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Benefits of Pranayama that Helps to Battle Coronavirus

May 26, 2021 | Total Views : 564
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Pranayama is the science of breathing. Having control over breathing has many physical & mental benefits. It gives better control of your mind, makes you calm, enables you to think wisely and make sound decisions. It also makes you happy and stress-free and happy.
Let’s see some benefits of Pranayama.

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Strengthens the lungs:

Practicing Pranayama is the best exercise for our respiratory system. Pranayama causes the chest wall and lungs to expand more and improves lung capacity and lung functions. 

It relieves stress:

Depression, anxiety, sorrow, anger, and fear affect our psychological behavior. It causes irritation and agitation and prevents us from working efficiently. Regular yoga and Pranayama practice eliminates negativity and relieves stress.

Improves concentration:

Pranayama, like Nadi Shodhana and Anulom regulates the autonomic response by making the parasympathetic nervous system stronger. It improves the oxygen supply to the brain and makes us calm. It enables us to control our thoughts. As it removes distractions, our concentration improves.

Aids detoxification:

Yogic exercises and Pranayama can cleanse the body and mind. The process of exhalation eliminates waste from the body. Prana flows freely if there are no toxins in the system. By removing bodily toxins, Pranayama helps us to achieve a pure, tranquil, and happy mind and body. 

Good for nasal passages and sinus:

Pranayama, like Anulom vilom can clear blockages in the nasal cavity. Regular practice helps the nostrils to become free of allergens. 
Pranayama has anti-inflammatory effects and cleans the sinus cavities too. Inflammation in sinuses causes headaches, nasal congestion, and runny noses. Pranayama improves the ventilation and enables proper drainage of the sinuses, which relieves the symptoms of sinusitis.

Better sleep:

Yogic breathing is a panacea for those suffering from insomnia. Pranayama can help us to sleep soundly, without any negative thoughts and nightmares.

Boosts immunity:

Stress damages our immune system. By inhibiting stress responses, Pranayama improves the function of the immune system.
Deep breathing exercises focusing on the abdomen with breath retention boost the defense mechanisms of the body. 

Improves cardiovascular health:

Pranayama helps to modify the heart rate by stimulating the cells of the body. It also increases oxygen intake. Sukha Pranayama and Pranava Pranayama can improve the circulation to the heart, reduce the heart rate, and improve blood pressure.

Improves digestion:

Pranayama can improve digestion. diarrhea and hyperacidity are often caused by stress and anxiety. Pranayama makes the mind calm and provides relief from anxiety, thereby reducing digestive problems.

Glowing skin:

In Pranayama, there is the practice of holding the breath for some time (Kumbhaka or breath retention). When holding the breath, the oxygen supply to skin cells improves. Bhramari Pranayama and Bhastrika Pranayama especially have good effects on facial skin and make it glow. They also help detoxify the blood.

Weight loss:

Belly fat is difficult to lose and can cause many health problems like diabetes. By modifying the breathing and focusing on certain parts of the body, energy is released, and there is increased sweating. This process aids the burning of calories and fat.

Alleviates brain disorders:

Pranayama enhances the filtering capacity of the brain. It improves the passage of nanoparticles to the brain via the Blood-Brain Barrier. It also filters the toxic materials inhaled from the air around us and those which get accumulated from smoking.

Spiritual Benefits of Pranayama:

Pranayama helps you to grow spiritually. It makes the mind calm and serene. The physical and psychological benefits of pranayama and yoga can work wonders for your spiritual life.
Practicing Yoga and Pranayama regularly can help you in many ways to deal with the challenges posed by the pandemic, which is creating havoc across the world. As the virus affects the respiratory system, it is essential to improve lung function and immunity. On the psychological level, one needs to avoid stress and remain calm. Here too, Pranayama can help. 

To help humanity and everyone else during this global crisis, AstroVed offers some powerful spiritual solutions sourced from Vedic technology. We invite you all to participate in the complimentary series of 30 days of Overall Protection and Wellness Services that we are launching for this purpose. Let us come together to seek the help of the Almighty to destroy the virus and banish it from the Earth for once and for all.


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