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2014 Leo Horoscope for Career

June 8, 2015 | Total Views : 2,050
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Born Leo? Then roar and let others hear you. Unlike the animal world, as a Leo, you are not the feared one, but someone your colleagues look forward to. A Leo’s confidence, warm and social nature, and eagerness to take lead of others keep people looking up to him/her. If you have a boss who does not have low confidence and does not keep interfering about the way you work, you will do a good job with utmost effort and with an eye for appreciation from the high and the mighty. leo-horoscope-for-career

Why finding a right career is crucial for a Leo:

  • Your will-power and self-esteem need to be stimulated often through appreciation to boost you up for a good career. Your loyalty towards your boss and determination to perform good makes everyone depend on you for accomplishing major or difficult tasks. Your positive thinking makes others at work place hopeful too.
  • You are ambitious and it is important for you to choose the right career path as this decision possess a far reaching impact – an unsatisfied career can turn you stubborn, touchy and melo-dramatic. Unsuccessful Leo can turn dominating and vigorously rude personality. Criticism can make a Leo upset very easily.

Planets influencing your career in 2014:

Leo is a fixed and fiery sign and Lord of the House is the Sun. The 10th House – the House of Career is Taurus with Lord of the House Venus.

Consequences of planetary influences in different times of the year:

During January and February 2014, Venus will favor change of job by transiting in the sign Sagittarius and aspected by the same sign-lord Jupiter. You will at least find change of department or working under a different boss. During March, Venus will exchange signs with Saturn. By this favorable change, you will receive appreciation and fame. You will be assigned to work on challenging tasks or projects that cannot be done by others. Hectic works will make you tiresome but you will overcome any difficulties through self- confidence; and complete your tasks successfully. During April again the aspect of Jupiter will bring some fortunate opportunities to you. Those who can put in hard work and implement innovative thoughts and talents will be well appreciated. In May, the exaltation of Venus will bring lucky changes in career; but at the same time, some discontentment will also arise. Chances for promotion may get delayed for some. During last week of May or first week of June, you may find many obstacles raising their head at your work-place. Some may even lose their job. Better to avoid taking any hasty decision; patience will pay you with good turn of events. In June and July, you will be appreciated by superiors and colleagues for your talents. You may be nominated for awards too. During early August, you may also look forward to being promoted to higher level with a raise in salary. Later, in August you will find opportunities to work overseas. You may have to travel in connection with your job. During September, through discussions in meetings with higher officials new opportunities for career growth will be seen. You will be appreciated for your skills. From last week of September until the middle of October, Venus will transit in its debilitated sign that will make you sluggish delaying you from accomplishing tasks. If fatigue or any mild illness takes over you, take a short break from job. This will refresh you. Remaining months of the year, you will make good progress in your work and consequently in your career.  


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