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Monthly Forecast for July 2015

On June 26, 2015

How are the planets going to influence your career, health, money and relationships in the next 30 days? Here are some general predictions for the 12 Moon signs:-




This month you will experience new changes in your professional life. You will have peaceful time and enjoy bliss in conjugal relations. There would be tremendous changes in your finances and you will be able to fulfill your desired expectations. You will acquire new responsibilities in job and accomplishing them will bring you honor. Time will be supportive of works you undertake and you will have good terms with your partners in business. Try to be on good diet routine, neglecting it will find you low on strength.

Taurus: Taurus

Love relations will flourish and your understanding nature will help in nurturing a beautiful relationship. You will find time to go on an enjoyable vacation to distant places with your family. This month you will have sufficient cash in hand to fulfill your financial commitments. Your plans for procuring funds for long-term investments will work smoothly. You will find good developments in your career. A big business deal will improve your turnover. You will take up unfinished business projects to keep you busy. You will have good immunity to handle minor health issues.

Gemini: Gemini This is a month for planning and taking new steps for your growth and development. You will be appreciated for your skills and this will open up opportunities for growth in your profession. There would be good understanding between couples to cope with current situations. Your target for long term investments will be fulfilled and you will find opportunity for procuring a second source of income through hard efforts. You may travel for your work and try not to procrastinate on sensitive issues. In business, you will be able to improve assignments for greater profits and future benefits. You will have smooth time with health.

Cancer: Cancer You will be appreciated for your physical beauty and appearance. With your pleasing words, you will attract people of the other gender. Long pending legal issues will come to a proper conclusion with your actions. You will enter into a joint family and will find respect through cooperation with family members. You will have a good scope for improving financial conditions. Traveling to some distant land is in pipeline, and it will be beneficial for your future growth. Business entrepreneurs will grow through good work in their assignments. Being on strict diet will help you control cholesterol and diabetes.

Leo: Leo

Your skill for handling assignments in a professional way will be appreciated. In domestic life, you will have support of your family members. If you are bonding into relationship with somebody of another gender, you will have great company for a long term relationship. This time you will succeed in making systematic investment plan for long term with high range of returns. At job, your higher officials will be impressed with your dedication in work. You will be given additional responsibilities with incentives. You will recover from any health problems you had been suffering.

Virgo: Virgo This month you will have professional stability and a progressive growth. You will find bliss in conjugal life. Love will bring couples closer in their thoughts and beliefs. You will take impressive steps that will bring you money to meet all your expectations. Business persons should start looking for new projects and will gain through their skillful and clear communication. Your proven track record at work will bring you scope for new employment opportunities. You will have a very good health.

Libra: Libra This month relationship between couples will improve as they will come to appreciate each other and work together planning for future. This is a time to improve your financial status. There will be a steady growth in your career. You will clear obstacles amicably with your subordinates. Business persons will have their own plan of actions for improvement in their assignments. Higher authorities will be very happy with your performance. With your hard effort you will find new opportunity to progress professionally. Activities for keeping in good health will be effective.

Scorpio: Scorpio This is a challenging month for you but sincere efforts will help you get everything you want. You will have happiness in marital life. Your matured thoughts and actions will turn things in your favor. Those who are not yet married, new proposals for marriage will be finalized. You will have enough money to support all your requirements. You will have sudden financial gain through a known circle. Being proactive will help in improving business tasks. Appreciating your partners and associates will help in making good progress in your project. You will succeed in the challenges you take up and you will be appreciated for your courage. This will be a good time from health perspective.

Sagittarius: Sagittarius Your financial growth will help you meet commitments you have in hand. Be specific about your decisions. Close interaction with spouse will work well and you will be a good moral support to your spouse. Investments in speculation market should be made carefully with experts’ advice. New employment opportunities will fulfill your requirements but you have to choose the one that suits you. In business, you will accomplish a major project which will bring great returns financially. This period will be favorable for keeping good health.

Capricorn: Capricorn You will be successful both in personal and professional life. Your desires will be fulfilled without much hard work. Couples will resolve issues and make use of situations in hand properly. Love life will be perfectly nice in this period. You will make investment in speculation market and at the same time you will acquire new asset. You will find opportunities to prove your capability for your career growth. Business entrepreneurs will work hard to be successful in their fields. You will be clear about what you want and this will help in meeting expectation of your customers. You will not have any health issues and your immunity will increase to a desired level.

Aquarius: Aquarius You will make the right move to achieve what you desire. Your new plan of actions in profession will be effective, and new opportunities will prove good for you. Marital life will be good for couples. Love relations will be fine. New financial investments will prove beneficial. Through effective communication, you will be able to increase your financial prospects. There will be improvement in relationship with all your subordinates and superiors. Your sincerity will improve your position. Business entrepreneurs will perform well. Professionals will receive honors for their works. Their long-time desires will come true this time. Peace in the family will be the secret to your energy and enthusiasm.

Pisces: Pisces Couples will have good scope to understand and resolve situations in a practical manner. You will have pleasing communication with your partner. Good flow of finance will bring relief to you and help you in the commitments you have made. This month you will have good developments in job; you will even clear tough assignments through your efforts and unique abilities. Business persons will flourish well this time. You will find opportunities for new business plans and it may turn out to be a prestigious project. Your professionalism will be appreciated after a long time. Health will improve.


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