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Mahalaya Amavasya - Honor Your Ancestors

August 31, 2015 | Total Views : 2,494
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Mahalaya Amavasya is the New Moon day which is particularly sacred for offering our deepest gratitude to our ancestors. It is also known as Pitra Amavasya. This day is a very important day for performing spiritual ceremonies and rites for our ancestors. This year 2015, Mahalaya Amavasya will be on October 12th (IST). The Moon will be in the Zodiac sign Virgo along with Rahu and Mercury. Rahu represents our ancestors. So, it is believed that the ancestors will leave their abode and come down to the Earth this day and stay in the houses of their descendants. Performing rites will bring satisfaction to the departed souls and bring peace. mahalaya-amavasya Why our ancestors are so important? It is very significant for everyone to know about their ancestry. Your family traits determine your development, experience and values that are passed on by your ancestors over the generations. Does heritage make you a unique person? Do your ancestors have an impact on your life? Everybody has their own answer to the above questions. Let me tell about my story. Once, I was going through my old family photographs, and I found a photo of my great, grandfather. In that photo, he was dressed in military uniform with his wife and three children. He was an officer in chief at that time. Then, I asked my grandfather about the people in the photo and listening to the stories about them made me realize some things about my family and me. I can clearly see certain qualities from them in my brother and me as well.


I can compare myself to my grandfather. Once I went to his workplace, and I shocked to see his desk was well organized in a way that I do. Anybody can keep the desk organized, but not in a way only you feel comfortable. There are many things that I can relate myself with my ancestors. So, I am amazed to see that my ancestors clearly are contained in the image of the person I am today. Now, I am curious that how your forefathers and ancestors have impacted your life? Our ancestors have given us many things and in order to respect them, Tarpanam is performed during Mahalaya Amavasya. Tarpanam is done by various poojas and offerings such as cooked rice, sesame seeds and water to express our gratitude to our ancestors. Also, you can take part in charitable activities like donating food, clothes and funding for education. Donating food is considered one of the greatest charities of all. These activities will balance your karma and help your life to flourish. Blessings of your ancestors are very important for a peaceful and successful life. Read our Related Articles: Remembering the Pitrus – Mahalaya Amavasya


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