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Sade Sati Results For Capricorn Moon Sign

September 9, 2017 | Total Views : 9,142
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What is Sade Sati?

The word ‘Sade Sati’ literally means ‘Seven and Half’ and denotes the 7 ½ year period of Shani, the planet Saturn. While Saturn itself remains a feared planet, this period in particular is considered astrologically, as a time of trials and tribulations. Sade Sati Results For Capricorn Moon Sign This ‘difficult’ period begins when planet Saturn enters the zodiac sign that falls immediately before an individual’s zodiac sign of birth, and will continue during the time when Saturn will transit that sign and also the next 2 signs. As Saturn remains in a sign for about 2 ½ years, it takes a total of 7 ½ years to cross over the 3 zodiac signs. For instance, if a person’s zodiac sign is Capricorn as per the time of his or her birth, then Sade Sati period will begin for that individual, every time Saturn enters the previous sign of Sagittarius, and will continue across the time when Saturn transits through the next 2 signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. As can be seen, a person will normally be required to undergo a Sade Sati period on more than one occasion in a lifetime.


What Sade Sati means for the sign Capricorn?

Earth is the element of the Capricorn sign, whose ruler is Saturn himself, and hence it can be said that Saturn’s Sade Sati will generally be positive, for the Capricorn natives. The three phases may still bring differing results, depending on which sign Saturn transits through. Emotions will rule high, which may make one a high-thinker and do-gooder. This can bring name and fame. Still, restraint should definitely be exercised, as being too involved in public causes and getting carried away, may end up in, one, overlooking one’s own interest and that of their near ones. In the process, natives may be taken for granted, become vulnerable, and much of the hard and sincere efforts that they put in, may end up counter-productive. Expectations may also be high and when results turn out to be otherwise, frustration will set in.

Effects of Sade Sati on the Moon sign Capricorn

The first phase of 2 ½ years of Sade Sati will start for this sign, when Saturn will move into the 12th house from Capricorn, that is, in the sign of Sagittarius. As planet Jupiter, Sagittarius’s lord has a neutral bonding with Saturn, this phase can be mixed. The prevailing sense of justice will guide the native towards public causes. They will also work hard to make a name for themselves in their profession and in society. Some may change jobs for the better. This will be a period of success in endeavours, and also, over rivals. However, some may feel tense and lonely, and may undertake pilgrimages with parents. The second phase will mark the ‘home-coming’ for Saturn, as he moves into the self-ruled Capricorn sign. This will be a good period, as people will work hard, focusing on their career and finances. Some may buy immovable assets. Some may make impressive gains in public life and politics, and also help the needy and serve the society. Compassion will combine with ambition and bring in good results. However, there may be strains, as a few may have to be away from family for various reasons and mother’s health may suffer, in case of some. Beneficial trends continues in the last 2 ½ year phase too, as Saturn moves into the sign of Aquarius, whose lord is, again, Saturn himself. There can be unexpected gains and inheriting of ancestral property. Some may start new business ventures, while research orientation will bring rewards and recognition for some others. Health will remain stable, while family life will be cordial and enjoyable. A few will also develop interest in mysterious subjects like occult sciences.


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  • Sudipto Chakraborty
    Sir, I am running in Jupiter Mahadasha and Sade Sati period. I am Capricorn moon sign and Scorpio ascendant. My dob is 3-3-1981 my tob is 23:23 and my pob is Kolkata. I am jobless for above 1 year. I have tried and still trying to get a job but all of my interview is failing. I am totally hopeless. Sir I am very poor so as my parents. Shall I have to die in poverty. Please help me sir.
    April 17, 2019
    • Sales


      Thank you for your query.

      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



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      May 27, 2019
    • Sales


      Thank you for your query.

      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

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      Astroved Member Support.

      May 27, 2019
    my dob is 29.07.1969 02.00 AM Delhi. Last August 2018 I lost my job and since them am I try my best to find a new job but despite Interviews going well and good hopes, am not able to get any job so far. I have pressure of monthly EMI's for housing loans and other regular family responsibilities too. Am feeling very tight also due to not having any income at the moment. I believe my Sade Sati started 27th Jan 2017, kindly tell me as to when this period of strife will settle down and my regular income stream will start.
    February 17, 2019
  • Soori
    Not sure if it is true because whole other worl in vedit astrology are saying it is bad like any other rasi, and saturn does not show any mercy. Can you clarify?
    December 30, 2018
    • Vinothkumar


      Greetings from AstroVed.

      Please write to [email protected] so that we can check with our astrologer and provide you the required information.

      Team AstroVed

      February 22, 2019