What are Nadi Chapters/Kandams?

The Nadi is organized by “kandams” which are specific chapters about your life.

The AstroVed Nadi Essential Package teams Chapter 1, Chapter 13 and Chapter 14.

Chapter 1, called the 1st Kandam or General Chapter, indicates year by year the major events for which you are destined.

Chapter 13 and 14 are remedial chapters that prescribe corrective measures for life transformation.

Once you have completed the Essential Chapters you may wish to opt to have additional chapters read that provide specific information on major areas of your life. Additional remedies are also prescribed in these chapters.

Note: Chapter 1, 13 and 14 are prerequisites before ordering additional chapters.

Additional Chapters

Additional Chapters

Choose Additional Chapters ONLY After Having the Essential Nadi Reading Package -Chapters 1,13,14:
Family and Finance

Nadi Astrology Chapter 2 – Family and Finance

Chapter Description

Chapter 2 describes your current financial status and future predictions in terms of finance potential, family and education. The chapter also highlights your health issues and prescribes measures to lessen your financial burden. By reading this chapter, you redefine your life to lead healthy, wealthy and blissful life with your loved ones.

US $ 108.00
Siblings and Courage

Nadi Astrology Chapter 3 -Siblings and Courage

Chapter Description

Whether you are in search of your sibling or need to understand the compatibility with your siblings, Chapter 3 is the perfect choice for you to apprehend your future with your brother or sister.

US $ 108.00
Influence of Mars in 2nd House

Nadi Astrology Chapter 4 – Mother and Comforts

Chapter Description

Chapter 4 is ideal for those who are property owners or wish to own a property. It reads vital information about one’s parents, especially that of the Mother whose blessings are indispensable to accumulate wealth and comforts. It contains readings upon your possessions such as buildings/houses, vehicles, land and material pleasures.

US $ 108.00
Influence of Mars in 2nd House

Nadi Astrology Chapter 5 – Progeny

Chapter Description

Are you longing for a child? Want to know the reason behind your sterility? Chapter 5 explains the reasons for you not having progeny so far and prescribes appropriate remedies. It also highlights information about your children, their birth star and horoscope and few of their future predictions.

US $ 108.00
Debts, Disease, and Litigations

Nadi Astrology Chapter 6 – Debts, Disease and Litigation

Chapter Description

If you are looking out for the idyllic solution for your financial crisis, chronic illness or legal battle, then Chapter 6 is the shelter for you. This chapter reveals measures to evade from your debts, overcome your illness to live a healthy life and overpower your enemies and win over legal issues.

US $ 108.00

Nadi Astrology Chapter 7: Marriage

Chapter Description

Find out the right time for your wedding bells (1st Marriage)by reading Chapter 7 Nadi Astrology. This chapter explains the reasons for delay in your marriage and proposes remedial measures. It also reveals when you will be married and for how long will you be married.

US $ 108.00

Nadi Astrology Chapter 8 – Longevity

Chapter Description

Satiate the curiosity to know your life span by reading Chapter 8 which speaks about longevity. The chapter contains valuable information about any mishaps in one’s life, accidents and dangers that one may encounter and the exact details of one’s death such as age, date, time, lagna, location and nakshatra.

US $ 108.00
Spiritualism and Father

Nadi Astrology Chapter 9 – Spiritual Attainment and Fortunes

Chapter Description

This chapter helps to know and understand your father better in terms of his wealth, spiritual perception, fortune and philanthropic activities.

US $ 108.00
Business and Profession

Nadi Astrology Chapter 10 – Profession

Chapter Description

Are you finding it difficult to settle down in your dream job? Then this chapter will greatly help you. It gives you information about your profession/career and predictions upon any ups/downs you may face in your professional life and changes in jobs.

US $ 108.00
Second marriage and Profits

Nadi Astrology Chapter 11 – Profits and Second Marriage

Chapter Description

If you wish to be an entrepreneur or would like to have an idea about your business profit, this chapter summarizes it all. The chapter also reveals the chances of second marriage in one’s life.

US $ 108.00
Influence of Mars in 2nd House

Nadi Astrology Chapter 12 – Expenditure and Losses

Chapter Description

Every one of us will be excited to know about our next birth or incarnation. It is a blessing to attain Moksha and liberate self from the continuous cycle of birth and death. This chapter contains information about your future births and also makes you aware of your upcoming expenditures and losses. The chapter is helpful to know about your chances of overseas travel as well.

US $ 108.00
Nadi Reading

What is Nadi and how can it benefit you?

Are You Ready to Discover Your Nadi Palm Leaf?

Are You Ready to Discover Your Nadi Palm Leaf?

Siblings and Courage

Transform Your Life with Nadi Remedies

Siblings and Courage

Unravel the Mysteries in Your Life with Nadi

Authenticity Assured

Authenticity Assured

AstroVed works with only those readers of the highest integrity and skill from years of rigorous training. Authentic Nadi Readers are a select few who have learned the art from being passed down from generation to generation in the same clan. Dr. Pillai has done over 20 years of Nadi research and has discovered leaves that are genuine, accurate and reliable. Our renowned Board of Advisors guarantees that the leaves read by our expert Nadi Readers are from an authentic source. The Nadi readers themselves are specifically chosen and continuously monitored by our Nadi Accreditation.

Satisfaction Guarantee

Satisfaction Guarantee

The Nadi Reading Prediction is different from a Vedic Astrology Prediction. The Nadi reader simply reads what he sees from the leaves. In general the Nadi readers are not astrologers. They are only trained to read the Ancient Palm Leaves in an intuitive way. If after the Nadi Leaf Identification session, you are not fully satisfied, contact [email protected] for a full refund. During the Direct Explanation session you can stop the Nadi reader and ask questions if you need more information. If you require the strength or weakness of a particular planet or what time period you are running, you can schedule a separate, paid consultation with an astrologer.