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Saturn Mahadasha and Bhukti Effects

March 15, 2018 | Total Views : 46,711
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Saturn Mahadasha General Interpretations

Saturn is generally perceived as a potent malefic planet which is believed to impart mostly with negative effects and in some cases it might be extremely benefic based on its placement in one’s horoscope. Saturn, in truth is a guide which directs one to walk through difficult times with honesty and lead towards success. Saturn imparts immense strength and control to win over obstacles and succeed in tough situations. One is guided to stand strong and reach heights in the righteous path. The native would boldly confront hurdles and attain high power & position during the Saturn Mahadasha. The planet imparts intellect, patience and knowledge to handle situation effectively. One is inclined towards religious deeds and emerges as an honest and wiser personality at the end. Though Saturn Mahadasha period will appear full of hurdles and fluctuations, at the end, the individual gets matured and learnt with clarity of mind. One might turn harsh and aggressive during this period, thus facing separation from family and friends. Saturn Mahadasha is a period of learning and poses both good and bad effects in one’s life.

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Saturn Mahadasha

Saturn Mahadasha Specific Interpretations

  • One’s father may be injured or may expire
  • Enmity with friends
  • Leadership of village, city or country
  • Defame and loss of repute
  • Ill effects upon wealth, spouse, progeny, siblings and close ones
  • Saturn Mahadasha – Saturn Bhukti Saturn in both Mahadasha and Bhukti periods can impact an individual to the fullest as the planet dominates his/her life events. The period maybe extremely tough or very positive depending upon the placement of the planet in one’s horoscope. The effects of Saturn Mahadasha – Saturn Bhukti are as follows:
  • One would have to confront more obstacles in personal and professional lives
  • Mental distress and loss of self-confidence
  • One may turn aggressive, jealous and egoistical
  • Professional hitches and fiscal instability
  • Imprudent behavior due to wife and children
  • Lethargy, loss of wealth and lack of enthusiasm
  • Unreasonable conflicts and quarrels
  • Anger, physical ailments such as gastric problems
  • Fear of theft, weapons, bleeding gums, dysentery etc. during the beginning of the Dasha
  • Middle part of the Dasha can cause mental agony and result in benefic effects during the end

Saturn Mahadasha – Mercury Bhukti Mercury, being a benefic planet when combined with Saturn would pacify the negative effects of Saturn and result in both positive and adverse impacts during this period. The effects of Saturn Mahadasha – Mercury Bhukti are given below:

