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January 2018 Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope

December 8, 2017 | Total Views : 1,657
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Sagittarius January 2018 Horoscope –General Overview You would be able to secure your benefits and exhibit confidence during this month. You shall receive promising and favorable results during the second half of the month. Your comfort levels shall increase this month, with benefits pouring in and satisfying you. Spiritual pursuits can help you in achieving your goals. There are chances for intuition powers in you during the month’s latter half, which would aid you to reach heights. Sagittarius January 2018 Horoscope –Love/Marriage There shall be a friendly and sincere relationship between you and your partner. Auspicious occasions shall jewel the month’s second half, during which you shall maintain harmony with your spouse. Divine Technique for Marital Harmony: Mercury Pooja Sagittarius January 2018 Horoscope –Finance You may face financial restraints during the first half of the month. Hence, you must save your earnings for use in the month’s latter half. It is advised for you to not go into any major investments this month. Money flow shall be good in the second half of the month. Divine Technique to Improve Financial Status: Lord Ketu Pooja Sagittarius January 2018 Horoscope –Career There is a need for you to input hard work and dedication to succeed in your career this month. If not, things may not be in favor during the month’s initial half. Your sincerity in work shall render positive benefits and gain recognition. There are chances for job promotion, which shall delight you. Sagittarius January 2018 Horoscope –Business Stay calm and relaxed towards your business, which shall help you to bag a good reputation over your competitors this month. You shall have more profitable returns during the second half of the month. Planets - Mars, Jupiter and Moon shall guide you in your business. Sagittarius January 2018 Horoscope –Professionals You shall gain recognition for your work during this month. You would take new steps for accomplishing your projects. Your high officials would understand your skills and abilities, which might even give you a job promotion. Most of the critical decisions, which you take, can prove your efficiency. Divine Technique for Career Progress: Saturn Homa Sagittarius January 2018 Horoscope –Health Your health condition shall be average this month. Your stress may lead to back pain and you may become more lethargic. Your emotional nature can restrict you from focusing on your fitness. Practicing meditation can keep you in good health. Divine Technique for a Healthy Living: Lord Dhanvantri homa Sagittarius January 2018 Horoscope –Students You would perform well in your studies and top your class this month. You would get a chance to exhibit your unique abilities. The latter half of the month appears more conducive for scoring good marks and achieving your goals. Divine Technique to Perform Well in Academics: Goddess Saraswati Homa banner

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