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Money Shields You from Many Types of Suffering

DateFebruary 7, 2013


Vishnupati: A Time for Wealth and Material Prosperity

Vishnupati occurs when the Sun moves into one of the fixed signs of the zodiac. Vishnupati is the day for Vishnu, the archetype of Wealth and Material Prosperity. It is the day when Vishnu blesses you with abundant Material Wealth On this Vishnupati, Sun moves into the Mystical and Powerful fixed sign of Aquarius on February 12, 2013.

Even though Vishnupati occurs 4 times a year, this particular Vishnupati is special for several reasons:

  • Purvabhadra is the star of the day which means this year it falls on Dr. Pillai’s birthday. Dr. Pillai has a soul connection with Vishnu and will be able to bless you with the Vishnu consciousness of Wealth and Prosperity.
  • It is the 1st Vishnupati of Golden Age, a vortex has been opened that helps you to go beyond your ego and seek the great help that is available from Vishnu.
  • It falls on Tuesday emphasizing the importance of the Pleiadian Archetype Lord Muruga for eliminating debt and acquiring properties.
  • Sun in the mystical sign of Aquarius provides opportunities for Spiritual Bliss


Vishnu: Archetype for Wealth

Vishnu is a very important God because he makes life not only pleasant but also harmonious. You need a stable source of money to fulfill your needs to live well. It is good to be conscious of your material needs this Vishnupati and pray for the protection of your resources as on this day Vishnu becomes more accessible and blesses you with material wealth.


DON’T FORGET: Honor Your Ancestors with Tarpanam

It is recommended to perform Tarpanam rituals on New Moon days. However some New Moon days are more important than others. On certain New Moon days our own body can become a conduit for the Ancestors spirit which allows us to connect with them on a very deep level. This allows the Ancestors to deliver special messages, resolve unfinished business, and move to higher dimensions.


On Thai Amavasya day, departed souls visit the earth plane to bless their relations. Performing rituals like Tarpanam will show your gratitude to your ancestors. During the upcoming Thai Amavasya Ancestor ritual, you can personally participate and communicate with your departed loved ones by performing the following steps:


4 Simple Steps To Connect with Your Ancestors

1) Put their picture near you when you sleep

2) Light a candle or ghee lamp

3) Say a prayer

4) Feed them their favorite foods

Perform the above practice and your ancestors and departed loved ones will come to you in your dreams. This simple practice can help heal the heart sorrow over their departure. Ancestor worship will bring immediate benefit to you and everyone in your family.The Ancestors will be able to help you, especially when you help them move to a higher dimension.



The Planet that rules your 1st house will often reveal what color is best suited for you: Sun Red, Moon White, Mars, Dark Red, Mercury Green, Jupiter Yellow, Venus White, Saturn Black, Rahu Dark Blue, Ketu Grey.


Did You Know?

Vedic Astrology has a system that measures time in 5 ways, called Panchanga. The 5 parts are; Day, Tithi, Nakshastra, Karana, and Yoga. The 5 parts constantly change creating favorable and unfavorable time windows for different activities. Being aware of these time windows allows you to avoid unnecessary suffering and to override negative conditions in your birth chart.




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