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Saturn Transit in Scorpio – Forecasts and Remedies for Pisces Vedic Moon Sign

On August 09, 2014

Think of planet Saturn as the radar of your life. And then, think of the responsibilities or duties that you have neglected or by-passed through your smart acts. What happens when suddenly they began to surface on the radar?

Want to find out if you are Pisces Moon sign? Please visit https://www.astroved.com/moonsign

Those aspects of your life that has been overlooked or had been lying hidden from your awareness get detected by Saturn radar and is projected to you. Well, following the law of life, at some point of our life we should work on those aspects that had been neglected. When the reality surfaces, you are the sole decision maker on how to administer your life – whether you will retreat, resist, forebear or act on it? This Saturn transit may compel you to take an important decision.

Saturn’s aspect on your sign can be a tricky one! If you wish to remain a dreamer, reluctant to shoulder the pressing realities of your life and keep oscillating between being optimistic at times and pessimistic in others, Saturn may prove to be a hard task-master. But with your versatile nature, and persistent effort if you wish to find a practical way to realize your dreams, Saturn will bring you the insight – help you see beyond your immediate horizon.

In 2014-15, people born with the Moon signs Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius are experiencing close countenance of Saturn during its transit through the signs, what is commonly known as Sade Saati. Saturn is moving from Libra to Scorpio on November 2nd, 2014 and will reside there till January 6th, 2017.

What will be effects of Saturn transit on Zodiac sign of Pisces?

The sign Pisces is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Saturn and Jupiter are planets that essentially impart spirituality and wisdom.

Pisces is the natural 12th house of the Zodiac – it’s the house of expenditure, travel and enlightenment. Saturn reveals to you the confusions in your life and this realization may take you through lots of ups and downs. It will make you look beyond your immediate reality for answers and most of the times will make you search within. In certain cases, people may choose to renounce materialistic life, take up humanitarian activities or undertake acts of charity. Saturn gives better far-sight that can make a Piscean a good strategist and a planner.

Saturn’s journey through the nakshatras Vishaka, Anuradha and Jyestha in sign Scorpio is an interesting one. It relates about the paths you are likely to choose and your state of affairs:

Career: You will be having more courage and confidence in your life during this period. You will be able to witness monetary gains in your life during this period. 2nd to 30th November 2014, will be a favorable time for people in jobs and businesses.

Finance: You will be able to change residence or invest money on purchase of house or properties. You will be able to gain wealth through unexpected sources also.

Relationship: You will face difficult times as well as certain good times with family. At times, you may have worrying concerns through elder siblings though between 30th Nov 2014 and 13th March 2015 you will be able to get advice from your siblings that will help you to maintain a good relationship and also to witness success and happiness in your life.

Health: You may have to take care of your health as you may face health issues like knee pain or back pain.

When a big planet like Saturn is creating a major impact in your life, you can connect with it for blessings. Mantras and rituals listed here are said to be powerful ways of connecting with Saturn.

• Chant Saturn mantras for 108 times on Saturday “Om pram preem proum sah shanaischaraya namah” • Chant Jupiter mantras for 27 times daily “Om jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah” • Perform pooja for lord Saturn. • Perform Jupiter homa


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