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Sagittarius December 2023 Monthly Horoscope Predictions | Aries December 2023 Horoscope

November 29, 2023 | Total Views : 571
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Sagittarius December 2023 General Horoscope

Dear Sagittarians! You may be focussing on the welfare of your children and broadening their knowledge/wisdom during December. Children's health may improve, and you may plan for the next phase of their lives. However, there could also be concerns about children as well. Some people may undertake long-distance travel, even trips to foreign countries for leisure. However, setbacks/disappointments are possible in the career. But you may experience overall prosperity and fortunes this month. Your father's health could get slightly better. You may also be able to resolve some already existing issues gradually. You might also get creative ideas and intuitive skills to handle problems in general. A few can also gain through inheritance. On the other hand, this period could be one of immense satisfaction for those involved in spirituality. There could be religious inclination and blessings from Gurus, who may provide handsome spiritual guidance.

Love and Relationships:

The relationships of the Sagittarius natives with their partner/spouse could be mixed this month. You may have to avoid ego and anger to reduce conflicts with the spouse. Appropriate guidance from mentors could help you deal with family matters smoothly. However, some old family problems could surface during this month. The partner/spouse can also face some health issues or problems due to miscommunication in family matters. But gains through the spouse are foreseen till the penultimate week of this month, whereas the last week may witness some expenses for the spouse. The initial half of the month can throw some difficulties in enjoying marital bliss, while the second half could bring in a conducive and favorable environment for conjugal bliss. Please avoid arguments with the partner/soul mate in general to have a smooth relationship. People already in a relationship can get married now. Some natives could also take their partner on long-distance travels and outings. On the other hand, there could be issues with documents and communication for those in the process of separation from their partner.

Divine Technique for Marital Harmony: Mercury Pooja


Financial position is likely to improve, with luck and fortune helping the native to accumulate wealth in December. Investments in the stock and share markets can bring moderate gains, and your ability to repay debts could increase. Gains relating to the father and ancestral property are very much on the cards. This is a period where there could be both financial and non-financial gains for you. Monetary savings are likely to increase. There could be extraordinary income flow in the first half of the month, primarily through foreign sources. However, expenditures could be there toward the spouse/ partner, relatives, and family. In the second half of the month, there could be expenditures towards hospitals, documents, and careers. Expenses for work-related travel and religious pilgrimages are also likely. Investments in real estate matters can give good results. It is towards the end of this month that you may get the financial reward long overdue.

Divine Technique to improve your Financial Status: Mercury Pooja


New roles and responsibilities could open up for the Sagittarius natives after some conflicts in the workplace. We foresee a promotion with an increase in pay for you his month. New learning opportunities can also be available now. This period can also foster creative thinking. Guidance from the mentors/superiors could be beneficial for your career progress. Overall, your career is likely to be moderate in December. The work environment might be comfortable during this time frame. You may receive good recognition towards the end of this month, and your hard work in the past can yield results from now on. But some of you can feel a sense of frustration and detachment towards your job at times. Female employees could be beneficial in the first half of this month. Success in the career looks possible, but some unforeseen factors and adversaries within the team/organization may slightly delay that. It is good to have less expectation in terms of rewards from the career, at least this month.


Natives engaged in real estate businesses and government contracts can have good gains and growth in market share. However, inflation can push up the prices of supplies and create a working capital demand and financial constraints in the business. Still, you may manage to procure the financial inflow to meet the business needs in the current month. However, the business profitability could decrease due to increased operational costs. Some sort of quality control may be required to control unnecessary expenses. You may also feel the need for good leadership qualities and authority over business operations. You may also introspect over the causes of the losses and fix the same. This appears to be a favorable time to assert your presence in the market by upstaging competitors. You may also devise a plan to reduce your dependency on debts to run the business. Ad hoc expansion of the companies can cause losses and unwarranted expenses for you. In some cases, business partners may pull out of the partnership agreements due to differences in the business dealings.


Sagittarius professionals may have a moderate period since the planet concerned with the profession is not ideal in its placement and motion. You may have to submit to the guidance of mentors to ensure growth and stability. Your key responsibilities may have to be handled with utmost care. Miscommunication and a lethargic attitude can bring losses to the profession. Partners might develop misunderstandings due to miscommunication, which can result in losing business opportunities and market share. However, people in managerial levels and leadership positions may provide a good action plan to their subordinates and also exert their authority. Promotions and recognition in terms of financial aspects are also on the cards towards the end of this month. You may also have good chances of expanding your contacts in professional matters. There might be support from female employees in general. However, there could be more expenditures regarding investment in real estate matters, so try to reduce the indirect expenses in the profession.

Divine Technique to improve your Career, Business and Profession: Mercury Pooja


Your health will likely remain stable this month except for a rise in body temperature. However, your spouse/partner's health may require attention, while your mother's health can be a cause of concern for you. Also, you may have to be cautious about eye and throat-related problems. You may also experience some disturbances in mental peace as well. However, we don’t foresee major troubles with regard to your health. However, it would help if you continued to take precautions to protect your mother's health. There can also be some unexpected expenditure towards hospitalization in December.

Divine Technique to improve your Health: Rahu Pooja


Students may have to put extra effort to shine in the examinations, and the hard work they do now can yield favorable results in the future. Students may be willing to learn more things to obtain higher knowledge and wisdom. They may also be successful in achieving the desired results and pursuing courses in the areas of their interest in higher education. However, there can be a tendency to forget things and not be goal-oriented. But, planetary transits look favorable to bring out their best performance and lay a platform for a bright future. Students could also be successful in cracking competitive examinations. Matters related to foreign education may also be favorable for the native in December. The natives eyeing career-oriented studies abroad can also witness growth and positive results. But, there can be obstacles due to sports and other distractions. Please invoke the blessings of Lord Hayagriva and Goddess Saraswati to strengthen your memory power and focus.

Divine Technique to improve your focus on Education: Mercury Pooja

Auspicious dates for the Sagittarius sign: 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26 & 27.

Inauspicious dates for the Sagittarius sign: 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 28, 29 & 30.


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