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Accuracy of Nadi Predictions

June 5, 2015 | Total Views : 8,206
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Nadi in Tamil, the language of Tamil Nadu, means “in search of”. The intricate knowledge of one’s life incidents was written by the sapta or seven rishis. They are Bhrigu, Angira, Atri, Vishvamitra, Kashyapa, Vashishta, and Agastya. nadi-predictions Nadi science is a wonder of wonders! No less than a miracle, it presents to you your entire life story manuscript by taking your thumbprint alone. Nadi predictions can be termed even the eighth wonder. They are so accurate and precise.

Says one client:

“I was astounded by how a person whom I had never met before could recite my name, my father’s name, and my mother’s name so accurately! Just this instance convinced me of the greatness of the leaves and the genius of the seers behind them. Thrilled, I listened on open mouthed. The nadi reader told me of my educational field – that I was a biochemist. A new science known for only a few hundred years had been revealed and written down thousands of years back! How astonishing, I thought.


Further predictions left me spell bound! Readings of my recent past were so correct that it set the stage for me to invest trust in believing my predictions about my past life and the future. A strange science, modern computer technologies and genetic engineering methods of today pale down in comparison to the nadi leaves and their prediction.” The nadi contains chapters that describe in detail about one`s life, childhood, friends, career, marriage, wealth, health, enemies, relationships, spirituality, education, family and other life happenings. Not all individuals would have the chance to get a nadi reading done. The rishis knew which of you would come in search of truths about your past, present and future, and had written leaves for them. When one is undergoing turmoil in one’s life, one would naturally seek the divine’s help. Nadi astrology is one such kind of divine help and can not only reveal one’s karma, but also expound the remedies to overcome one’s negative karma.

The Seers and Their Holy Powers

The brilliance behind the nadi leaves was held by seers of the yester years that belonged to South India. They were so advanced in their enlightenment that they could read the future of human beings yet to arrive on this earth and they magnanimously recorded their readings on palm leaves for the welfare of humanity. This kind of future reading powers cannot be possessed by the face-reading pundit seated with his paraphernalia under the mango tree in the village. Nadi jyothish is a divine science and only persons endowed with the highest of godly powers can do it. The miraculous powers have truly been held by the ancient seers - it is for us to pinch ourselves to see if it is all true and feel totally swept off our feet when our lifetime incidents are recited by a stranger nadi reader so very accurately! Read Our Related Articles:Nadi Astrology and Secrets Of Your Past Life


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  • Haresh
    Sir, how much fees for Nadi astrology service
    July 3, 2019
    • Sales

      Dear Haresh,

      For Nadi Astrology,Please visit this link to order.

      If you are willing to order , either you can order online OR please inform us to book the appointment.


      Thanks & Regards,

      Astroved member support.

      July 10, 2019
  • DALJIT Singh
    Why I'm full of debts n don't get through my big money making deals which comes to my life since 1990 till now.
    June 7, 2019
    • Sales


      Thank you for your query.

      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

      With Kind Regards.
      Astroved Member Support.

      June 8, 2019
  • Mummadi Sreedhar
    THere is a contradiction with regard to saptha rishis. In one article you write different names and in another article differently as details below: Is Nadi Astrology Accurate? June 15, 2015 | Total Views : 1,692 Zoom In Zoom Out Print The will is not free- it is a phenomenon found by cause and effect- but there is something behind the will which is free. Nadi Shastra has been written down by the seven rishis or sages about the destinies of souls that go through the cycle of reincarnation, through their yogic and intuitive powers gained through severe penance. The seven rishis are: Agasthya, Kaushika, Vyasa, Bhogar, Bhrighu, Vasishta and Valmiki.Accuracy of Nadi Predictions June 5, 2015 | Total Views : 1,533 Zoom In Zoom Out Print Nadi in Tamil, the language of Tamil Nadu, means “in search of”. The intricate knowledge of one’s life incidents was written by the sapta or seven rishis. They are Bhrigu, Angira, Atri, Vishvamitra, Kashyapa, Vashishta, and Agastya.
    February 25, 2019
    • Sales

      Thank you for your valuable feedback.

      May 27, 2019
  • Sreelakshmy Rajesh
    I'm 39 years old .My dob is 27 October 1979.Married Have husband and a girl child.She's 12 years old and my husband is 50 years old.Like to know about future as I had a lot of problems throughout life.
    December 22, 2018
    • Sales


      Thank you for your query.

      Please find the link to talk to one of our senior Astrologer online for your current issues, they will analyze your birth chart and provide remedies as a solution to overcome from your problem.



      For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity,

      With Kind Regards.
      Astroved Member Support.

      May 27, 2019
  • peter
    Its very accurate, in my past life, I took all my brothers wealth and left him with nothing. In this life, the same thing is happening to me. This is the most accurate reason for what is happening to me right now, however bad my brother is, he gets let off easily, and I forgive him easily as well. I guess karma does find s way back to you one way or another
    August 21, 2017
  • Prathyusha
    My name is prathyusha I was born on 25/07/1985 in Kerala calicut at 8.00p.m,mine was a love marriage his name is Arjun his d.o.b is 18/9/1980,we having a daughter 7 years old born on 24/10/2008.in our life so much things happen ups and downs.can you pls suggest why we not able to take important decision. pls suggest us something about future ,past,carrer,family life.
    March 21, 2016