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Tamil New Year Predictions for Taurus Moon Sign 2018 - 2019

March 30, 2018 | Total Views : 4,083
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(Covering stars Krittika, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Padas, Rohini and Mrigasira 1st and 2nd Padas) People born in the zodiac sign of Taurus are balanced individuals with artistic temperaments. Venus, the planet of love and beauty is the ruler of this sign. This Vedic New Year begins when Venus will be sharing the sign with the benefactor Sun, in the 12th House from the Taurus sign. Hence, it is advisable for the Taurus-born to curtail wasteful expenditure and be prudent in spending. They may also have to be alert and keep on differentiating between the good and bad, for succeeding in their endeavors. They should be aware that a sense of false prestige may land them in losses. However, travel to other places may be beneficial. Planet Jupiter will be placed in the 6th House until 11/10/2018 and they may have to remain careful about their health. There may arise a need for borrowing money. It will be better to exercise mind control and develop positive thoughts during this period. It is also advisable for them to not entertain inimical feelings against anyone and handle issues with diplomacy. However, things will start turning out to be better after 11/10/2018, as Jupiter will start transiting the 7th House. Difficulties and impediments may get cleared; health may improve; enmities may die down; there may be increased money flow; face may brighten up; negotiations for marital alliances may fructify; and auspicious things may take place. Further, the shadow planets Rahu and Ketu will be transiting the 3rd and 9th Houses, respectively, till 06/03/2019, and this may help the Taurus-born to feel brave, self-confident and enthusiastic at heart. They may overcome obstacles and achieve success, while travels may bring in good luck. However, there may be a setback in father’s health. In addition, differences of opinion may crop up with him and there may be problems relating to ancestral properties. However, quite a few pilgrimages may bring in peace. Some people may try to misguide them and land them in trouble and hence, it will be in the interest of the Taurus-born to be cautious, trust their own judgment and act accordingly.


 Tamil New Year Predictions for Taurus Moon Sign 2018 – 2019

Post 06/03/2019, Rahu and Ketu will be moving to the 2nd and 8th Houses, respectively, and hence, it will be better to take due care in family matters. The Taurus people may need to exercise caution while speaking. They may keep their expenditures under check, as there may be financial constraints; they may have to be alert both at home and in office. There are possibilities for some people to face even unfounded allegations and hence, they may have to act with immense caution; and it is always be better for them to not be hasty, but to think calmly and act patiently during this time. Saturn will transit in the 8th House (Ashtama Shani) throughout the year as the not-so-favorable and hence, these people may have to be vigilant in all their activities. They can better refrain from interfering in the affairs of others; avoid standing as surety for anyone in money transactions; pay more attention to their work; be accommodative of and maintain cordial relationships with superiors and colleagues; and refrain from sharing confidential family details with others.

Taurus Moon Sign Tamil New Year Predictions for Business

The Taurus-born may avoid new investments until 11/10/2018; keep partners and employees under constant watch; and adopt a soft approach towards customers. However, after 11/10/2018, their business may prosper; their organization may become popular; and good things may happen with the help of business partners and employees.

Taurus Moon Sign Tamil New Year Predictions for Employed

They may have to face some problems until 11/10/2018. It may be better for them to refrain from rubbing shoulders with higher authorities and fellow workers on the wrong side. They may also avoid being too frank with colleagues. However, the period post 11/10/2018 may bring in better fortune, as they may get the support of superiors; colleagues may prove helpful; recognition may come forth from officials in higher positions; and there may even be career progressions and pay hikes.

Taurus Moon Sign Tamil New Year Predictions for Students

Students’ health may be indifferent until 11/10/2018 and it may be important for them to ensure that it does not affect their studies until then. It is also advisable for the Taurus-born students to be obedient to teachers and desist from making enemies out of friends. However, their health may improve after 11/10/2018; they may get good guidance from teachers and may score good marks and win wide appreciation.

Taurus Moon Sign Tamil New Year Predictions for Politicians

The Taurus-born people in the political field may need to be vigilant in dealing with those in authority until 11/10/2018. It may also be better for them not to trust colleagues fully; not to be inimical with anyone else; and be cautious while handling matters related to the public. However, post 11/10/2018, they may win the confidence of their headquarters; colleagues may turn favorable; and their reputation may improve among the public.

Taurus Moon Sign Tamil New Year Predictions for Artists

Until 11/10/2018, new opportunities may be delayed for those in the field of arts and they may have to utilize the existing chances to their best advantage. It may also be better for them to be accommodative of celebrities and influential people. However, their prospects may improve after 11/10/2018; they may get fruitful opportunities; may be introduced to influential people; and may earn name and fame.


  • The Taurus-born can show compassion to the poor and the needy and provide them with financial and medical aid
  • They may also donate food on Saturdays in Lord Vishnu temples
  • They can also do Homa (fire lab) to the planetary Lords Saturn and Jupiter and offer worships to them. They can visit temples too and offer prayers to Lord Hanuman and Lord Narasimha

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