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Fix Broken Relationship

June 8, 2015 | Total Views : 3,698
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Bonding between two people creates a relationship at the physical and psychological level. But unfortunately due to a host of factors, relationships break down; especially broken marriages can be devastating. When one tries to reverse the direction of a broken relationship that has suffered from emptiness and conflict, then there has to be a right balance of pure intention and patience to set it reworking. Restoring broken relationships require careful consideration and hard work, that will materialize only if both partners are committed to each other and love each other. It all depends on the degree of discord and the levels of friendship shared between the couple.


Ways to heal a Realtionship

Awareness of inharmonious patterns creating the dysfunctional relationship is the first step towards healing and bringing it to balance.

  • Consider the factorsthat make one join with another again, which might be ranging from: shared feelings of togetherness in the past, sake of children, financial reasons, social conditioning, physical pleasures, need to stay as a family as it gives a sense of deep security, to do away feelings of loneliness, and there could be many more.
  • Reflect on: moments that you truly had for each other and were there for each other, times when you received good things from another, like prepared a good meal and received compliments or bought one`s wife a surprise gift on her birthday or could be simply fun with kids and many more moments cherished. Fond memories help erase old hurt feelings of quarrels, temper tantrums and harsh exchange of words.

If one still feels a great need to be together, then accept the situation, the partner in totality, oneself particularly, as acceptance is the key that heals the relationship. In some cases, if infidelity is the case, the issue becomes even more challenging. If acceptance and sacredness of being together is brought to the fore, then, transformation of the relationship would happen at its own pace. When one understands that `being together is sacred until death vows to part` is divine, then a shift in consciousness occurs. For this level of understanding, love plays a vital role. Love has to be kindled from the heart. Love is the most powerful energy in the world that transforms all base emotions to feelings of forgiveness, acceptance, compassion, understanding, tolerance and thus helps couples to be bonded and connected to one another for life. Communicate and resolve differences on your own. In other words the couple should talk to each other and express the feelings of wanting another in each one`s life. Coming together and being together and sharing lives for the entire lifetime should be foremost in their mind. Wounds never heal instantaneously, nor behavioral patterns, nor conditioned beliefs, nor habits. But this mindset to forgive the past and re-start again would help transform the existing pattern.


When certain planetary conditions are not favorable in the couple`s chart, then separation, discord, divorce would result. They are karmic patterns that one works out in one`s lifetime. But this can be changed or transformed by sincerely seeking divine guidance to set right the inharmonious patterns and restoring harmony and balance in life. Regular prayers to the eternal divine couple, Radha and Krishna or Shiva and Parvati would rekindle love in the hearts of the couples and bring unity in them. Loveless life is painful. Love and intimacy is a supreme need in any heart, and this blessing should be sought from the heavens in a relationship.


Strengthen the relationship by connecting together as friends, celebrate each other`s company, listen to each other , get intimate , spend more time together and above all both should maintain a sense of self, so that balance and harmony in a relationship prevails.


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  • Kaavya
    I recently got engaged after engagement ,boy family stopped the marriage for some useless reasons and his name is renesh and he also stopped talking to me.pray that renesh should come back to me and get married to me soon and please pray for him to call me and sort this issue.pray that renesh should never listen to anyone who is creating issues.pray for renesh and his parents to come back to us
    December 19, 2019
    • Sales

      Namaste Kaavya,

      Thank you for your query.

      We would request you to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem as per below link.



      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

      With Kind Regards.
      Astroved Member Support.

      December 20, 2019
  • Natasha Porter
    HOW I GOT MY LOST LOVER BACK WITH  DR.BALOGUN MAGIC LOVE SPELL CASTING,Hello everyone here my name is Porter Natasha Am from England,this is the unbelievable that has happened to me this February I was happily married and we had three kids, we lived together as one because we both loved each other but before i knew it, my husband started acting Strange and cheating on me, later on he told me that he cannot continue with me so that was how he left me and my three kids without nothing but there was noting i could do to stop him or bring him back to me I work so had to pay the children's schools fees and other responsibility i did this for good five years. I cry all day and night because i don't know what else to do to have my husband back to me until this faithful day i saw the post from Aaron Betty  testifying how Dr.Balogun helped her to get her ex back I just wanted to try my luck because i never believe it will work but to my greatest surprise, am singing a new song i contacted the great Dr.balogun on 7 of February and he told me not to worry because once he finish casting the spell, that i will get my husband back the unbelievable happened on Friday when i got a call and I was surprise to hear my husbands voice apologizing to me that he is so sorry for leaving me alone and  he came back home and we are happy together again wow, i really appreciate your good work great Dr.Balogun, God bless you and your good work for there nothing else i can say than to tell the world about you. So if any one is out here seeing this post and you have similar issue like this, worry no more and contact the only man that can help you this Email:[email protected]:+2347064627888Websites:www.Balogunspelltemple.com (www.Balogunlovespelltemple.com)
    November 29, 2019
  • josephine
    how i got my ex husband back.......greetings to eveyrone that is reading this testimony..i have been rejected by my lover after three3 years of relationship just because anoter woman had a spell on him and he left me ..one day when i was reading through the web,, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address .com, have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my lover and he told me he will help me and after 48hours that i will have my lover back, i so much love him.. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lover's back..because i am, now happy with my lover..thanks to dr umoru.you can reach him on his private [email protected] whattsap his private number..+2348078684819..once again God bless you..for your good work in my life..
    November 20, 2019
    • Sales

      Thank you.