  • The presence of Mercury bestows one with inner strength and intellect
  • Friendship of scholars and rewards in profession
  • Inclination towards spiritual and social pursuits
  • One would receive true respect and fame in society and workplace
  • Gain of wealth and success in business ventures
  • Physical pain due to cough and cold
  • Acquisition of land, wealth and high position in Government during the beginning of the Dasha
  • Feeling of danger, restlessness and failure in all efforts during the end of the Dasha
  • Saturn Mahadasha – Ketu Bhukti The shadow planet Ketu is generally considered malefic and results in a worse period when combined with Saturn. It poses a lot of hurdles and obstacles in one’s life resulting in a very difficult path. One suffers from mental distress due to a lot of impediments and failure of efforts. Effects of Saturn Mahadasha – Ketu Bhukti are as follows:
  • Continuous efforts have to input in all situations but may not be yield fruitful efforts
  • Inclination towards evil and immoral deeds
  • Loss of wealth, unwanted quarrels and business losses
  • One may turn insincere and careless during this period
  • Professional and social downfall
  • Threat from thieves, snakes, authority, impediments to education and accidents
  • Separation from wife and children
  • Gain of wealth and visit to holy places during the commencement of the Dasha
  • Saturn Mahadasha – Venus Bhukti The combination of Saturn and Venus can result in a blend of both positive and negative effects in an individual’s life. Though Saturn may exert negative impacts and impediments, presence of Venus would pacify the malefic effects of Saturn and bestow one with strength. Saturn Mahadasha – Venus Bhukti can exert the following influences in one’s life:
  • Acquisition of fame, wealth, ornaments and garments
  • Profit in agricultural produce, cordial relationship with friends and family
  • Auspicious events such as marriage, birth of a son can bring happiness
  • Receive rewards and enjoy good fortune
  • One may suffer from eye problems, fever, dental issues and heart diseases
  • Distress to wife, loss of position or property
  • Inclination towards religious deeds and charitable activities
  • Saturn Mahadasha – Sun Bhukti Both Sun and Saturn are potent planets and their combination poses harshness in many situations. It also offers potency which may prove both beneficial and detrimental in one’s life. Effects of Saturn Mahadasha – Sun Bhukti are as follows:
  • One may have to face many hurdles in personal and professional fronts
  • Lack of support in personal life
  • Mental distress and agony
  • Career downfall and financial constraints
  • Defame and public criticism
  • Distress to wife, son and friends
  • Loss of wealth, position and fear of thieves
  • Positive effects may include good relation with employer and family members
  • Saturn Mahadasha – Moon Bhukti Since Saturn is highly potent than Moon and is in the Mahadasha, the combination mostly exerts negative impacts on one’s life events. One would suffer from mental distress due to facing many impediments in life. Effects of Saturn Mahadasha – Moon Bhukti are as follows:
  • Lack of self-confidence and aggressive behavior
  • Opposition and unwanted conflicts
  • Saturn may also bestow strength and happiness
  • Lack of passion and angry conduct
  • Quarrels with friends and children
  • Wife may expire or suffer from serious illness
  • Some gain of wealth during the beginning period of Dasha
  • Sleepiness, lassitude and enmity
  • One may suffer from gastric ailments and venereal diseases
  • Saturn Mahadasha – Mars Bhukti The combination of a potent planet like Mars with another strong planet Saturn may exert a balanced effect both positively and negatively upon an individual. One may turn hasty and highly aggressive. Saturn Mahadasha – Moon Bhukti may impose the following effects in one’s life:
  • Loss of position, business and defame
  • Separation from wife and children
  • Body pain due to several ailments
  • Positive effects may include gain of wealth, reward from Government, profit in agriculture, acquiring clothes and ornaments and profit in agriculture
  • Loss of wealth, threat from thieves, snakes, weapons and occurrence of diseases
  • Distress to father and brothers and separation from friends and relations
  • Needless expenditure and dependence on others
  • Saturn Mahadasha – Rahu Bhukti The combination of Saturn and the shadow planet Rahu is worse as both are perceived to be malefic planets. One may have to face many obstacles and have to put in a lot of effort, which may appear safer but will not yield fruitful results. Effects of Saturn Mahadasha – Rahu Bhukti are as follows:
  • Loss of self-confidence and may turn pessimistic
  • Unwanted conflicts which may lead to problems in personal and professional life
  • Physical distress and mental agony
  • Suffering from gastric problems and fever
  • Lack of enthusiasm
  • Unnecessary expenditure and separation from close ones
  • Inclination towards spirituality and visit to pilgrimage sites
  • Threat of authority, diseases and loss of house/property
  • Quarrel and distress due to friends and enmity
  • Some progress in personal and professional relations towards the end of Dasha
  • Good wealth and happiness at the end of Dasha
  • Saturn Mahadasha – Jupiter Bhukti Jupiter, being a highly benefic planet would bring goodness in the life of an individual and it would also bring out the positive effects of Saturn. This dasha-bhukti period bestows one with potency and optimism. Effects of Saturn Mahadasha – Jupiter Bhukti are as follows:
  • Growth in career and reverence in personal and social life
  • One is blessed with strength, effectiveness and intellect
  • Inclination towards religious and pious deeds
  • Happiness at home and workplace rendering peace of mind
  • Acquisition of wealth, land and vehicles
  • Commencement of new work and attainment of fame
  • All round success and wellbeing of the family
  • Friendship of scholars
  • Negative effects may include: loss of position & wealth, death of relations, quarrel with kinsmen, agony and suffering from diseases

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  • Kamlesh Malgaonkar
    Dob 26/9/1967 Tob 1.48pm(13.48) Pob Borivili Mumbai...Jobless for a year facing downward career graph since Oct 2014..till now .. jobless from oct 14 to Dec 16 now again jobless from Dec 18 till now...please guide...
    November 1, 2019
    • Vinothkumar


      Greetings from AstroVed.

      We recommend you to speak to one of our Experience Astrologer to get complete insight on your career.

      Please note that you can get all the answers to your questions from our astrologer during your "Live Astrologer Consultation." You can use the link below to get more information about Live Astrologer Consultation:


      Please feel free to call us at 1800-102-9098 if you need any other information.

      Thanks & Regards,
      Vinoth Kumar
      Astroved Customer Support.
      Skype ID: Astroved CRM

      November 1, 2019
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    July 14, 2019
    Thanks for your detailed ANTARDASHAS RESULT analysis.
    April 15, 2019
    • Sales

      Thank you for your valuable feedback.

      May 27, 2019
  • Anup
    Please send your contact details for consultation.
    April 12, 2019
    • Sales

      Namaste You can visit our website, www.AstroVed.com.

      May 27, 2019
  • Ramadevi indukuri
    During Saturn mahadasa from 2001/2002 it was a combination of good and bad events in my life till this day. It is powerful destiny that made me survive amidst struggle by showing path to spiritualism. Divine power worked as a shield and protected me from worst situations of life . It is a miracle for me as I am simple and not aware of complexities of life.
    February 28, 2019
    • Sales


      Saturn is a Justice where he will test and make us to realize.

      When you do good things, he will support and for any negative deeds he will make situations to realize, people think that it is a punishment, its not soo. So worship Saturn on saturdays, feed crows and help physically challenged persons, you will get his blessings.

      With Kind Regards.
      Astroved Member Support.

      May 27, 2019