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love marriage astrology

Love & Marriage Astrology

Marriage Astrology

Marriage Astrology

Marriage is a divine unison of soul mates and is a vital decision one makes in life. The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. Especially, in today’s digital world, finding your perfect match has become quite a challenging task. Vedic Astrology says that there are several factors influencing your marriage life and compatibility between the couple. The planetary positions in one’s birth chart decide the time of marriage and how life unfolds after marriage.

Marriage astrology answers several questions in your mind about marriage like:

Marriage Astrology
  • When will I get married?
  • Why there is a delay in getting married?
  • Do I have any dosha (affliction) which is delaying or denying marriage?
  • Will I get an understanding partner
  • How successful will my marriage life be?
  • What are my chances for a second marriage?

AstroVed have helped many find the love of their life with the help of Vedic astrology. Under, Marriage Astrology, we offer various services like horoscope matching between the bride and the groom (Kundali matching), astrology consultation to analyze birth chart to find Manglik or Sarpa doshas and love & romance compatibility.

Marriage Astrology Reports

Our astrologers do not just stop with the evaluation of your birth chart for relevant relationship information. They also suggest powerful Vedic remedies targeted to bring you relief from delays in marriage or a troubled married life. We help you forecast the chances of success of a married life, whether to move on or cling on to an existing relationship and guide you to make your married life a success.

Our panel of skilled astrologers devises horoscope matching and romance compatibility reports by analyzing the birth charts of the couple in detail.

Upon studying the horoscopes of a man and a woman for marriage, 36 key points are considered. For marriage talks to precede further the would-be couple must match 18 key points or more for a successful marriage.

Marriage Astrology

Key aspects considered are:

  • Compatibility
  • Thinking and behavioral pattern
  • Physical & intellectual compatibility
  • Romantic compatibility
  • Spiritual development
  • Compatibility of nervous energy
  • Longevity of the couple
  • Relationship ease

Read more to find how the planetary positions influence marriage

Our Services

Horoscope Matching

Horoscope Matching

Homa for Marital Life

Homa for Marital Life


Pooja for Marital Life

Yantra for Relationship

Yantra for Relationship

Romance Compatibility

Romance Compatibility

360 Degree Love Profile

360 Degree Love Profile

Marriage Astrology Related Vedic Services

Vedic Astrology

Marriage LIVE Astrology Consultation

Our trained astrologers carefully evaluate birth charts to identify reasons for marriage and relationship woes.

Our astrologers do not just stop with the evaluation of your birth chart for relevant relationship information. They also suggest powerful Vedic remedies targeted to bring you relief.

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Nadi Astrology

Marriage Nadi Astrology Package

Nadi Astrology can help you find answers to relationship issues that have been bugging you for so long.

Identify the correct, effective remedies to eradicate any difficult energies or challenging complexities of married life that keep you stuck and stagnant.

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Betel Leaf Reading

Betel Leaf Reading For Marriage

Betel leaf astrology taps into the cosmic time window surrounding you and your interaction with the betel leaves to reveal deeply insightful solutions to your Marriage and its related problems.

Get helpful answers to seemingly unanswerable questions.

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Marriage Astrology Remedies

We invite you to experience the power of amazingly effective Vedic remedies in the form of Homas (Fire Ceremonies, also sometimes called Fire Labs) and Poojas.

Doing targeted remedies after examination of your planetary influences can help you solve marriage related problems.

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Marriage Astrology Related Products

Illuminate your hidden love and resolve the dissolving loving relation with the lantern of divine products to cherish a fulfilling life.

Each product holds its own unique divine quality which can bring a positive change in building relationships.

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Influence of Planetary Positions in Marriage

In case of a male horoscope, the position and aspects of the Moon is considered very important and for a female horoscope, position of the Sun is chiefly considered to study the compatibility among the couple. The position of these two luminary bodies in one’s birth chart connotes a harmonious marriage life.

As the saying goes: “Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus”, these two planets and their positions in the natal chart contribute majorly to a blissful relationship. The benefic positions of Venus and Mars increase the chances of a successful and committed wedded life. These relationship planets can bring about a timely and joyful marriage in one’s life. However, if Venus and Mars are weak in a chart or receive troublesome influences from other planets, they can wreak havoc by triggering energies that destroy relationships or give ongoing marriage troubles.

Your birth chart can predict the timing of your marriage, how long will you be married and also whether you will be married or not. While certain planetary positions favor marriage, few placements also delay marriage.

A delay in marriage is attributed to the following factors:

  • For men, the 7th house, its lord and Venus’s placement are considered to forecast the time of marriage
  • For women, the 7th house, its lord and Mars’s placement are considered to predict the time for their wedding bells
  • For the longevity of the husband, the 8th house in women’s chart is to be considered

Therefore, by studying the planetary positions, planetary aspects and their influences in one’s horoscope, different, the nature, timing and events of your married life can be predicted.

Marriage astrology also answers several questions about marriage like: When will I get married? Will my partner be rich or not? How successful will my wedded life be? What are the chances of second marriage? And so on.