      December 20, 2019
  • Vinoth Kumar
    Namaste All, You can visit the link below to find out the ways to revive your relationship. FIX YOUR RELATIONSHIPS - Program to Fix and Enjoy Fulfilling, Harmonious Relationships Thanks, Team AstroVed
    June 22, 2018
  • Jenna
    manifest spell cast@gmail. com I still laugh every time I think of my former ex (now fiance). I had the adult dysfunctions revenge spell cast on him and got to hear the stories come in. He couldn’t figure out what had happened to him. He tried pills, creams, anything over the counter or under to help his situation. After watching him suffer a bit, I was sympathetic and we talked, ended up working out our differences and I reversed the spell. He still doesn’t know what happened and I still laugh when I think about it.
    February 6, 2018
  • Veena singh
    My husband whom I've been traditionally married for over a year has fantasy for other man. He has been cheating from before we got married. He has lied to me and is still denying that he is doing such things. Is there any chance of him changing?
    December 8, 2016
  • Irene Moore
    It’s unbelievable how fortunate I felt after finding your website for the past 6 months, I have been so depressed after losing my fiance to another woman. My money situation worsened so much that I thought I’d have to file for bankruptcy. I had a huge amount of debt and I didn’t know what to do. Out of complete and total desperation, I contacted many of those so-called individuals who promised powerful magic, witchcraft or black magic. None of them worked and none were as wonderful, affectionate and warm as Dr. Amigo has been. He is definitely different from the others and I felt immediate hope and strength from hearing about the promises he had to offer. He carries an air of purity and divine strength that is as pure as fresh snow on the ground. I requested Dr. Amigo most powerful spells and I was relieved right away that I had someone to solve my problems for me. His spells worked wonders and I am now back with my fiance and my money troubles resolved itself after winning the lottery. ([email protected]) I have no idea what I would have done without you being there to help me out: Google his name as Dr Amigo the online spell caster for a review of his full article. He also specialize in healing all kinds of sickness with a one simple spell cast like Asthma, Sickle Cell Anemia, HIV and so many others.
    November 2, 2016
  • jones selas
    I never believed in love spells or magic until I saw a testimony about one woman called Clara on the internet testifying about how a spell caster called GREAT ORIRI of ([email protected]) bring back her ex husband who left her for another woman, and i decided to contact the man to give him a try. So when i contacted him he told me that he is going to bring my husband back to me that i should give him two days to do the casting of my spell which i did. I am out here to testify that what GREAT ORIRI did for me really work out good for me because I am really happy now with my husband because after i contacted GREAT ORIRI he promise to bring back my husband to me which he did. So i really don't have much to say about this man but all i have to say is that GREAT ORIRI is really a powerful man and could help cast spells to bring back one's, lost, misbehaving lover. I'm now happy and testifying the good work of GREAT ORIRI because i am now leaving happily with my family. So if you need any help from him you can contact him via email: [email protected]
    May 7, 2016
  • megan
    Without DR Akwuke a lot of people would have been dead through heart break. My case is not different from heart break, I am married woman with 2 kids and there was a time when i was having problem with my husband because he was having an affair outside our marriage and this was making me feel bad. So i tried finding solution to my problem by reading a lot of relationship tips on the internet and that was how i came in contact with DR Akwuke contact details and through the help of DR Akwuke at [[email protected]] my husband left the girl he was having affair with and he came back to me and our kids. After a job well done by DR Akwuke i felt that it will be unfair if i keep this secret to myself and that is why i am going to drop the contact details of DR Akwuke right now,or you can also reach him via this email: [email protected]
    February 10, 2016
    • AstroVed Support
      Hi Megan, This problem that you are facing will be present till September 2016. You will not face much satisfaction. You will be having insecure feeling generally. Solution to this and advice for you is to do mediation and do remedies in the form of doing Pooja to Lord Shiva on Mondays and do Poojas during pradosham which happens monthly twice. Don’t reveal your secrets to others. Keep all your personal matters confident. Doing Durga Pooja for 12 months will also guide you to come out of all problems related to relationship.
      February 22, 2016
  • Akshata
    Y my friend was not talking with me
    November 3, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Thank you, please write in to us at [email protected] for more assistance .
      November 16, 2015
  • Akshata
    Y my friend will not talking to me
    November 3, 2015
    • AstroVed Support
      Thank you, Please write in to us at [email protected] for further assistance.
      November 16, 2015