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Sun Enters Pisces: Make the Most of this Spiritual Transit

On March 08, 2011


Sun enters PiscesSun enters Pisces on March 15th. This solar transit is the time to put in your best positive efforts to welcome positivity and to wash off negativity, with the grace of Sun God. The Sun, who is the “Atma Karaka”, confers you with power and success for the forthcoming solar year.

The combination of Sun into Pisces is an opportunity for you to review your thoughts and deeds of this year and to revitalize for an improved solar year ahead. During this transit, Sun will shower his blessings on you to brighten the forthcoming solar year with a powerful start and a life of honor!

Signifier of Soul’s Desire

Sun is the Atma Karaka who signifies our soul’s desire. It is a magnanimous planet which will generously understand the negative attitudes and might punish people depending upon its’ placement in a sign. Sun burns away the impurities of heart and mind, and will bestow you with glory and accomplishment in the upcoming solar year!



The Positive Effects of Sun Enters Pisces

You can access the energy of Sun who rules our consciousness during this transit. The positive effects of Sun enter Pisces are:

• Helps you to imbibe the best of positive efforts and to ignore the negativities • Blesses you with a passionate interest and dedication to fulfill your earnest desires • Makes you powerful to get rid of the negative outlook about life • Protects you from the bad effects of karma

Pisces for Benevolence

Pisces is the sign of compassion which develops an optimistic attitude in you. It grants you with a positive and an upright mood. Hence, the Sun in this sign will also be in a positive mood to grant your wishes and to throw off all the negative deeds which you have done either in conscious or unconscious mind.

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