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Significance of Margazhi Month

October 27, 2017 | Total Views : 5,774
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About Marghazi Month

The Tamil month of Marghazi is a very auspicious period for the people of India, especially for the residents in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Several important Hindu festivals occur during this period, which are observed with great fervor by devotees. The month is considered sacred, not only by Humans, but also by the Devas (celestial beings). Significance  of  Margazhi Month

Significance of Marghazi Month or Danur month

The significance of Marghazi month is elaborated in great detail by Lord Krishna in what is regarded as the holiest Indian text, ‘The Bhagavad Gita'. The month is equated to Lord Krishna himself and the relevance this has on the Indian way of life is unique. Human beings are believed to be endowed with special powers during the course of this month; this presents a great opportunity to perform religious rituals and other ceremonies. Kacheris (Classical Music Concerts) and music festivals take place all over the city of Chennai and people take part in these festivities with great gusto and enthusiasm. This is also a great time for socializing and bonding with other people. Some of the festive events occurring in this month are detailed below: Rendering Tiruppavai The month of Marghazi is dear to Lord Vishnu as the legendary Tamil poet ‘Andal’ rendered the great Tamil literary masterpiece ‘Tiruppavai’ in a tribute to Vishnu as ‘Thirumal’. This consists of 30 verses, and chanting one verse every day during Marghazi month is believed to be extremely rewarding. Devotees also gather in temples every morning of the month and chant the verses in unison.
Importance of Kolam in the Margazhi month or Danur month The ritual of Kolam is an extremely important feature of the culture of South India, and especially so in Tamil Nadu. During the holy month of Marghzi, almost all houses are decorated with colorful and elaborate kolams. These are drawn on the threshold to welcome in guests and divine beings to bless their houses with prosperity and happiness. Kolam competitions are also held, with rewards beings offered for the best designs and drawings. Margazhi Kacheri(Classical Music Concerts) in Chennai The month of Marghazi is synonymous with ‘Kacheris’ and these are organized in various parts of the city. The spirit of Marghazi is incomplete without these musical extravaganzas, with several prominent personalities also making appearances to entertain the gatherings. The entire city is buzzing with activity and the strains of music can he heard almost everywhere. Some of these events are also aired on Television channels and attract an impressive viewership. Upanyasam in Margazhi month The auspicious month of Margazhi is also renowned for ‘Upanyasam’. This involves a scholastic rendering of the Mahabharatha, Ramayana, and Bhagavad Gita etc, which is elaborated in poetic form to the people. Listening to an enlightened soul rendering stories from these texts brings great merit to listeners, who gain an insight into developing their personality and character in the righteous manner. Conclusion of Margazhi (Bhogi) The last day of the month of Marghazi coincides with the festival of ‘Bhogi’ which is a part of the three day Pongal harvest festival. This day pays tribute to the generosity of ‘Lord Indra’, the God of clouds and rain. This is also the day when Lord Krishna is believed to have lifted the Govardhan Mountain with his little finger. Marghazi is also a great time for patrons of the arts, music and drama, as various festivals and Kacheris are organized during this period. This also includes dance festivals, which allows exponents of various dance forms including ‘Bharatanatyam’ to display their talents. This month is also believed to be beneficial environmentally. It witnesses a reduction in the depletion of the Ozone layer, which is considered healthy and vitalizing for the Human body. banner

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    Yours truly was born on 05-11-1948 at 8-10p.m. in poorvashadha or puradam in tamil language n please inform me do yours truly is having a dhanur rasi? Similarly a schoolgoing girl was also born on 08-11-1949 in rohini nakshatram n time is not known to yours truly n does she also is born in dhanur rasi?
    December 16, 2017