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Scorpio Horoscope 2018 Predictions

October 11, 2017 | Total Views : 3,481
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Characteristics of Scorpio Moon Sign: Scorpio natives are sensual, intuitive, research-oriented, attractive, disciplined, emotional, and alluring. They have a good memory and are dominant, curious, interfering, and secretive. They tend to exaggerate a lot and their most positive traits are being magnetic and understanding. The negative points are being possessive and ability to bear a grudge. Scorpio Horoscope 2018

Scorpio Moon Sign Horoscope for 2018: Your Year Ahead

General Overview 2018 for Scorpio natives is filled with positive outlook and vitality. During this year, they shall be involved in many spiritual and professional activities. Their good reputation and social status will soar this year, with professional improvement and satisfaction. Scorpio natives shall receive good support from elders as blessings in disguise. They shall have cordial relationships with their siblings and shall do well in their career and profession. Some siblings may go to a foreign country for higher studies / job. Domestic chaos and imbalance may disturb your peace of mind. Productivity in your home environment may fall. There may also be change of place or residence. Some problems are likely to appear suddenly in the beginning of the year. However, you should not worry about these. Listen to own intuition, not what others say. Keep things simple and scaled down, and they shall be successful. They may be pulled in too many directions. Prepare to say no. Inclination towards occult, yogic sciences and spirituality may increase, and they may go deeper into these subjects. They may become a bit lazy with respect to routine tasks which would curtail the outcome. Adopt daily attitude to roll up sleeves and get started.

Scorpio Horoscope 2018 For Business and Profession

Scorpio natives who are staying in the same position, being overworked and underpaid may lead to dissatisfaction. Start planning your way and be willing to learn something new, which would help you to move forward. Business persons may experience an upward trend in the beginning of the year, while the latter part may make them stumble a little. So, do not plan for any expansion and be a bit conservative to consolidate gains. For those who are in partnership business, the latter part of the year is favorable. Some may also get opportunities to sign new partnership deeds. The early part of the year may be a bit challenging for those who are in service sector. Be careful while dealing with superiors and colleagues as there be issues with jealousies or other hidden agendas. As far as career is concerned, it is better not to depend on others and to develop more self-reliance. Those who are in the IT industry, defense forces / protective fields and doctors / medical fields would do well this year. Enhance Professional Expertise - Rudra Homa

Scorpio Horoscope 2018 For Finance

There shall be an average inflow of money throughout the year. There may be unplanned expenses. Hence, try to be more prudent in revising your budget and curb your expenses. Otherwise, you may end up having little or no money for emergencies. You may spend more on philanthropic activities this year, as you understand the wisdom to share some of what you possess. Legal cases and litigation shall go in your favor. You would be able to defeat your enemies, especially if you resolve such issues before May.Protect and Improve Finances - Muruga Homa

Scorpio Horoscope 2018 For Love and Relationship

Romance may not favor you until midyear. Before May 2018, there may be many emotional disputes with loved ones unless you are more patient and understanding. However, a lot shall happen on the romantic front to lift up your spirits in the latter part of year. For those who are single, the period between May and August favors weddings or entering new partnerships of your choice. There would be more mutual love and cooperation among couples during the latter part of the year. This is the year to avoid domestic dramas and not to bring work pressure into the home. This is a year to focus on balance and being polite with all. Plan a pleasure trip with your spouse or partner to recharge, relax and explore! Increase Love Relationship/Marital Harmony - Venus Homa

Scorpio Horoscope 2018 For Students

Hard work shall bear fruit. So, keep lethargy and weakness at bay. Try to avoid excessive socializing, as it can bring down your productivity. Seek blessings from your parents. Students of arts, management, finance, commerce, fashion design, literature and research students shall perform well. Some may get scholarships and may go to foreign country for higher studies. Enhance Concentration - Jupiter Pooja

Scorpio Horoscope 2018 For Health

Motivation, self-awareness and self-regulation shall keep your health at its best. Unwanted fear and negative thoughts shall only lead to complications and cause confusion of the mind. Actively associate with positive people, read positive books, and participate in spiritual practices to nurture positive thoughts. Physically, you shall be hale and healthy throughout the year. You should not self-medicate. Health condition of your mother or a person close to you could be of concern. People suffering from chronic ailments should have to go for regular checkups. Elderly Scorpio Moon natives need special care. You should not neglect even a minor health issue. Make sure you take correct medication and proper diet. Overcome Ailments - Mars Homa General Recommended Remedy Suggestions for 2018: Fire Ceremony for Sharaba (Sharaba Fire Lab or Sharaba Homa) Philanthropic actions / home remedies to be followed during year:
  • Help older people, even elderly in your family
  • Set intention to do good and be good each day
  • Feed crows or other birds
  • Speak kind words or hold your tongue
  • Seek blessings from parents and ancestors on a regular basis
  • Chant quantum sounds for Hanuman, 108 times daily “Om Aanjaneya Vidh Mahe Vayu Putraya Dhi Mahi Tanno Hanuman Prachodayat” Favorable Months: June, July, August, September, January and February Unfavorable Months: March, May, October, November and December (during these months you are advised to pray to your favorite deity and perform the recommended rituals) banner

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    • N. Somunaido
      Born in 1949 on 20.02. at around 6.00 to 6.40a.m. Anusha Natchitra with Vriciga Raasi, Currently in the final part of Sani pairchi of 71/2 years. Currently had filed a legal suit against person who had acquired my parents 2/3rd of the property - a piece of land. Mitigation failed, What will be court case and its verdict. When will we suqqppose to get a good reply. Reuqqested that court to retrial the parents property and distribute equally to all 7 childrens of my parents. Please advise me. I am of Meena Lagnam.
      August 5, 2018