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Rahu Ketu Transit 2017 for Aries Moon Sign

May 30, 2017 | Total Views : 1,901
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Rahu and Ketu are two shadow planets that hold great significance in Vedic Astrology. They do not possess any physical existence and are ever retrograde in their motion. They change sign every 18 months and can bring definite changes during transits. On August 18, 2017, Rahu will transit to Cancer sign in Ashlesha Nakshatra. Ketu will transit to Capricorn in Dhanistha Nakshatra. The shadow planets Rahu and Ketu are referred to as lunar nodes- most malefic forces in the horoscope. They indicate past life karma and how one experiences it in the present life. Rahu is a shadow planet with a powerful impact on human lives. Rahu is the North Node capable of generating interest in worldly comforts and materialistic pleasures. Ketu is the South Node, enhances your spiritual interests and pursuits. Both these planets alter the way you think and perceive when they occupy a dominating position in your horoscope.




Rahu will Transit through 4th House For Aries Moon sign, Rahu’s transit in Cancer will be 4th house from your Moon Sign. This placement brings neutral effects. You can enjoy all sorts of comforts in the family. During this transit period, you have chases to purchase assets, vehicle which could bring delight and satisfaction to you. However, when purchasing assets, you need to thoroughly verify the documents before making your purchase. While driving your vehicle, you need to be cautious. You should be watchful over your words during conversations with others and during other communications. This transit period, you will earn the appreciation of your superiors for your dedication and hard work. You will see an increase in your wages and salary. Medical expenses might increase from your mother’s side. You will get new opportunities to learn foreign languages. 

Ketu will transit through 10th House Ketu Transit in Capricorn through 10th house from your Moon will be a period where you need not worry as you will see normal progress. This placement of Ketu will provide you with many new assignments career wise. This will be an opportunity to exhibit your skills, prove your abilities and it will pave way for rise in your position. You will be able to multi-task and work efficiently. Your association with people of influence and holding high position will increase. However, during Ketu Transit, you will be subjected to unnecessary fears that will cause disturbances in your mind. Regular prayers to Lord Ganesha will help you overcome fears and offer mental peace. You will have chances to go on pilgrimages or visit holy places for peace of mind. At workplace, focus on being productive and efficient. Avoid gossips and unnecessary talks as such acts may affect you. Be careful of your rivals and enemies as they may work against you during this period.

Remedies: Propitiate Rahu and Ketu by performing Archana (light and sound ceremony), Abishekam (hydration ceremony), Homa (fire rituals) and Pooja (offerings) to get relief from afflictions due to transits and seek good results from Rahu and Ketu. Participation in the rituals attract beneficial blessings of the shadow planets.


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