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Sade Sati Results For Scorpio Moon Sign

September 11, 2017 | Total Views : 3,245
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What is Sade Sati?

The word ‘Sade Sati’ literally means ‘Seven and Half’ and denotes the 7 ½ year period of Shani, the planet Saturn. While Saturn itself remains a feared planet, this period in particular is considered astrologically, as a time of trials and tribulations. Sade Sati Results For Scorpio Moon Sign This ‘difficult’ period begins when planet Saturn enters the zodiac sign that falls immediately before an individual’s zodiac sign of birth, and will continue during the time when Saturn will transit that sign and also the next 2 signs. As Saturn remains in a sign for about 2 ½ years, it takes a total of 7 ½ years to cross over the 3 zodiac signs. For instance, if a person’s zodiac sign is Scorpio as per the time of his or her birth, then Sade Sati period will begin for that individual, every time Saturn enters the previous sign of Libra, and will continue across the time when Saturn transits through the next 2 signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius. As can be seen, a person will normally be required to undergo a Sade Sati period on more than one occasion in a lifetime.

What Sade Sati means for the sign Scorpio?

The Sade Sati period is not essentially, a favourable one for Scorpio. Planet Mars, who is the lord of the Scorpio sign, is badly inimical to Saturn and the natives will be required to face the consequences of this hostility. Saturn can disturb the mental equilibrium during this time, leading to emotional upheavals and dissatisfaction, and affects peace of mind. Family ties, finance, business prospects and career may all come under strain. People may be forced to lean on others emotionally and get hurt in the process. It is hence advisable for them not to get emotionally involved with anything, but to remain self-reliant and pragmatic. Natives may have to live under pressure and hence, can better practice calming techniques like meditation.

Effects of Sade Sati on the moon sign Scorpio?

The first phase of 2 ½ years of Sade Sati will start for this sign, when Saturn will move into the 12th house from Scorpio, that is, in the sign of Libra. The ruler of Libra, Venus is in cordial terms with Saturn and hence, people will generally be placed in the comfort zone during this time. People may get new jobs, improve their finances, get relief even from chronic diseases, come out of legal tangles successfully and receive support, even from abroad. There may, however be some stress and pressures to be handled. What follows this, will be the really trying, second phase, when Saturn will move into the native sign of Scorpio, whose ruler, Moon is Saturn’s bitter enemy. And the results will show strongly and negatively. People will generally remain frustrated, and will tend to become suspicious, secretive, mysterious, short-tempered and rude. Business ventures may run the risk of not being successful and investments may turn bad. Even friends and colleagues may not be trustworthy. Health may take a beating, and people may become accident-prone and also face physical dangers from some unexpected happenings. The final phase of 2 ½ years will however be somewhat better, for, Saturn will then transit into the sign of Sagittarius, whose lord Jupiter has a neutral bonding with the planet. Life will stabilize. Natives may become principled human beings, loving justice and fair play. Self-discipline will nudge them towards religious thoughts and lead them in the spiritual path, which, they will accept with sincerity. There are possibilities of people moving away from their native places, on account of work or travelling abroad. However, some pressures and tension may still need to be handled. banner

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