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Heal your Relationship Problems – “Marriage problems and solutions”

DateNovember 22, 2010

All of us visualize our married lives to be as sweet as a fruit orchard or as fragrant as a garden of roses. We wish to dwell in that beautiful castle of marriage beaded with happiness, peace and prosperity forever. But, for some of us, wedlock with Mr. /Ms. Right might even appear like a distant dream; the reason being delay in wedding or problems in the current married life. Sure enough, many of you very often wonder about “when will I get married; how to heal relationships, marriage problems and solutions” etc.

Answers for your frequently asked Questions

There can be various answers to the above posed questions. Problems and delays in a wedding knot are inevitable, complex and challenging. There are also many reasons as to why you are striving hard to meet your soul mate; run a life of peace and harmony and so on. The Vedic Astrology presents you with the right answer for your questions—the answer is nothing, but the most powerful Divine intervention!

Mars Affliction—the Root Cause for Marriage Problems

Mars is one of the fiery planets that cast an impact on marriage and relationships when ill placed in your Birth Chart. The Astrological Science points out that Mars in consciousness at certain houses in your Birth Chart results in aggression, diligence and will power—the ultimate Kuja Dosha or Manglik affliction. Whenever Mars is placed in houses 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 or 12, it brings about Mars affliction.

This is certainly not a dreadful situation when you conquer it with the divine intervention. The attempt becomes even more powerful when you venture into it on special occasion. Currently, Mars resides in Scorpio (Oct 19 – Nov 29) which will serve to be the special occasion for people with Mars affliction to soothe Mars and get gifted with a life of joy and prosperity!

Call Upon Mars to bless you

Kuja Dosha or Manglik affliction does not threat your married life; nor does that harm your beloved; however, it keeps you on a long hold to get gifted with your better half and also tests your compatibility levels.

Perform Kuja Dosha Remedy – Join with AstroVed

Join with AstroVed to know how you can soothe the ill placed Mars and mark an end to the worries of your marriage problems.

Perform the Manglik remedies with AstroVed on these special days to imbibe the positive energy of Mars

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