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Aries health horoscope 2016

December 21, 2015 | Total Views : 1,727
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Dear Arians,

You are being ruled by fiery planet Mars and hence have no dearth of energy. Your health suffers when you deprive your body of proper food and rest. Your health horoscope 2016 indicates the stars will support your well-being however; your cooperation is also necessary. You will be attending events and parties during the year when your dietary habits will go for a toss. Be mindful of what you eat. You may also suffer from indigestion and gastric trouble due to untimely intake of food or overeating. Avoid junk food. You will be treating yourself to various delectable delights during this year and will be more tempted towards cheesy items. Some of these will cause you digestion problem. Also, there is good chance of gaining a few pounds. aries-health-horoscope In the latter part of the year you may face problems in the lower part of the body and due to water-borne diseases. Don’t be negligent over these ailments, seek medical check-ups.

Suggestions for Your Dietary Habits

Enjoy your food: You have the habit of rushing through your meals. This way you are not able to enjoy your food and also unable to listen to your body requirements. When you eat slowly, quietly and chew your food well it not only improves your digestion but also curbs your hunger for a longer period of time. Go for healthy snacks: Because of higher metabolism you digest your food fast and then you reach out for fast foods to satisfy your hunger. Also, whenever you have feelings of boredom you turn to binging. It is important to keep yourself busy with things you enjoy doing and keep some healthy snacks handy, especially the ones high in water and fiber like salads, fruits, broth-based soups to quench your munching cravings. Add more greens in your diet: Vegetables like cucumber, beans and spinach will help you to maintain your weight and health. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water along with other fluids. It will help cleansing and releasing toxins from your body. A healthier attitude towards food along with proper relaxation will do good to keep the Martian energy ever vivacious. You will also benefit by offering regular prayers to Durga, the warrior goddess who will help you fight negativities both inside and outside.


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