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Meaning and significance of doing Namaskar

March 28, 2017 | Total Views : 2,482
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Sanatan Hindu Dharma is the oldest way of living with a lot of Hindu customs and traditions. They are not superstitions but scientifically proven concepts with logical explanations behind them. Namaskar is a Hindu way of salutation and greeting. Namaskar or Namaste comes from the Sanskrit word, `Namaha`, meaning to bow, paying obeisance. It is a Hindu Sanatan Dharma ritual of greeting in India to do Namaskar or Namaste to greet another person. meaning-and-significance-of-doing-namaskar Joining of Palms – Generates Spiritual Energy The practice of Namaskar of bringing both the palms together, fingers pointed upwards closely held towards the chest and bowing down is a tradition of respecting others. Palms have a lot of nerve endings and the moment one holds them together, the pressure points are activated. This hand position is called Namaskar mudra. Saying Namaskar with folded hands spiritually benefits person initiating the greeting and the person greeted. Recognizing Divinity in All Namaskar – implies ` I bow to the God in you`. Essentially, we are all souls and not bodies. Namaskar is recognizing the hand of the creator or divinity operating in another and paying obeisance. It is also a reminder that the source of creation in oneself too. Act of greeting another with Namaskar acknowledges the presence of soul in another and helps develop humility, gratitude, surrender and reduces ego.

Science of Namaskar

  • Hindu Dharma says it is the most scientific way to attract divine consciousness (chaitanya) from God to oneself. We receive the highest component of satwa (spiritual purity) principle from the mudra ‘namaskar’
  • It is a satwik form of greeting others and this practice of Namaskar generates spiritual emotions in a person. When this happens, one is able to access higher thoughts and attract a flow of divine principle or God’s power
  • This creates and activates a ring of bliss and divine consciousness around the person initiating greeting with namaskar. The person being greeted also imbibes this bliss and the flow of divine consciousness
  • Thus both become benefitted by this practice of greeting with namaskar, activating the particles of divine consciousness around them in the environment
  • Scientific reasons – behind Lack of Contact in Namaskar

  • When people greet or interact with one another various subtle energy flows are generated. In other words, greetings involve an energy exchange taking place between two people. In most cases, people cannot perceive this as this requires a deep sense of perception
  • Shaking hands result in transfer of negative or positive energy. Sometimes, while shaking hands, some may have experienced draining of energy, thus indicating negative energy transfer
  • On an average, many do not have control over their mind and intellect and are affected by negative energies. So be careful with whom who shake hands with
  • Namaskar alone results in the transfer of positive energy when done with humbleness. Hindu Dharma states that it is best to greet others with a Namaskar.
  • Spiritual perspective of greetings around the world Greeting others is important to all cultures across the world. There are different types of greeting like: handshake, bowing as Japanese do, hugging and kissing. Spiritual research studies reveal that among the various types of greetings, Namaste has the highest spiritual benefit and the least spiritual risk. Whenever we communicate and greet another person, we are affected by the subtle energies associated with another person. Namaskar generates satwik vibrations in contrast to other type of greetings from around the world that generate Rajasic- Tamasic vibrations. Each greeting has a spiritual impact and research says greeting another with a Namaskar is the most spiritually beneficial form of greeting. These practices help a person live in alignment with the spiritual purpose in life. banner

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