aquarius Moon Sign 2018 – 2019

In addition, the shadow planets Rahu and Ketu will be transiting the 6th and 12th Houses, respectively, until 06/03/2019 and this may result in the Aquarius-born performing memorable feats. There may be success in endeavors; long-time desires may be fulfilled; they may win court cases; enemies may move away; people may get employment in other places or abroad; health may remain good; people may go on many spiritual journeys; and there may be definite relief from all the problems confronting them, until then. However, after 06/03/2019, as these planets Rahu and Ketu will shift respectively to the 5th and 11th Houses, children’s health may require attention. It may be good if parents keep a watch on their activities and handle them with care and affection. Ancestral property matters may need attention, while worship of the family deity may please be undertaken positively. This period may also prove beneficial in many ways, as help may be forthcoming from elder brothers and friends, and their endeavors may all succeed. Further, planet Saturn will be staying in the 11th House throughout the year, and this may take long-time for plans and efforts to meet with successful ends. There may be wish fulfillments; good accumulation of wealth may take place; people may buy new houses and vehicles; there may be acquisition of other properties; people may be in the pink of health; and they may acquire authority, esteem and fame, and may command respect. They can also be advised to act with discipline for getting lasting success. However, arrogance may lead to downfall and people may better shun it, positively.

Aquarius Moon Sign Tamil New Year Predictions for Business

There may be handsome improvement in business prospects; fresh investments may bring in gains; benefits may accrue through partners and employees; new customers may come in; and the business concern of the Aquarius-born may become popular.

Aquarius Moon Sign Tamil New Year Predictions for Employed

People may start commanding good respect in their place of work; they may get the support of superiors and the cooperation of colleagues; they may also get job promotion and rise in salary; and those in authority may entrust them with new responsibilities.

Aquarius Moon Sign Tamil New Year Predictions for Students

Aquarius students may be able to retain their learning well and this may help them to take more interest in studies during the year. They may also get the guidance and support of teachers, and assistance from friends; and these may aid in them scoring high marks in examinations and accomplishing memorable success.

Aquarius Moon Sign Tamil New Year Predictions for Politicians

Those in politics may develop good rapport with leadership during the year; fellow politicians may offer cooperation; they may wield a strong sway over the masses and become popular; their authority and esteem may go up; and they may win the confidence of the leaders, who may then entrust them with some important responsibilities.

Aquarius Moon Sign Tamil New Year Predictions for Artists

This year may be the right time for the Aquarius artists to accomplish things. They may get sufficient opportunities to exhibit their unique talents; new openings may come calling; they may develop friendship with celebrities; they may get good name and fame; their social standing may go up; and they may come in for praise from many quarters.


  • People can give financial assistance and provide medical aid to the poor and the challenged
  • They can donate food in temples
  • They can perform Homa and Pooja to Rahu and Ketu, and also to planet Jupiter and offer worship in temples
  • They can also do Homa and Pooja for Lord Lakshmi Narayana and offer worship to him in temples

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